Two thousand is nothing to her.

But she hates being ripped off like this!

But she was too lazy to talk nonsense with the 4s clerk and chose to increase the price.

After all, she has to go back to work in the afternoon.

The state supports new energy anti-gravity, so at 4s, there are staff from the vehicle management bureau, directly registering to get the license, saving a lot of time.

Lan Feifei went through the formalities quickly, and brought her parents back with a new car.

Enjoying the smooth and comfortable driving feeling of the anti-gravity car, Lan Feifei's mood gradually improved.

However, when she was about to get home, Lan Feifei found that the steering wheel in her hand always made an abnormal noise when it moved in the direction!

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

And the sensitivity is insufficient, and the resistance is not uniform.

This made Lan Feifei frown.

Soon, Lan Feifei drove the car back to the Lexing 4s store again, explaining the problem!

When the staff heard that there was a problem with the steering wheel, they frowned: "Is there a problem with the steering wheel too?"

No need to check, the staff knows what's going on.

They have found out that the steering wheel of this batch of BYAT cars has a one-in-a-thousand chance of having a problem and needs to be repaired and some parts replaced!

So the staff said to Lan Feifei who was not in a good mood: "It's not a big problem, we will repair the steering wheel control system for you, replace the parts, and you can pick up the car tomorrow!"

Hear the replies from the staff that are not serious.

Lan Feifei was not in a good mood, and became even more unhappy.

First day of repairs on a new car?

Who can accept this.

"This is a new car I just bought. How can it be repaired after driving for half an hour? This is your quality problem. You should replace the car for me!"

Lan Feifei suppressed her anger and did not lose her temper, but made her own request.

However, when the staff heard the words, the corners of their mouths grinned, and their attitude was particularly tough: "Impossible! Cars that have already been sold are not due to major quality problems, so it is impossible to change the car!"

The eyes exposed on Lan Feifei's mask suddenly turned cold.

She was too lazy to argue with the small employees: "Call your supervisor!"

The staff pursed their lips and turned around to call the supervisor indifferently.

It's useless to call, the previous three steering wheel problems, it is only maintenance.

And sure enough, the supervisor soon arrived.

The supervisor is a middle-aged man, looking at Lan Feifei, who is wearing a mask and only showing his eyes, but is still extremely beautiful, he is a little surprised.

He smiled and said, "Sorry, we can't change the car in this case! Madam, how about we repair it for you and give you two free maintenance?"

The anti-gravity car is selling so well now that three months after the order is placed, there is no spare car for replacement.

Besides, the procedure for changing cars is very troublesome.

If you can fix it, why change it?

As for how consumers feel, does it matter?

Lan Feifei was even more angry when she heard this insincere answer.

She had heard that the 4s store had a bad reputation before.

But she didn't expect to be so irresponsible.

My new car has quality problems, and I can't even agree to the most basic car replacement requirements.

This is too overbearing!

"Change car, this is my minimum requirement! This is also expressly stipulated by national laws!"

Lan Feifei's voice was angry.

However, the supervisor was unmoved: "Sorry, Ms. Lan, we can only promise you to repair it, and we will send you two maintenance services at most. We can't accept your other unreasonable requirements!"

Non-point requirement?

Hearing these four words, Lan Feifei was completely angry.

A consumer's reasonable request, in line with laws and regulations, is actually called a non-sub-requirement?


So infuriating.

Lan Feifei stared coldly at the middle-aged supervisor and was about to speak.

But at this moment, another middle-aged bald man with a big belly and a shiny face came.

"what happened?"

The man spoke, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

As soon as the supervisor and the staff saw the man, they hurriedly said hello: "Mr. Liu, why are you here... This is..."

The supervisor whispered what had happened.

And that Mr. Liu is the owner of Leixing 4s store.

Lixing 4s store is a large chain of 4s stores, contracting the sales of many car companies' products, with more than [-] stores across the country.

Sales of anti-gravity vehicles have been booming recently, and consumers are looking after them.

Let President Liu make a lot of money from sales profits and markup fees.

Hearing the report from the supervisor at this moment, he didn't care.

Procrastinate if you don't agree.

Ordinary consumers can consume more energy than them?

President Liu was about to leave immediately.

But when he saw Lan Feifei wearing a mask.

Looking at the fresh and refined white T-shirt and blue jeans, she showed the perfect body.

There are also snow-white skin and perfect face that cannot be concealed even when wearing a mask.

He was instantly moved.

He smiled and came to Lan Feifei, pretending to be elegant: "Hello, I'm Liu Shilong, chairman of Lixing!"

"Nice to meet you!"

"It's better, let's go to the office to discuss in detail..."

He also stretched out his hand, wanting to shake hands with Lan Feifei.

However, Lan Feifei's eyes were cold, and she had no intention of raising her hand at all.

She even took two steps back, because she felt this Liu Shilong's dirty eyes.

"I'm not interested, I just ask, can you change my car?"

Lan Feifei spoke coldly.

Liu Shilong's outstretched hand was particularly embarrassing, pretending to withdraw it naturally, and looking at Lan Feifei who didn't give her face.

The tone also became cold in an instant.

"Our solution has been given to you. If you don't accept it, then we can't do anything about it. If we can't, just go to the legal process!"

Liu Shilong has no fear.

Ordinary consumers, what do they use to compete with 4S stores?

And Lan Feifei heard the words and stopped talking.

Just took out my phone and broadcast a call!

In this regard, Liu Shilong didn't care.

It's no use calling anyone.

Even people who know Biatie manufacturers are not afraid.

The relationship between the 4s shop and the manufacturer is not the relationship between subordinates and subordinates, but a cooperative relationship.

Manufacturers also rely on 4s stores to sell.

Besides, Lan Feifei really wants to know people at the top of Biaatti, so she doesn't even need to book a car.

So, he has nothing to fear!

He didn't understand at all who the owner of this number broadcast by Lan Feifei was.

What kind of status does that man have in today's auto industry!Ten thousand.

Chapter 87

"Mr. Ye, I'm in a bit of trouble!"

Lan Feifei said apologetically.

She didn't want to cause trouble to the boss.

But the other party, it is too much.

Then she recounted what happened here to the phone.

The call didn't last long.

But when he hung up the phone, Lan Feifei showed a smile in his eyes.

And Liu Shilong in front of him didn't care.

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