Several people quickly began to act.

In the black palace, the chief commander got the news, and his face was ugly to the extreme.

The failure of the new energy industry plan made him suffer a huge backlash.

Too many benefits have been handed over recently and a lot of trouble has been dealt with.

And now, he actually wants to remove the culprit of magic technology from the entity list?

This is a shame!

He doesn't want to!

But he knew he had to do it.

Otherwise, the automobile industry of the Star Flag will be completely destroyed.

And the anger of tens of millions of unemployed people will definitely be vented on themselves.

He had to bow his head!

He gritted his teeth with a cold face and said, "Go and notify Cook and let Magic Technology send an application...!"

After saying this, he didn't look at anyone, his face was gloomy.

This is so shameful!

a young man!

A young man in his twenties, relying on technology, forced himself to bow his head.

Unprecedented, unbearable!

Ye Chen, in the future, he will definitely pay the price for today's arrogance!


Many car dealers in Xingqi Country are very anxious. They have already learned that Dazhong and other car companies have placed orders, and the anti-gravity components will be shipped soon.

They can't be pulled too far!

When they got the news from the Star Flag Country, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Cook hurriedly called Marven Ye's secretary to inform him of the matter.

"Secretary Lan, as long as your company drafts an application statement casually, saying that it has not stolen the data of our nationals of the Star Flag, the Black Palace will agree to the contact ban!"

"We can start working together tomorrow!"

However, Lan Feifei's cold and formulaic answer came over the phone very quickly: "Sorry, it is the freedom of the Star Flag Country to add our company to the entity list!"

"Whether the Star Flag nation removes our company from the entity list is also the freedom of the Star Flag nation!"

"We have no right to interfere, but we will not make any applications either."


next moment.

The phone is hung up.

Several people looked astonished.

"What does this woman mean?"

Mascot was stunned.

And Cook looked bitter.

"What she means is that since our Star Flag Country has not applied for them, we have included magic technology in the entity list."

"Then I have to withdraw now, and I have to do it myself!"

"They won't make any applications!"

"This is unwilling to stay at all steps, forcing us to slap our faces and admit our mistakes!"

"If this is done, then the entity list of the star flag country will no longer have any deterrent effect in the future!".

Chapter 85

"Mr. Ye is good!"

Ye Chen wore a scientific research coat and walked into the consciousness laboratory.

Seeing Ye Chen's researchers, they greeted each other warmly.

It's not just because Marven Ye is their boss.

Moreover, because of the incredible technologies developed by Ye Chen, they sincerely admired and respected them.

As a researcher within the company.

They all know that the anti-gravity technology that has shocked the world today is completely the concept and research direction proposed by Mr. Ye, and the key breakthrough points are also completed by Mr. Ye.

The entire scientific research team just provided assistance to Mr. Ye and improved various details.

This shows how talented Mr. Ye is in the field of scientific research.

"Mr. Ye, I'm sorry. In the past few days, we have not made any breakthroughs in the research of electronic signal transformation consciousness!"

When Ye Chen reached the core of the laboratory.

Cheng Mengyao and a group of professors from the R&D team of Consciousness Ring felt a little guilty.

In terms of difficulty, anti-gravity technology is far more difficult than what they have studied.

After all, magic technology already has the technology of converting consciousness into electronic signals as a basis.

However, it is clear that two scientific research teams were established at the same time.

But now two months later, the anti-gravity technology has been successfully commercialized.

And they still haven't made any breakthroughs.

It makes them feel guilty.


But it is really difficult.

Anyone who has studied chemistry knows that many chemical changes are irreversible.

It's like silicon can be extracted from the sand!

But silicon can no longer revert to sand.

Looking at Cheng Mengyao with short hair, a delicate and mature face, wearing a loose scientific research coat, but still unable to hide her perfect figure, Ye Chen smiled and shook his head.

"Don't blame yourself... For many large companies in the West, the research and development of a technology is based on years. It is normal for three years, five years, or even ten years to not produce results!"

Ye Chen waved his hand, signaling everyone not to blame themselves.

However, Cheng Mengyao and others did not think so.

After all, with Ye Chenzhuyu in front, their speed is simply too slow!

Ye Chen looked at the apologetic people, and said helplessly: "Your scientific research strength is all right!"

"But you are too impatient!"

"The human brain is a very complex organization, containing more than 1000 billion neurons, forming about 100 trillion neuron connections. It controls human thoughts and actions..."

"In such a complex place, it is naturally difficult for machines to communicate directly with the brain."

"So we're going to take it apart for research!"

"For example, human beings see the world through their eyes, and the pictures scanned by the eyes actually have to respond through countless neurons and send out corresponding information, so that the picture can be presented in your brain!"

"And we can start with the eyes and study how to make the human brain appear pictures!"

Ye Chen's words opened everyone's minds.

Indeed, it is difficult to do all the research at once.

  But separate research, the difficulty will be greatly reduced.

Everyone looked at Ye Chen in admiration.

In Cheng Mengyao's Danfeng eyes, there is even more admiration.

Ye Chen didn't say anything more.

In the previous negotiations, various manufacturers were told to study new technologies, but they were not deceived.

Ye Chen attaches great importance to the technology of machines communicating with human brains.

This is the most important technology for the web of consciousness personal devices.

And now, Ye Chen will start to lead the team and start researching from conquering visual transmission.


In the inheritance of the great magister that Ye Chen got.

Has solid knowledge about the human brain.

In the other world, there are many crazy alchemists who study all kinds of magic.

It is precisely these alchemists who use death row prisoners to study the human brain, and finally have the magic of sharing images directly with each other's brains.

After all, although there is no science in another world, it does not know anything about nerve cells.

But they have magic and can use all means to study their brains while keeping death row prisoners alive.

It is through this method that the other world has researched many magics related to the human body.

Such as healing, holy light and even life extension...


Therefore, Ye Chen, who has magical knowledge as the background, combined this knowledge with modern technology and began to explain.

"The image the human eye sees is actually upside down!"

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