But when Ye Chen heard the words, he waved his hand: "Don't worry everyone, we haven't finished talking about our conditions yet!"

Are there conditions?

The audience immediately widened their eyes.

Many people are dissatisfied.

Such a harsh price?There are still conditions?


But Ye Chen continued without caring: "As you all know, Huaxia is still developing the family of the Celestial Dynasty, and Huaxia's car companies are also low-end, and they can't compete with you."

"So, you must invest in building factories in Huaxia. Ensure that the production capacity in Huaxia reaches half of your total production capacity!"

This condition was not proposed by Ye Chen for himself.

But many plans after Ye Chen, involving the military industry and even the nuclear energy industry.

These special and industries are beyond the reach of ordinary companies.

Privileges and qualifications are required.

This requirement is the price for Ye Chen to obtain those privileges.

Ye Chen's words made the scene fall into silence.

To be honest, it's the same wherever you invest.

Moreover, Huaxia's labor is cheaper and the industrial chain is more complete, which can greatly save costs and increase profits.

Building a factory here is not a bad thing for them, but a good thing.

After all, they agreed to the harsh requirement of [-]% value-added charges.

Faced with this request at this moment, they did not resist too much.

And what Ye Chen asked for was only [-]% of the production capacity, not all!

"We promise!"

Boss Dazhong has been worn out in the past few days, and he no longer has the arrogance he had before, he said in a deep voice.

The other bosses looked at each other and nodded.

"Our fruit promised!"

"We Hyundai agreed!"

Only Masco, the president of Terras, hesitated, but finally nodded.

He had made a fortune in Tianhai City before, which worsened a lot of relations in China.

The re-investment to build a factory this time will definitely not be very good.

Thinking of this, he was full of regrets!

I shouldn't have listened to the commander in the first place. I was busy for several months, and finally came back.

It is simply a loss!


"Mr. Ye, can we talk about supply now?"

Cook was anxious and spoke again.

However, in the sight of everyone, Ye Chen still shook his head.

This caused great anger to accumulate in the hearts of all the bosses at the scene.

One condition after another, they all agreed.

Ye Chen didn't even agree?

This is simply too much!

Do you really think they're muddy?

However, Ye Chen didn't put forward conditions this time, but said leisurely: "It's not that I don't want to cooperate with you..."

"Just do you guys remember?"

"Our magic technology is still on the Star Flag Country's entity list, and is prohibited from trading with companies in the Star Flag Country..."

"And I heard that the Star Flag country has long-arm jurisdiction. As long as the company that trades with the Star Flag state can't cooperate with us, it will also be listed on the entity list!"

"So, our Magic Technology can't cooperate with Terras, Fruit Company, General Company, which violates your laws!"

"And Dazhong, Nissan, Fengtian, Hyundai and other companies, if you cooperate with me, you will also be punished! I can't bear it!"

"Hey... what a pity! I also just remembered suddenly!"

Ye Chen's acting skills are perfunctory as always.

However, Ye Chen's words changed the expressions of Cook, Musk and others.


Ye Chen was still on the entity list, and they couldn't cooperate at all.

When President Dazhong and others heard the words, they shook their heads indifferently.

"We are not a star-flag company, we are not subject to the entity list, we can cooperate!"

President Dazhong is not talking nonsense.

The reason why many Chinese companies have stopped cooperating with companies from other countries after they were listed on the entity list.

Mainly because these companies see profits and jointly block it.

And now, compliance is a loss.

Disobeying is beneficial.

It is obvious at a glance how they should choose.

As for the cooperation with Magic Technology, the Star Flag has also been put on the sanctions list?

This is impossible.

These big car companies also have their own countries behind them.

It is impossible for the Star Flag Nation to offend so many allies at once.

Therefore, the bosses of major car companies such as Hyundai, Nissan, and Fengtian all spoke without hesitation.

Said that they are not a star flag state company, do not need to comply with the ban on the entity list, and can cooperate normally.

All consequences are their own responsibility.

Hearing this, Ye Chen nodded with satisfaction.

"That's good, then you can contact the marketing department, sign a contract and place an order!"

".~ Our production capacity is very sufficient, and it is guaranteed to be able to deliver within a week after placing an order."

"I hope to have a pleasant cooperation with you in the future!"

Ye Chen's words made all the bosses breathe a sigh of relief.

Finally reached a cooperation.

It's too hard!

As for happy cooperation?

Can you be happy if you are being exploited?

After a few perfunctory words to each other, the bosses left one after another.

Only Cook, Musko and others were left, and their faces were extremely ugly!

Other companies can place orders.

However they?

But also because of the entity list can not cooperate!

Now they want to cry without tears.

My own entity list, is it sanctioning magic technology or sanctioning my own people?


Ye Chen stood up, spread his hands helplessly to Cook and others, and shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do anything about it, but the clearer will clear himself. Over the past few years, the world has seen that our magic technology has not violated user privacy and image national security. Maybe it will be lifted?!"

"Then we can work together!"

Ye Chen's words made Cook and others twitch again.

How many years have passed?

They will go out of business in a few months, how many years will it be?

Where can they wait.

"Mr. Ye, we will meet again tomorrow. We promise to solve this problem! Magic Technology is by no means a company that does not respect consumers' privacy. This must be a misunderstanding!"

Cook, Musk, CEO of GM, CEO of Ford, CEO of Chrysler, looked at each other and said to Ye Chen seriously.

They cannot give up.

Otherwise, their whole life's hard work will really be over.

Ye Chen heard the words, smiled and nodded: "Alright! Then I'll find time tomorrow to see you all again..."

After Ye Chen left.

The people present looked at each other.

"The Grand Commander must remove Magic Technology from the Entity List!"

"That's right, otherwise the auto industry of our star flag country will be completely destroyed by the commander. If so many people lose their jobs, he will be scolded to death!"

"I'll contact the commander in a while!"

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