
Vol 2 Chapter 1810: Impermanence

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"Oh, the little guy is still as fierce as he was then."

Say nothing.

Gu Qingfeng, who smiled, suddenly yelled, and the scared Xiaoyue Wolf slammed a spirit, his hair was erected, and he did not dare to grin at Gu Qingfeng any more, and immediately hid behind Ren Tianxing. I was as terrified as a mouse when I saw a cat.


Looking at this scene, Gu Qingfeng was happy, he couldn't help but laughed, hooked his fingers, and said, "Just a joke, why don't you be so scared, come here, come and ask the grandfather to look carefully, grandfather to You fun, rest assured, I won't cook you again this time. "

How can Xiao Yuelang dare to go, instead of daring to go, shake it, and melt it into Ren Tianxing's body, it looks very afraid of the ancient Qingfeng.

that's the truth.

Because when Gu Qingfeng and Weiyang Mo Emperor Ren Tianxing first played against him, he killed the Xiaoyue Wolf for a while and almost killed it. If that was the case, it would not be so Fear, one time later, he wanted to scare the Moonwolf, and then threw the Moonwolf into a wok, sacrificed a blaze, joked that he would cook the Moonwolf to eat wolf meat.

Since then, Xiao Yuelang has always seen the ancient Qingfeng with fear, for fear that the ancient Qingfeng cooked it.

When empty.

Ren Tianxing is still standing in the round of purple wicked evil moon, his eyes are staring at Gu Qingfeng from beginning to end, after a long time, when he flashed and disappeared, he appeared on the opposite side of Gu Qingfeng, when the purple The Evil Moon also gradually disappeared.

"You are still alive!"

Ren Tianxing's voice is just like his people, giving a very lonely and overbearing feeling, saying: "Maybe Ren should say that you really lived again."

"No way."

Gu Qingfeng shrugged, indifferently said: "Ye wants to die, but he can't die if he dies, he can only live."

"Make it alive, these words Renmou heard from your mouth more than once, after so many years, you look the same as you were then, and you are so casual."

"It's old, and now you can't be free and easy, you can't get up with it anymore, but your boy seems to have changed a lot. It's getting deeper and deeper."

"In ancient times, everything is changing. All beings on the avenue are, all things are on earth, any is, and you are the emperor."

"Come on, now that we've touched it, let's not just talk about it here and find a place to drink two."

"it is good."

"Don't promise to be so refreshing, state in advance that there is no wine here, did you bring any wine?"

"Why are you so alcoholic without wine?"

"Ye's wine has to be kept by myself, and it's not a good wine. It can't be on the table, and it can't get into the eyes of your Weiyang Demon Emperor."

"I haven't seen you for a long time, but your detrimental effort has not been diminished. It is nothing more than fine wine. Anyone asks you today, with a word you used to say before, you can be full and full."

"Hahaha! Okay!"

Gu Qingfeng did not leave, but instead found a mountain peak in this deserted secret place, wiped the weeds on the top of the mountain peak, sat on the floor, and drank with Ren Tianxing and Huo De.

Gu Qingfeng has never been a particular person. For him, it doesn't matter where he drinks and when he drinks, it is important who he drinks with.

He came all the way, the enemy's enemies are all over the sky, countless, as for friends, there are not a few, can be counted with one hand, and Weiyang Mo Emperor Ren Tianxing is one of them.

The two belong to the kind of friends who do not know each other, but also gentle friends, and are friends who admire each other and admire each other, and the affection between each other. Definitely a rare confidant in life.

"Come and come, take out the wine and tell the grandpa to taste."

Gu Qingfeng just sat down and couldn't help but said, "Let ’s declare in advance that you know that I do n’t have any special hobbies. I like to drink two sips of wine in my life, and they have to be first-class wines between heaven and earth. The wine magpie was taken out, and Grandpa couldn't get used to it. "

"Gu Xi should have heard a word."

"What is it?"

"Tianjia brews incense for nine days, and the underground wine is drunk."


"Since the old brother has heard it, I must know what this sentence means."

"The so-called Tianjia brewing incense nine days refers to ninety-sixty-six unique, and the underground beautiful wine drunk nine-nine refers to ninety-nine 72."

"Ren Mou still clearly remembers that Brother Gu said in the past that the so-called Jiuyou Seventy-two must be the only word in Hell's impermanence.

"Yes, Grandpa did say that before, not only before, but now Grandpa still thinks so."

Ancient Qingfeng wine.

It is no exaggeration to call it an addiction.

It is no exaggeration to say that the reason why he broke into Jiuyou back then was the legendary drunk Jiuyou Seventy-two. In those years, Jiuyou seventy-two must not be collected enough, But they all tasted almost the same.

to be frank.

The seventy-two drunks of drunk Jiuyou are as legendary, and they can all bear their own reputation.


To say that the ancient Qingfeng impressed me the most, lingering and forgetting to return, with a special liking, is the impermanence of hell.

To this day, he still remembers clearly how unrestrained the insipid drink of **** was, the feeling was beyond description, such as a broken heart, a dead life, and a heart-broken heart. carefree.

"What's wrong? What do you guys mean by saying these words?"

Gu Qingfeng's heart moved, and he seemed to realize something, and asked, "Should your kid hide a hell-impossible bar?"

Ren Tianxing sat quietly across the knees, and when he raised his hand, a wine jar appeared in his palm.

The jar is not large, one foot long, and the whole body is black. You can't see anything from the jar alone, but when Ren Tianxing put the jar in front of him and opened the lid with a slam, the billowing black smoke accompanied the weird When the scent of wine spread, ~ ~ Gu Qingfeng's expression immediately became excited, and he said, "Good guy! What a **** of impermanence!"

The words fell, he lifted the impermanence of hell, said nothing, and poured his head into his mouth.

Grumbling, drinking wildly.

About it.

The opposite Ren Tianxing didn't say anything, but his expression looked rather helpless.

Huo De staring next to his eyes, some dumbfounded, and some anxious.

Hell has the name of the impermanence of wine, and he has naturally heard of it. He, who is also addicted to alcohol, thought that today he could drink a legendary **** of impermanence by the light of the ancient breeze. He never thought that the altar had just opened. Huo De still invades Hell's impermanence. The strange fragrance of wine, Gu Qingfeng directly lifted the altar and poured it into his stomach. When Huo De's reaction came, Gu Qingfeng took a few sips, and he had put a whole altar of Hell's impermanence. After drinking it, there wasn't even a drop left.

That's true.

Even the last drop fell into Gu Qingfeng's belly.

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