"Let them return all the overcharged money!"

"And tell them, if you don't think it's profitable to build a car, don't build it!"

"The evaluation of the great man at the time was indeed correct: domestic capitalists are always tough on the inside and weak on the outside..."

"Are all of them only in the nest? Use all these methods outside!"


Today's Ye Chen is like the master of the entire anti-gravity vehicle.

Ye Chen made a phone call, and the major manufacturers shook internally!

Soon, all major 4S stores across the country will be closed on the same day for internal rectification!

Looking at the announcement on the closed door of the 4S store, countless consumers were stunned...

And a video is directly on the Internet's hot search...

Countless people watched this video and finally understood why 4S stores across the country closed on the same day for rectification! .

Chapter 88

On the Internet, a video suddenly appeared, and it was directly listed as the number one hot search on major social platforms.

The title of the video is "The boss of the 4s Group is extremely arrogant to the customer, but he kicked the iron plate, and finally cried and begged for forgiveness..."

The title name is very uc.

However, when the audience saw the video, they were shocked.

Liu Shilong is very famous in the domestic auto sales field.

The established Lexing can be said to be the largest automobile sales group in China.

4S stores are located in major first- and second-tier cities across the country, so many people know Liu Shilong.

This video was only recorded at the beginning of Lan Feifei, it seems because Lan Feifei is beautiful.

until the conflict begins.

Seeing Liu Shilong's arrogant appearance, all the audience were angry.

Domestic 4S stores are really arrogant.

I was kind to you before I gave you the money.

After picking up the car and paying the money, there is a problem, that's a completely different face.

So at this moment, countless people feel the same way and feel that their blood pressure has risen.

Next, they saw Lan Feifei make a phone call.

Next, everything was different.

After Liu Shilong received the first call from Biaatti, he was still sullen.

But dozens of phone calls followed, making Liu Shilong completely unable to hold back.

They looked at Liu Shilong, who was still arrogant, worth hundreds of millions, and didn't take ordinary consumers seriously, squatting on the ground in despair.

No doubt it was all because of that call.

At this moment, countless people are extremely curious.

Who is that beautiful woman calling?

Who can have such great energy to make all domestic car dealers in the country terminate their contracts with Liu Shilong?

And when at the end of the video.

After Liu Shilong called out the name of President Ye of Magic Technology.

All doubts were solved in an instant.

Ye Chen!

Ye Chen, who developed anti-gravity technology!

The Boss of Magic Technology!

It turned out to be him!

This kind of pretending to slap the face, the big bosses haunt, and finally punish the wicked, is the audience's favorite.

Countless people are very happy to see it!

Especially when Ye Chen didn't show up, he could easily bankrupt a business tycoon like Liu Shilong, which is simply invincible!

"Fuck, who is that woman? She was able to contact President Ye, and President Ye blocked Li Xing for her. The card is too big!"

"That's Lan Feifei, you guys look for the video of the Magic Division 14 technology conference, you can recognize it by comparing it with your eyes!"

"The president blocked Li Xing in a fit of rage for the sake of the little secretary. President Ye is too manly. He is very handsome, rich and knowledgeable. He really looks like a domineering president who came out of a novel!"

"Liu Shilong deserves it. He obviously relies on consumers to make money, but he is so arrogant to consumers and has no fear. It should have closed down a long time ago!"

"That's right, the Mercedes-Benz oil spill protection was also this 4S store. Later, they hired navy soldiers to attack female customers' personal morality on the Internet!"

"Isn't this the same as Truss, the arrogance in the bones, don't take our consumers seriously!"

"Mr. Ye is awesome! A big company with a market value of billions was banned in one sentence. Liu Shilong must regret it now!"

"Mr. Ye is now the god of the automotive field!"

When everyone saw that Liu Shilong went bankrupt, they were very happy.

I admire Ye Chen even more.

And soon, bigger news came.

The official websites of major domestic car companies.

They all issued an announcement, apologizing for the recent price increase in 4S stores, saying that they will rectify 4S stores across the country and ensure that similar things will not happen again.

Moreover, the items that were charged indiscriminately before will be refunded in full!

This announcement shocked everyone!

These big companies have even taken the initiative to apologize?

This is a unique thing.

And will it be refunded?

This is nothing short of a miracle!

And many netizens also posted pictures.

On the picture is the announcement that 4S stores in various places are closed for rectification.

Obviously, the major manufacturers did not tell lies!


Is this a miracle?

Domestic consumers who are familiar with the styles of major manufacturers are a little unbelievable.

Will big manufacturers take the initiative to admit mistakes to consumers?

Will the previous money be returned?

Are they in a dream?

But soon, some consumers responded.

Think about what happened in the previous video.

Mr. Ye's secretary was pitted when he bought a car.

The Leixing 4s store that was blocked and is about to go bankrupt.

Immediately afterwards, major manufacturers apologized.

All 4S stores nationwide are closed for rectification!

All of this has absolutely nothing to do with that man.

Countless people can't believe it.

They know that Ye Chen is now in a high position in the automotive field.

But one person asked all domestic car dealers to apologize and refund money, and all 4S stores nationwide were closed for rectification.

The power displayed by this is simply unimaginable...

Most importantly, Ye Chen not only dominated the automotive field.

Also dominates the semiconductor field.

At this moment, countless netizens realized that Ye Chen, who had always been low-key.

What a huge influence in today's world!


the next day.

The 4s store, which was closed for rectification, has reopened.

Consumers who come to pick up their cars find that not only do they no longer have to pay tens of thousands of car pick-up fees.

At the same time, 4S stores dare not force them to take out a loan to buy a car.

Even the financial service fee is banned, but the major 4S stores still charge the overlord's fee, and they dare not charge it!

"Damn it, have you really changed your mind? I thought this rectification was just a scene for President Ye to see?"

Some customers can't believe it.

The manager of the 4s store heard the words with a wry smile: "The above has already ordered, if you dare to charge arbitrarily, you will be directly banned by the Mithril Alliance, and the sale of all vehicles of the Mithril Alliance is prohibited!"

"This is about the supply of 4S stores, who would dare to violate it?"

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