
Vol 2 Chapter 1324: I want no light in this world!

If it is said that the destiny is beheaded, God will not tolerate it.

So killing real life is intolerable.

It must be known that whoever is truly destined, whether it is fortune or fortune, is closely related to the life and death of all things in this world.

What is true life?

It is both cause and effect and destiny.

It is the cause and effect above the avenue, and it is also the fate of heaven and earth.

In other words, the birth of any real person is not accidental, but is caused by cause and effect, and it is even a fate arrangement.

What's more, what does it mean for Shangguan to be a real Tai Chi man? It means that he is likely to be the hegemon who dominates humanity in the ancient times, and humanity is known as the root of the avenue. Today, the reason Tao Tian, ​​Xian Dao, and Buddhism use Xiao Jin'er's life to disregard the ancient breeze and surrender the floating life. Vientiane worship is for humanity.

In this case, how can the highway easily allow Gu Qingfeng to kill Shangguan? Not only this road is not allowed, I am afraid that even this world is not allowed.

Gu Qingfeng is now in trouble with Dadao. He knows that if he kills Shangguan, he will definitely anger Dadao, but he just did it.

Is he crazy?

do not know.

Su Shi really didn't know. At this moment, she was paralyzed on the ground, her consciousness was already unclear, her consciousness was already blurred, her thinking was already confused, and she was just looking at it, looking at the ancient Qingfeng.

Now, she only has Gu Qingfeng in her eyes.

On the court.

When Shang Guanyu was kneeled in the air by Gu Qingfeng with a scream of excitement, he stepped out one step, trying to wipe out Shang Guanyu on the spot. Suddenly, a anger and angrily came from the air.

"Sinner! Will Taiji, the heavenly destiny, let you kill it, my heavenly judgment will surely destroy you!"

Rumble! ——

A loud noise came.

Such as the avenue flowing, such as rolling rivers, such as boiling clouds, contains vast horror, endless power, accompanied by rolling Tianwei strong pressure, the world shook, the void constantly blasted, and trembling, this scene is It was terrifying to crush everything in the world like the sky fell.

"It's nothing more than the destruction and judgment of the heavens, and how can I help me!"

Just when the trial of destruction of heaven was forced down, the man in white, the ancient breeze stood in the air, instead of dodging, he leaped forward, rushed straight up, raised his arms, spread his fingers, and palms up. Want to fight with the sky!



Powerful waves erupted, and the large void of the earthquake exploded, cracking the cracks and cracks in the tunnels.

Fortunately, this is a great void and nature. If it happens on the ground, it is impossible to imagine how terrible a disaster it will cause.

Even so, the powerful fluctuations will still explode the explosion of the array of tremors on the ground.

The distant practitioners, who have long been hiding, are also greatly affected, but at this moment no one cares or cares, all of them are staring at Dangkong, one by one, like statues. In general, I was there, staring at my eyes as if seeing a miracle.

Do not!

This scene is even more exaggerated, ridiculous, dazzling, and amazing!

In the void.

The forced destruction trial stopped falling, and was then blocked in midair.

Under the judgment of destruction, the man in white stood like a solitary peak, his hands raised so stiffly to support the falling sky!

This is a trial!

Moreover, it belongs to the trial of destruction of the heavenly sky, and it is like the endless sky falling, but now it is blocked by the ancient breeze.

Who has seen such a crazy scene?


there has never been!

King Zixiao, the three princes and the big palm reserve, the three mysterious giants did not.

Su Shi didn't!

The female ancestor Ye Tianlan did not.

There are no living buddhas!

What is indomitable!

This is called the sky!

"My God! You ca n’t help Lao Tzu in ancient times! You still ca n’t help La Tzu in this ancient time, and give you hundreds of millions of years, you ca n’t help Lao Tzu!”

The solitary and overbearing man in white supported his ruthless heavenly judgment with his hands, snarled loudly, and roared, "Get off to Lao Tzu!"


When his arms are strong, he even shakes the heavenly trial upwards!

"Sinner! Let's die!"

Suddenly, the world blooms brightly, and the endless light frantically envelopes Gu Qingfeng. This situation is like billions of stars smashing into Gu Qingfeng, but everyone knows that this is not a star, but a judgment, it is Xiandao. Purification Trial!

As long as there is light, the purification will not stop!

How terrible is the Fairy Purification Trial?

do not know.

All I know is that as long as it is shrouded in the purification judgment of Xiandao, no matter how powerful you are, it will be wiped out in no time!


The ancient breeze shrouded by the Purification Trial did not die, but the flesh was as if it had been cooked and steamed, and it was white gas.

Of course.

And that's it.

Gu Qingfeng was fearless. He swept past, staring at the bright day hanging in the air, and arrogantly screamed, "Xiao Xiao Jiu Tian Xian Dao also wants to purify Lao Tzu? I want the world to have light, and it will Dare to have light. If I want this world to fall into darkness, it will never dare to be bright and destroy Lao Tzu! "

Gu Qingfeng supported the heaven-like judgment with his left hand, raised his right hand, and when the finger was empty, Hitachi fell immediately, and the world fell into darkness for an instant. This was really darkness, and there was no light in darkness.


The thunder sounded, and the sound of the Buddha came from the super-judgment from the Buddhism. In the darkness, a great Buddha appeared looming and was chanting, and it was the super-sutra!

The sound of chanting is solemn, sacred and inviolable.

The sound of such a degree of overwhelming movement, surpassing the ancient breeze.

The ancient breeze supporting the sky with one hand, the physical body also became blurred.

"Want to overdo Laozi? You Xitian doesn't have this qualification yet!"

Gu Qingfeng's voice blew up ~ ~ like a chant, like a magic wand, as if from all directions, and as if from heaven and earth, one word at a time, one shock at a time, one sound at a time, and one world at a time One prestige, one quiet, one situation and one dead silence!

Every word blew up, and the sound of the vastness of transcendence weakened a bit, and a few words fell, and the looming Buddha disappeared and disappeared, and the sound of the vastness of transgression stopped completely.

As long as there is light, the purification trial of Xiandao does more than purify.

As for the over-judgment of Buddhism and Taoism, as long as thunder and thunder, there will be more than over-examination.

The ancient Qingfeng pointed at nothing, the light of the immortal path of the imperial path fell and disappeared, and the world pointed to was no longer bright.

With his prestige, the sacred day of the Buddha's Tao fell and disappeared, and there was no sound in the world of the earthquake.

this moment.

This world is not only plunged into endless darkness, but also into endless silence.

(End of this chapter)

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