It's just that Magic Technology now has a monopoly of anti-gravity technology in new energy vehicles.

Think of the new energy industry alliance that was established within two months and disbanded.

Everyone understands.

It must be the country of the star flag, take the initiative to bow its head!

Thinking of this, countless people marveled at Ye Chen's strength.

That young man, it is terrifying to be able to overwhelm such an arrogant and arrogant figure as the Great Commander!

At the same time, they also know.

Ye Chen, who is extremely talented, will no longer be able to suppress his light.

With the various technologies that Magic Technology has mastered today, it will surely grow into an unprecedented technology giant in history.


"Okay, then I wish us a happy cooperation in the future!"

With a smile, Ye Chen signed a contract with Cook and others.

Cook and the others all smiled wryly.

Originally, they were giants in their respective fields, but now they have to be reduced to working for others.

This is really frustrating.

Thinking that it has been less than a year since Magic Technology was founded.

But the peripherals, systems, chips, mobile computers, and even the automotive field have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Such an opponent is really scary.

Fortunately, however, Cook did not only get permission to purchase the antigravity core.

It even got permission to purchase Mithril chips, but the conditions are equally harsh, all purchase fees plus value-added fees.

But at least the fruit phone, whose monthly sales dropped to triple digits, can survive.

However, it is no longer possible to monopolize the market and make money lying down as before.

Essentially working for magic technology!

Most of the profits are taken away by magic technology.

But what can be done?


This is the end.

All cooperation matters with foreign companies have finally been dealt with.

Magic Technology has many wage earners around the world.

They will use their hard-built brands to create benefits for themselves.

Next, Ye Chen was discussing cooperation with some relevant departments.

The floating island now solves the problem of anti-gravity technology.

But there are also many problems to face.

And many of them are beyond the reach of ordinary companies.

So in the next few days, Ye Chen saw a lot of people.


The High-speed Railway Bureau suddenly announced on its official website that it has reached a cooperation with Magic Technology.

The anti-gravity suspension high-speed rail will be built faster and save construction costs and energy costs!

Anti-gravity suspension high-speed rail does not need to lay rails, only need to specify routes and set stops, and it is faster and more stable!

It even announced the plans for the first batch of anti-gravity suspension high-speed rail lines directly on the official website.

The locations of these anti-gravity suspended high-speed trains are all small cities without high-speed trains, so it is obvious that a small-scale experiment is required first.

There will be no problems to promote it on a large scale.

But this news still attracted the attention of countless people.

"Fuck... I'm surprised, our small eighth-tier county town is on the list of the first batch, and it will be built by the end of this year. It's really cool, and we don't have to take a bus to go back to our hometown during the holidays!"

"Stable speed of [-] kilometers per hour? This is faster than the high-speed rail, and I heard that it is more stable and safer, and there is no risk of derailment!"

"It's sour. Our ordinary high-speed trains are no longer fragrant. Why are they all small county towns?"

"Stupid upstairs, your high-speed rail is not profitable yet, so it must not be demolished, so in the future, it must be those cities that have not yet connected to the high-speed rail, and the anti-gravity high-speed rail will be given priority!"

"Looking forward! I heard that heavy truck companies such as Dongfeng and Jiefang are also cooperating with Magic Technology, and will customize a batch of larger-sized anti-gravity components for use in large trucks!"

"Magic technology is really changing the world with technology! And it's making the world a better place!"

And indeed as the outside world said.

Magic Technology and the High-speed Railway Bureau have cooperated.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg of Magic Technology's foreign cooperation...

Now in Ye Chen's office, Ye Chen is talking to an old man! .

Chapter 86

"The power of the collective is very powerful, but genius can change the world!"

"When we were first established, there were internal and external problems, and Mr. Qian and other scientists came back, laying a strong foundation for us!"

"And now, we have developed, but the challenges we face are still severe!"

"I worry every day, I want to break my scalp, and I don't know how to solve the problem of the semiconductor industry being stuck!"

"However, you solved..."

"You built a self-developed system, a mithril chip, and now an anti-gravity new energy vehicle."

"You make me feel that you are the ZTE of this generation!"

"It is our hope to return to the top of the world!"

The old man looked at Ye Chen and spoke slowly.

And what he said, if the outside world knew it, would definitely shock the world.

And Ye Chen didn't expect the other party to value him so much, so he smiled slightly.


The old man shook his head: "You said you were going to buy an island? What are you going to do?"

Ye Chen didn't hide: "I want to build a floating city, a city in the sky!"

"Castle in the Sky?"

The vicissitudes of the old man's eyes suddenly widened.

He looked at Ye Chen and laughed.

"Young man, you really have the momentum! Good! If you really succeed, I will definitely go and see... the city standing in the sky, overlooking the whole world!"

The old man is very happy.

After laughing for a long time, he continued: "Then, why do you need a military license and a nuclear research license?"

Ye Chen explained slowly:

"If you want an island to be lifted into the sky with anti-gravity technology, the daily energy required is comparable to the power consumption of a large city with a size of five million people, and it needs to be stable."

"So I need to be more stable and at the same time have a large enough energy supply!"

"In terms of today's technology, only nuclear energy is the only solution!"

The old man was silent.

He looked at Ye Chen with staring eyes, and then said seriously: "Originally, these licenses cannot be given to ordinary companies, otherwise, once they are abused, the world will be in chaos!"

"But geniuses always get preferential treatment!"

"But are you sure? If you have military attributes, your company will be vigilant and may be suppressed all over the world!"

Ye Chen heard the words and smiled: "Most of the real high-tech is used in military industry."

"If a high-tech company, its products are not suitable for use in military industry, it means that it is not a real high-tech."

"For example, Boeing, Airbus, these companies actually have military attributes!"

"They can, why can't I?"

"As for suppression? In the face of absolute technological strength, suppression is meaningless!"

Ye Chen is very confident.

And the appearance of self-confidence, in the eyes of the old man, makes the old man happier and laughs.

"Okay, okay...our young people should have a passion like you!"

"What you want, it will be given to you soon!"

"I will also give you some latest internal information about nuclear energy, which is a help to you!"

For this, Ye Chen is naturally grateful.

The old man got up and walked leisurely towards the outside of the conference room.

Standing at the door, he looked back at Ye Chen and said with a smile: "The world is ours, and the world is yours, but in the end it is still yours!"

"You are like the sun at eight or nine o'clock, full of vigor and anticipation!"

"I'm looking forward to seeing what the future you can create looks like!"


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