And he recognizes that anti-gravity new energy vehicles will replace traditional cars.

The demand for three to five years is extremely strong.

That's why he borrowed close to one billion from the bank, and plans to expand another 4 [-]S stores, making sure no losses...

But now...

Liu Shilong looked at Lan Feifei, already trembling.

The most important thing is that he still doesn't understand who he is offending?

Who did this woman call just now!

The last one to cancel the cooperation was Chery's boss.

After the other party hung up the phone, Liu Shilong hurriedly asked: "Brother, after so many years of friendship, I don't ask you to give me a way to make money... But at least tell me, who did I offend? ?"

On the other end of the phone, Mr. Chery hesitated for a moment, then spit out a name: "Magic Technology, Ye Chen!"

This name exploded into Liu Shilong's mind like a thunderbolt.

"Mr. Ye of Magic Technology?"

Liu Shilong's exclamation reached the ears of those around him.

A group of stunned melon eaters who were surprised by the successive changes also heard the name clearly.

this moment.

All the incomprehensible things are understood!

In the field of anti-gravity vehicles, Ye Chen of Magic Technology is the star of this industry.

As the monopoly of anti-gravity technology.

Not to mention blocking a sales group.

Even if you want to block a car company, it is not difficult!

Everyone immediately looked at Lan Feifei...

At this moment, many people finally thought of Lan Feifei's identity.

Marven Ye's secretary...

He is also the host of the Magic Technology Awareness Ring Conference!

And Liu Shilong, the top tycoon in the domestic auto sales field, actually bullied Ye Chen's secretary...

Everything came to light at this moment.

And Liu Shilong is not a fool...

He squatted weakly on the ground...

This morning, he's still a billionaire!

And just one morning, he just bullied a consumer.

They will have nothing, and even carry a huge debt of hundreds of millions of yuan!

And all of this is just because someone called Ye Chen!

Liu Shilong was desperate.

And Lan Feifei received a call from Ye Chen: "Okay, come back directly, someone will take care of the car!"

Lan Feifei smiled sweetly: "Mr. Ye, trouble you!"

Ye Chen on the other end of the phone smiled indifferently: "Small problem, bullying my secretary, this is not a slap in the face! Besides, the domestic manufacturers have indeed been a little bit fluttering recently, and it's just time to bang!"

Next, Lan Feifei left with her parents, regardless of the broken car.

A crowd of spectators made way.

And a group of employees stood there dumbfounded.

On the way back, Lan Feifei's mother was beaming.

Although Lan Feifei's family is still rich, they belong to the middle class, and it doesn't matter if they are rich.

Lan Feifei's mother was shocked when she thought that a phone call from her daughter would make the boss of such a big 4s group go bankrupt!

"Feifei, your boss is really amazing!"

"He is so good to you, is he interested in you? I saw your boss on TV. He is very handsome and matches you very well!"

"I heard that you are still classmates, such a good relationship, don't miss it!"

Lan Feifei blushed when she listened to her mother's words...

"Mom, don't talk about it, Mr. Ye helped me because I was his secretary...and it's really too much for the 4s shop..."

After explaining for a long time, Lan Feifei got rid of her mother's gossip.


In Ye Chen's office.

President Wang was sitting across from him, sweating profusely.

He came in a hurry.

To be honest, although Leixing 4s stores are not under their jurisdiction, Leixing treats consumers strongly, in fact, there are reasons why their manufacturers condone.

There are not many problems with the steering wheel in this batch of cars, which should have been recalled and replaced by consumers.

However, Biatie has been having a good time recently, and he has a soft hand in making money.

Build one and sell one, and the production capacity has been arranged for three months.

It is also too lazy to replace the car for consumers.

So when Ye Chen called, he was a little scared!

"Mr. Ye, this is indeed our management problem!"

"We promise to solve the problem perfectly for Miss Lan and make compensation!"

"At the same time, we will also issue notices to dealerships around the world, and all cars with problems with the steering wheel will be recalled..."

President Wang earnestly guaranteed.

Ye Chen looked at President Wang and raised the corner of his mouth.

After Lan Feifei called, Ye Chen notified the major manufacturers and directly blocked Lee Star Sales Group.

At the same time, Mr. Wang was also contacted.

The reason why she takes it so seriously is that Lan Feifei is very in line with Ye Chen's heart.

As Ye Chen's secretary, he did not use Ye Chen's influence for his own convenience.

Know the measure, know the advance and retreat!

Such a secretary is hard to find, and it is worthwhile for Ye Chen to maintain it once.

On the other hand, because of their own support, the domestic manufacturers are a little lost, can't recognize their own strength, and become arrogant...

4s store price increase...

disrespect consumers...

The car in question will not be recalled, but consumers will bear the loss...

It's not just the current Biaatti that has this problem.

Even some small factories in the past, such as JAC, have become arrogant to consumers when they have taken advantage of their own rides.

Ye Chen supports domestic manufacturers so that they can develop technology, bring jobs, and make this country a better place.

Instead of making them arrogant and bullying than those foreign companies in the past!

Although Ye Chen is now a top capitalist.

But Ye Chen is not a rich second-generation who doesn't eat fireworks, and was once an ordinary person.

If Ye Chen didn't have adventures, he would be an ordinary person who was bullied at will by the 4S store.

Ye Chen understands the hardships of ordinary people's lives.

Ye Chen hopes that ordinary people can live easier and more dignified!

Therefore, Ye Chen will use this matter to beat some of these domestic companies.

I can't help suppressing those arrogant foreign companies, and as a result, the domestically produced companies have become more arrogant than those foreign companies!

So, Ye Chen looked at President Wang and said calmly: "President Wang, you have to know that Magic Technology doesn't build cars, it's not that it can't build it, it's just that you simply can't bear to let your domestic car companies go bankrupt!"

"Give you a chance, you have to seize it. Use technology to make money, not bully ordinary people to make money!"

"These things don't just happen in the 4S stores that you joined, but the 4S stores you directly manage, and even more than that!"

"What is the increase in the car pickup fee? Why do you have to take a loan to buy a car before you can pick up the car, and charge a financial fee? I even heard that some 4S stores must buy an additional 20 option to pick up the car!"

"Mr. Wang, if you think that Biyatty can't make money by building a car, and can only make money from crooked ways, then give this opportunity to others!"

Ye Chen's voice was flat.

But Mr. Wang was suddenly full of cold sweat.

The anti-gravity components of Magic Technology can be said to be the core of today's anti-gravity new energy vehicle market.

If you are cut off...

Nabiati, it's completely over.

"Mr. Ye... These are our problems. The business has been so good recently, so I neglected the management of the company and the sales side!"

"I promise, in a while, I will rectify our 4s stores across the country!"

"All unreasonable charges will be cancelled!"

President Wang hurriedly stood up and promised.

Ye Chen glanced at President Wang, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "It's okay to cancel the fee?"

Not talking nonsense to President Wang, Ye Chen just picked up the phone and dialed the internal line of the business department: "Notify all the cooperative car companies and tell them that I don't want to see what happened in the Biyati 4s store today. !"

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