
Vol 2 Chapter 1809: Weiyang Devil Ren Tianxing

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At this time.

A shadow gradually appeared in the purple moon. The shadow was like a hungry wolf, raising his head and sending out wolverines, and the magic power spreading from all directions seemed to sweep from all directions, and the look of thousands of people changed greatly. Panicked.

"The greedy wolf howls the purple moon, the demon deterred the sky, the emperor Ren Tianxing ..."

One of his scared old men seemed to realize something, and hissed and shouted, "It's the Demon Emperor, the Weiyang Demon Emperor Ren Tianxing! Everyone flee! Flee!"

I heard that the Weiyang Demon Emperor was in the name of Tianxing. He was panicked and panicked, and he dared not have any hesitation. Everyone on the field counted one, and all fled madly.

The heavens and the world, all beings, have changed their color since ancient times.

In the minds of many people, the existence of the devil has always been synonymous with brutality, violence, terror, and terrible.

This is indeed the case.

Although the number of demons is very small, I can't say that they are immortal Buddhas or even monsters.

But no one dares to underestimate the existence of demons.

Because the existence of demons is different from other creatures, other creatures, whether they are immortal Buddhas or monsters, are born weak and need to slowly cultivate to become stronger.

Of course.

The magic is different.

The devil is born with extremely terrifying power. The most important thing is that the devil does not have the moral concept of good and evil. To them, eating blood is like eating and drinking for ordinary people.

of course.

Although the existence of demons has terrible power inherently, it is not incapable of dealing with them. If it were just ordinary demons, thousands of people present would not have looked at them at all, but it was Naiyang Demon Ren Tianxing who appeared.

Anyone who has heard this name knows that Ren Tianxing is a great master of magic Taoism. In ancient times, he was also known as a representative of magic Taoism. His deeds are also talked about.

He had a prestige and deterred 100,000 immortals.

There was a magical power that wiped out one world.

Once a mighty sword, beheaded the ancient beast.

Zeng went alone for nine days and fought against nine immortals.

He once carried the trial of heaven, and cut the king!

Once he went to the capital with a single gun and washed the ghost town with blood.

Etc., etc.

There are too many legends left by Weiyang Demon Ren Tianxing, and it is even more prestigious in the wilderness.

Because of this, after hearing the name of Weiyang Demon Ren Tianxing, thousands of people did not hesitate and fled here desperately. After a short while, they had disappeared without a trace.

Huo De looked around, and suddenly his heart tightened, his neck narrowed, and he receded to Gu Qingfeng's side, holding his throat and asking, "Is the Weiyang Devil allowed to do it for me?"


Huo De also heard the name of Weiyang Demon Emperor, and he was extremely afraid of the existence of Weiyang Demon Emperor. After all, Weiyang Demon Emperor was a representative figure of Demon in ancient times. In other words, the existence of Demon is one of the best. Facing such a master in front of you, fortunately, there is an ancient breeze here, otherwise, Huode would not dare to stay here.

"Looking at this posture, it is likely that it should be."

Gu Qingfeng looked at the purple Youyue in the sky, and a lone wolf in the ruins of Youyue, and smiled unexpectedly: "I didn't expect to encounter this cricket after so many years, but I didn't think of it."

"Guzi, do you know Weiyang Demon Emperor?"

"I know it. I've met a few times and fought a few times."

"Fight? Also mean you are enemies?"

"No, I don't have any deep hatred against him. If I have to say that there is any hatred ... I just snatched something from him."


"Nine Youdi Seal."

Hear the words.

Huo Dejing almost didn't mention it in a breath, and said in amazement: "Your Nine You Emperor Seal was snatched from ... never by Yangyang Demon?"

"It ca n’t be taken from him. There were many masters who robbed Jiuyou Diyin at that time. I and Ren Tianxing were only one of them. In the end, it was only my luck that grabbed Jiuyoudi. India. ",

Thinking of the fight for Jiuyou Emperor's Seal, Gu Qingfeng couldn't help laughing, shook his head, and sighed, "I haven't seen you for so many years, and I don't know what happened to me."

When empty.

When the purple moon appeared, when the lone wolf howling moon gave out howling, the previous three-eyed, six-tailed purple green fox rushed past it desperately.


A man seemed to be coming out of the purple moon.

Is a man.

A man in black.

The man's body is upright, mighty, stern temperament, and cold expression. When he walks out of the purple moon, he has a towering magical energy, which makes this barren secret place tremble slightly.

This magic is really terrible.

Huode had been in the wild for nearly 10,000 years, and this was the first time he saw such a powerful magic. At this moment, even standing next to Gu Qingfeng, his heart could not help shaking.

When Ziqing Youhu saw the man, he jumped up and jumped into the man's arms. The man raised his hand and stroked it twice, as if calming the Ziqing Youfox, but then said nothing and turned to leave.

I just turned around, and immediately turned around again, looking at my dark and deep eyes.

Just a glance.

Huo De only felt uncomfortable, as if he was breathing in an invisible space, and even had difficulty breathing. At this moment, his mind began to tremble, and the strength in his body began to be chaotic. Blood was also scrambling around the meridians, even standing a bit. Stand still.

Gu Qingfeng patted Huo De's shoulder ~ ~ Huo De suddenly relieved, sitting on his back with a slump of sweat, his face was even more frightened.

"What's wrong?" Gu Qingfeng smiled and looked at Wei Tianren Emperor Ren Tianxing standing in the purple Youyue, and said, "I don't know Grandpa?"

Ren Tianxing didn't respond, but stared deeply at Gu Qingfeng, his eyes were quite complicated, as if he was shocked, he seemed to be skeptical, and even more surprised.

"Little guy, do you remember who is Grandpa?"

Gu Qingfeng looked at the demon wolf next to Ren Tianxing.

As we all know, the famous Weiyang Demon Emperor Ren Tianxing has always been followed by a demon wolf named Xiaoyue Wolf. It is said that Xiaoyue Wolf is fierce and powerful, and in ancient times, even those who have been practicing for many years Seniors, including celebrities who crossed the ladder, saw Xiaoyue Wolf's atmosphere and dare not pant.

At this moment, it was such a howling wolf that made the famous people on the road feel scared, staring at Gu Qingfeng, arching his head, digging his head, grinning his teeth, and his eyes were the same as Ren Tianxing, with shock and doubt, except that there was no surprise. And only panic.

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