"These images travel along retinal nerve tracts, and by the time they end up in the brain, they've been flipped!"

"The reason why the retinal nerve tracts can transmit images is because their countless cells split the information, and finally the lateral geniculate body reassembles the information and displays it to the brain!"

"And what we're trying to do is connect directly with the lateral geniculate body and let it provide images and even influences to the brain!"

"So, we should try to do electronic signals..."

Ye Chen spoke slowly.

And a large part of the theory and practical methods that were said made the eyes of the people present involuntarily widen and they were dumbfounded.

Can it still be like this?

Although Ye Chen only pointed out a general experimental direction.

But in an instant, they felt stunned.

The previous experiments have not progressed, isn't it because there is no experimental direction?

Now that there are specific experimental directions, it is a huge improvement!

"Mr. Ye, I sometimes wonder if my brain is missing some key cells compared to yours!"

"Maybe it has something to do with the brain and development!"

"If our technology to transmit effects directly to the brain is successful, it will have a global impact no less than anti-gravity technology!"

Cheng Mengyao's eyes lit up.

She thought of her sister's daughter, a girl who was born with eye problems.

Such a lovely little girl, but blind.

In particular, this niece accidentally tripped and her knee was broken and bleeding, but in turn, she comforted her mother not to cry, and the act of not hurting herself really made people feel bad for this girl.

I feel sorry for God's cruelty to her.

If this technology for transmitting images in the brain is developed successfully.

Doesn't that mean that his niece can see the world through the camera?

Thinking of this, Cheng Mengyao couldn't help but said in surprise: "Mr. Ye, can our technology be used to replace human eyes?"

She looked forward to Ye Chen's handsome face.

And Ye Chen smiled when he heard the words: "Of course! When hearing, touch, taste, smell, etc. are developed in the future, there are more places that machines can replace!"

But speaking of this, Ye Chen suddenly frowned.

It seems that this technology can be applied in too many places.

Most importantly, will it cause some bad phenomena?

In many sci-fi movies, the mechanical transformation of people, such as eyes transformed into mechanical cameras, can see farther, and even have infrared cameras, aiming and other capabilities.

And the ears are transformed into high-power radio equipment, which can hear movements up to [-] meters away...

Thinking of this, Ye Chen frowned.

Kind of like the cyborgs that often appear in the cyberpunk world.

In a world like cyberpunk, it’s okay to play games.

But really living in that era is definitely not a good thing.

Sure enough, he still has to protect the core technology.

There is nothing wrong with technology, but if it is used by people with intentions to do evil, to build a robot army, etc., it is a bit unacceptable.

"Sure enough, all technologies must not be spread. Otherwise, with the power of the technology I developed, if it spreads, it is estimated that this world will be destroyed by human greed before I become a god!"


After Ye Chen arrived.

The atmosphere of the entire research team was completely renewed.

Moreover, the new technology proposed by his own boss has a wide range of application prospects.

It can even help many people with physical disabilities.

Everyone found the scientific research reverse, and the speed is very fast!

And Ye Chen got off work on time, took off his white coat and left the laboratory.

Lan Feifei has been waiting outside the door for a long time.

After hearing what Lan Feifei reported about the entity list, Ye Chen's mouth twitched.

"You still want us to apply?"

"Since you have to hang up our magic technology, then naturally you have to slap your own face and take the initiative to put us down!"

"Don't worry about them, anyway, it's not us!"

With a relaxed smile on the corner of Ye Chen's mouth, he walked towards the President's elevator.

And Lan Feifei hurriedly moved her long legs to keep up.


"What? Not applying?"

"Let's take magic tech off the list ourselves?"

"This... is too crazy!"

When the commander heard Cook's report, he was angry.

It's a shame to allow magic technology to be removed from the list.

And what Ye Chen is asking now is to slap himself in the face!

Don't you want to be embarrassed?

Moreover, if it is really taken down, what threat does the Entity List have?

At this moment, the commander felt that Ye Chen's figure appeared in his mind.

And Ye Chenzheng was smug, jumping around in his mind.

"I went up, I came down again? What can you do to me?"

This picture made the commander even more furious.

"Too deceiving! I'm going to send an army to destroy him..."

The great commander roared.

However, the staff shook his head: "Commander, you understand that China is not those small countries, and they are on the other side of the earth, too far away from us!"

"Although we are number one in the world, they are not weak either!"

"Our think tank has simulated countless times. Although we will win, it will definitely be a tragic victory at a huge cost!"

"This will make us lose our status as the No. [-] power!"

"It's not in our interest that Congress can't pass it!"

"Moreover, car companies in other countries have already reached cooperation with Magic Technology. If we do not cooperate, we will completely lose the auto industry!"

"So Commander, please think twice..."

The words of the staff made the commander calm down.

His face was hideous, and he finally made up his mind!

"Wait [-] o'clock, remove the magic technology from the list, but don't make any announcements, and don't have any news, just pretend this has never happened!"

"If the outside world brings it up, don't answer any similar questions!"

The chief commander spoke up.

This is the best choice right now!


The next morning.

Ye Chen was eating the Inner Mongolian special breakfast sent by the chef in the office: meat pie and noodle soup, and was quite satisfied with the taste.

Magic Technology has its own cafeteria, which occupies an entire floor.

Among them, outstanding chefs from all over the country and major cuisines are invited to meet the needs of employees.

As a boss, Ye Chen naturally has privileges.

Every meal is delivered by top chefs, and Ye Chen can taste the flavors from all over the country in the office every day.

This makes me a little lazy to go out to eat recently.

"Mr. Ye, have you read the news?"

Lan Feifei knocked on the door excitedly and entered the office.

Ye Chen was stunned when he heard the words, glanced at Lan Feifei's mobile phone screen, and smiled immediately.

It turned out that Star Flag Nation silently removed Magic Technology from the entity list last night.

But albeit deliberately low-key.

But how powerful magic technology is today.

So just after it was taken down, it was discovered by many media.

Now the news has fermented around the world, causing heated discussions.

"Although I already guessed that Magic Technology would not stay on the sanctions list for too long, is it too casual?"

"Haha, Dami was also removed from the sanctions list before, but it was the result of Dimi's application for many times. As for Magic Technology, I didn't apply for it once. What this means, everyone knows what it means!"

"The world's most powerful country has to bow its head because of the technology of magic technology, forcing the commander to slap himself in the face and take the initiative to withdraw magic technology. There is absolutely no company in the world that is more powerful than magic technology!"

"The list of entities has become a joke, isn't it! Magic technology has gone up and down, but it's only been three months, and it has no effect!"

The world is talking about it.

After all, this is the first time that a sanctioned company has been removed without any application.

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