
All the special permissions that Ye Chen needed were obtained.

Also got a lot of encryption-level technical information.

The unexploited island information in the whole country also appeared in Ye Chen's hands, and Ye Chen chose it.

for free!

It's a thank you to Ye Chen!

And soon, Ye Chen sent a research team to conduct field research on various islands to choose the most suitable island for building a city in the sky!


"I can really see..."

"Mr. Ye, you stretched out three fingers, didn't you?"

in the laboratory.

Cheng Mengyao's delicate Danfeng eyes were closed and covered with a black cloth.

This is certainly not playing some strange game.

Instead, experiment with results!

Visual simulation technology has made great progress.

Labs have figured out how cells in retinal nerve tracts transmit information, creating experiments.

And an experiment was done on a blindfolded dog.

And the experiment was a success.

The blindfolded dog, wearing a headband with a camera and dense components, should obviously see nothing.

But when the owner beckoned as usual, the dog ran over immediately.

Even when the master gestured to sit down, he did so immediately.

During all this process, the master did not make any sound.

Suffice it to say, the dog sees its owner's movements through the camera and the stream of information transmitted through the simulation.

However, dogs are dogs after all, and they cannot give feedback on the details of specific experimental effects.

and so……

Cheng Mengyao volunteered to conduct experiments.

She was so looking forward to the success of this technology!

At this moment, Cheng Mengyao was wearing a rubber ring like a headband on her forehead.

There is a high-definition camera on the rubber ring, and there are dense components inside.

And Ye Chen made some movements in front of Cheng Mengyao to test whether Cheng Mengyao could see through the camera!

"Mr. Ye, you took one of your fingers back, and now you are comparing yourself to me!"

"Mr. Ye, you suddenly turned your back on me!"

"Mr. Ye, you're playing with your phone!"

Cheng Mengyao, who was blindfolded, clearly stated all Ye Chen's actions.

This made everyone in the room cheer!

They really succeeded!

The corners of Ye Chen's mouth twitched, and he looked closely at Cheng Mengyao's covered face.

As a result, Cheng Mengyao blushed instantly.

The distance between the two is too close, through the camera, you can clearly see Ye Chen's flawless handsome face.

The distance between the two is only two or three centimeters, which is too close!

But Cheng Mengyao did not retreat.

"What's the difference between how you feel and how you see the world with your eyes?"

Ye Chen noticed Cheng Mengyao's flushed cheeks and asked back slightly.

Cheng Mengyao heard the words and immediately replied: "First of all, the picture is not coherent. The picture displayed in my mind will often freeze or even lose the picture!"

"At the same time the latency is very high."

"For example, I heard Mr. Ye's voice first, and after a second interval, the movement of Mr. Ye's mouth when you spoke..."

"And sometimes the picture in my head suddenly turns upside down, which makes me feel uncomfortable!"

"The definition is very high, but the delay is too high, which makes me feel dizzy when playing 3D games!"

Cheng Mengyao shook her head gently, slowly took off the rubber ring, and elegantly untied the black cloth that bound her eyes!

Seeing the world with her eyes again made her uncomfortable for a while.

Ye Chen smiled and nodded: "Sure enough, there is still a problem with the technology!"

"The screen is delayed and stuck. This must be a problem in the process of transmitting information from retinal nerve tract cells!"

"And the reason why it is suddenly reversed is that the lateral geniculate organ is processing the picture information, and there is confusion!"

"The product still needs to be improved, at least to reduce the delay to milliseconds, reaching the speed of the eyes!"

Ye Chen quickly found the problem.

When everyone heard this, they were not disappointed, but even more excited.

It is normal to have problems with technology, and technology has always been polished countless times.

A success is rare.

But the results now are enough to prove that they are very close to success!

"Mr. Ye, thank you for developing this technology!"

Cheng Mengyao's beautiful and charming Danfeng blinked, looked at Ye Chen sincerely, and thanked Ye Chen.

Cheng Mengyao took the initiative to experiment and covered her eyes.

She found that it was terrifying if one had no vision.

The endless darkness makes the originally safe laboratory seem to be full of danger.

As an adult, I feel terrified when I lose my eyes temporarily.

What about your niece?

Such a small child can only be immersed in the darkness all day long. How terrified is she in her heart?

But even so, the little niece will take the initiative to comfort her family and let them not be sad.

It breaks her heart to think that her niece once asked herself what the blue of the sky is.

And now...

Wait for your own technology to succeed.

She can let her niece see the world with her own eyes!

Thinking of this, she was full of gratitude to Ye Chen!

Ye Chen, but the one who is about to light up her niece's dark life!

"Thanks for what?"

Ye Chen smiled lightly, and it was a little strange to thank Cheng Mengyao.

Cheng Mengyao was a little embarrassed, she was not used to asking for help.

However, facing Ye Chen, for her niece, she chose to ask: "Mr. Ye... When the technology is mature, can I use my niece to build a pair of head-mounted visual simulation equipment for children?"

"My niece was diagnosed with..."

Hearing Cheng Mengyao's words, Ye Chen nodded.

Ye Chen would naturally not refuse if his own technology could be used to help others.

Moreover, when Ye Chen listened to the song "You Are My Eyes", he was very sympathetic to the blind.

Before Ye Chen became a magician, he always liked to stay up late playing mobile phone and computer games, and his eyes were often tired and dry.

Sometimes I worry about what to do if I suddenly become blind.

Our own new technology can help countless blind people get out of the darkness and see this beautiful world, which is also a good thing!


Lan Feifei is in a good mood today.

The Biaty dealer that I ordered has already arrived.

The 4s shop informed me that I could pick up the car.

Lan Feifei wore a mask and went to the Lixing 4s store with her parents to pick up the car.

In fact, as Lan Feifei, as Ye Chen's secretary, he can buy a car directly from the manufacturer's channel with a phone call.

But Lan Feifei knew that just because she was Ye Chen's secretary, she couldn't use tiger skin as a coat.

Lan Feifei is very conscious.

So book a car like an ordinary consumer

However, when I arrived at the 4s store, I heard that the employees of the 4s store asked to pay an additional [-] yuan for the car pickup fee.

Lan Feifei frowned beautifully: "I have already booked the car, and the car has already arrived! Why do you need to pay extra to pick up the car?"

The 4s clerk shrugged indifferently when he heard Lan Feifei's words: "Beauty, you also know how popular anti-gravity new energy vehicles are now, the orders have been placed in three months, and some local tyrants want to increase the price with banknotes. To pick up a car, you can find a price increase of [-] to [-] yuan. You only need to add an extra [-] yuan, which is already very valuable!"

"If you don't want it, we'll refund the deposit to you!"

The beautiful eyes on Lan Feifei's mask were full of chills.

She has money.

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