
Vol 2 Chapter 1325: Lore!


The boundless darkness.


Endless silence.

Raised a finger, and shattered the purification trial of Xiandao.

With a mighty voice, the overwhelming trial of the Buddhist Taoism shattered.

With both hands up, the destruction of heaven can't move.

How many people can do it between heaven and earth?

Who would dare to believe it if it had not been seen in person?

Even at this moment, the world is still dreaming.

at least.

That's what Su Shi did.

She never thought that Gu Qingfeng's physical body was so powerful that she was so weird.


She is not happy because she knows that the ancient times have not been opened for more than a hundred years, the origins of the Three Thousand Avenues are being re-enacted, and because of the existence of space barriers, the trial of the Avenue is greatly reduced, and the trial of the Avenue Eyes only disappear temporarily, and do not mean disintegration.

It does not matter.

Importantly, world trials have yet to emerge.

In this world, the trial of the road is not terrible. What is terrible is the trial of the laws that belong to this world!


Is the Law Trialed?

Why didn't it come?

Just when Su Shi was in doubt, a terrifying sound broke the darkness and the silence here.

I saw the sky that was held up by Gu Qingfeng's hands suddenly turned, forming an endless vortex in an instant, not the other, but the trial of the laws from this world.

When the trial of the law appeared, the ancient Qingfeng was drawn into it.

Judgment by law seems endlessly changeable and has endless power.

This change is a change in space, and this force is also a force in space.

According to legend, no matter how powerful you are, you will not be defeated, nor will you break apart. If you cannot get out, you will not be able to escape. As long as you are drawn into it, you will be torn to pieces on the spot and turned into ashes.

What is a law, this is the law.

What is space, here is space.

Is that true?

This may be true for others.

But for Gu Qingfeng, there is never absolute between the world and the world, and there is no legend.

Among the whirlpools.

Sheng Xue's white clothes were flying, and Ru Mo's long hair was fluttering.

Gu Qingfeng still stood and stood, holding the sky with both hands.

Let this vortex be crazy, let this space change again, let this law be infinite, and let this trial be terrible, and it will never shake him.

He stood like that, supporting the sky like a **** of war!


Gu Qingfeng did not escape!

He will not escape!


There was a sudden smoke all over his body for some reason.

This smoke is neither blood-colored smoke shrouded by the blood moon, nor white smoke purified by Xiandao, nor gold smoke that is overdone by Buddha Tao, but black smoke.

what is this?

do not know.

No one knows.

All I know is that the black smoke is getting bigger and bigger, and it will be diffused in an instant, the next moment, as if the whole world is filled with this black smoke.

Su Shi inquired carefully and finally knew what the black smoke was.

It's murder.

It's a killer against the sky! .

It's killing!

It's the killing intention of the sky!


Su Yan's frightened face was trembling and she couldn't stop shaking. She couldn't imagine or imagine. How could Gu Qingfeng have such a terrible killing intention, such a terrible murderous power? What has he experienced and experienced in order to achieve such a monstrous and brutal murderous intention?

Everyone has a killer.

But killing intention is not something you can have.

This is taboo.

Especially for the immortal Buddha, it is a taboo in taboo, because to achieve killing intention, it is necessary to experience countless killings and beheading countless lives before it can be practiced. This is also the killing intention is listed as taboo in the wilderness the reason.

The most important point is that if you want to practice killing intention, you must first destroy your humanity. Only by destroying your own human nature can you be ruthless, and once you practice your intention, you have no human nature. It must be crazy.

By then, people are not people, immortals are immortals, Buddhas are not Buddhas, ghosts are not ghosts, and demons are not demons.

Su Shi in the previous life has seen many people who practice cultivating intentions. In the end, almost all were crazy.

The stumbling of the ancient breeze is crazy?

I don't know.

Su Shi really didn't know.

She didn't even know how Gu Qingfeng's killing machine could be so bad, how could the killing intentions be filled with sky!

Is this really just killing?

Do not!

It's not just simple killing.

Su Shi may not know it, but Daxing Leng Monk knows it.

Even though he is a living Buddha of Xitian wandering between heaven and earth.

Even though he didn't know how many years he had cultivated in the heavens, he didn't know how much power he had seen, and how many big scenes he had seen.

At this moment, looking at the black smoke in the sky, I still couldn't help taking a sip of air-conditioning, only to feel creepy, and the sky turned.


This is not just a killer against the sky!

It's not just the murderous sky!

And monstrous killing power!

There is also a killing force!

The Daxing epilepsy knew the identity of Gu Qingfeng. Not only did he know the identity of Gu Qingfeng, he also knew that Gu Qingfeng had already refined this anti-killer as well as the murderous intention of the sky. The monstrous murderous power and the mighty murderous power.

He knew and witnessed it.

The reason why he was shocked was not because of this murderous intention to kill the might, but because of the ancient breeze after the sacrifice.

The more powerful the killing power, the more powerful the will to kill, the more powerful the power to kill the might, the more crazy.

Because no one can manage it.

And Gu Qingfeng ’s murderous intentions and killing power are unparalleled. It is the best in history and no one can match it. Even the old devil in Jiuyou Hell are far behind. , I have never seen anyone who can kill more than the ancient breeze.

The Daxing epic also clearly remembers that in ancient times, the ancient Qingfeng sacrifice murderous intentions, and after the prestige and murderous powers ~ ~ it is impossible to control. Never end in darkness.

But now.

Is the ancient Qingfeng madman?


Su Shi couldn't see it, but the Daxing epilepsy saw it clearly, and there was absolutely no madness in Gu Qingfeng.

what does this mean?

It means that today's Gu Qingfeng can fully control his anti-heavenly killing power, sky-high killing intention, towering killing power, and towering killing power.

It means that today's Gu Qingfeng can fully control his anti-heavenly killing power, sky-high killing intention, towering killing power, and towering killing power. It means that today's Gu Qingfeng can fully control his anti-heavenly killing power, sky-high killing intention, towering killing power, and towering killing power. It means that today's Gu Qingfeng can fully control his anti-heavenly killing power, sky-high killing intention, towering killing power, and towering killing power. It means that today's Gu Qingfeng can fully control his anti-killer murder.

(End of this chapter)

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