Hearing this answer, the customer was overwhelmed with emotion.

President Ye's words were actually more useful than the law that was explicitly forbidden.

In a word, the 4s shop, the helpless rogue group of countless consumers, has been subdued!

On the Internet, countless people are also sharing the changes of the 4S store!

"Damn it, the 4s shop seems to be serious about this rectification! They just called me and said they would refund the pickup fee and financial service fee they charged me the day before! The money has already been sent!"

"Mr. Ye is also serious, because of what happened yesterday, it is said that Mr. Ye almost cleaned up Biyati directly, and even the boss of Biaatti has to apologize in a hurry, not to mention the 4s store, can they not be afraid!"

"Mr. Ye is really a rare boss. He is obviously very rich, and he will never encounter the difficulties and troubles that ordinary people would encounter, but he still solved these things for us!"

"I think that Mr. Ye is different from the people who only know how to make money. The gap is too big. Mr. Ye's goal is even more ambitious..."

"Mr. Ye is awesome, and I won't be afraid to go to the 4S store and get angry again in the future! But it's quite sad to say that, Mr. Ye just helped us get back the power we should have enjoyed!"

"I sincerely hope now that Magic Technology will become a giant like the three gorillas, so that our ordinary people's lives will definitely get better and better!"

In this way, the reputation of Magic Technology in the country is getting better and better.

However, Ye Chen also moved the interests of many people.

Especially the interests of the 4s shop.

"Hey, I have to spit out the car pick-up fee and service fee that I earned before. It's really distressing! But fortunately, there have been a lot of car sales recently, and I still made a lot of money!"

The owner of a 4s shop sighed.

Hearing the words, the supervisor on the side hurriedly echoed: "That Mr. Ye just likes to meddle with his own business because of his technology. I heard that foreign car companies are already rebelling against gravity new energy vehicles. When we sell foreign cars, we won't believe it. He, Ye Chen, can still take care of us!"

However, when the boss heard the supervisor's words, his blood pressure rose instantly.

He kicked the supervisor aside: "Go away, now go to the finance office to settle the salary!"

The supervisor looked aggrieved at his boss.

I just want to go along with you, where did I provoke you?

The boss looked at him with a foolish expression on his face, and said coldly, "Aren't foreign anti-gravity cars also authorized by Magic Technology? You don't have to listen to Ye Chen when you sell foreign cars?"

"Go away! I'm worried that my 4s store will close down like Liu Shilong's Lixing because of a idiot like you!"

The boss is stunned...

But it seems that it is so!

Any car company in the global new energy industry must listen to Ye Chen!

Even the proud trump card of Star Flag, the graphene battery.

Now it has also fallen into the industrial chain of anti-gravity new energy vehicle companies that requires authorization from magic technology...


"Mr. Ye, the production capacity of our anti-gravity car factory is very sufficient! We can guarantee the appearance of [-] anti-gravity components every day!"

"And based on the median global car price, [-] yuan to predict!"

"Our revenue per component is around [-] yuan."

"And our cost is less than [-] yuan, which means that the profit of each piece can reach at least [-] yuan."

"A total of [-] pieces, then our daily income will reach [-] billion yuan!"

In front of Ye Chen.

The head of anti-gravity components is reporting a forecast profit.

When he said the figure of [-] billion daily net profit, there was an undisguised horror on his face.

Forty billion a day, this is still the case when Magic Technology does not build cars by itself.

It can be seen that the auto industry, how profitable and how important it is.

You must know that even the most profitable tobacco company in China, the daily revenue is only [-] billion yuan, which is not pure profit.

The daily profit of [-] billion is simply a miracle of modern business history.

It's no wonder that the great commander of the Star-Flag Country is desperate to invest in this industry.

The auto industry is really lucrative!

Ye Chen nodded when he heard the words.

Fourty billion a day sounds like a lot, but it barely supports Ye Chen's plan.

Ye Chen looked at the document and asked, "How long does the marketing department expect this revenue to last?"

Hearing this, the person in charge immediately said: "The Marketing Department has asked a professional third-party agency to investigate, and it is predicted that when the global anti-gravity new energy vehicle reaches [-] billion, it will change from an incremental market to a stock market, and market demand will increase. slip."

"But before the figure of [-] billion, our anti-gravity new energy vehicles are in short supply!"

"We produce [-] per day. If we maintain this output, it will take a full twelve years to produce [-] billion core components!"

"In other words, we can guarantee a minimum profit of [-] billion per day in these twelve years!"

"And even in [-] years, there will definitely be a lot of people changing cars... So after [-] years, our profits won't drop too much!"

Speaking of this, everyone present was shocked.

For [-] years, [-] billion a day.

It is hard to calculate how much money this can make in total, it will be an astronomical figure.

By then, Ye Chen's magic technology may be richer than many countries!

And Ye Chen himself.

Very satisfied with this figure.



The next step is the profit report of the Dream System and Mithril Chip.

The dream-making system now has no opponents, and there is no restriction on the entity list.

So now it has occupied [-]% of the system share in the world.

And the income created by the dream-making system is close to one billion RMB every day!

Mithril chips are also in huge demand, and they can sell as much as they produce every day.

Daily profit reached [-] billion RMB.

The dream-making system and the Mithril chip are great products that any company in the world can acquire and make money while lying down.

However, in front of the horror revenue created by the anti-gravity technology of magic technology, it seems a little insignificant!

Although the two major products still have room to continue to grow profits.

But anti-gravity technology has more room for profit growth.

The High-speed Railway Bureau and the Aviation Bureau have already started cooperation with Magic Technology.

In the field of heavy trucks, Magic Technology has also prepared to trial production of anti-gravity cores suitable for large trucks.

In the field of navigation, there are also companies hoping that Magic Technology can apply anti-gravity technology to ships.

In short, anti-gravity technology has unlimited prospects!


Four billion a day.

It is far from enough for Marven Ye's request.

Even if you don't need to spend money to buy an island, building and transforming an island is definitely a terrifying investment.

And to form a network of consciousness, although personal terminals are very important.

But the infrastructure needed for the Web of Consciousness is equally important.

Just as the mobile phone is very important, the signal service provided by the operator's base station is the key to the use of the mobile phone.

And this kind of basic information infrastructure is crucial for any country.

Focus more on security than advancement.

There are only two ways for Ye Chen to make the infrastructure of the Web of Consciousness spread all over the world.

One is coercion by force.

The other is to reflect the advanced nature, make their people yearn for, and finally force their country to choose the technology of magic technology.

The first type of Ye Chen has no such strength for the time being.

At the same time, Ye Chen didn't want to go to war, and the Earth's nuclear weapons were still very powerful.

Once a war begins, it must be nuclear weapons flying indiscriminately, half of human beings die, and it is normal for civilization to regress for [-] years!

That Ye Chen's plan to become a god went bankrupt!

Therefore, Ye Chen's temporary purpose is to create a prosperous city in the sky.

Build the Sky City into a top metropolis, while prioritizing the use of various new technologies.

Let's support the consciousness network first, and support various advanced equipment.

With the eye-catching degree of the miraculous city in the sky, coupled with brand-new technology, it will definitely become a dream place for human beings around the world.

It is easy to influence the whole world and spread the awareness network to the whole world!

This is now Ye Chen's plan.

And the cost of this plan is terrifying to the extreme.



Financial reporting ends.

Ye Chen also happened to receive an internal call from the Consciousness Lab!

When Ye Chen picked up, Cheng Mengyao's surprised voice came over the phone.

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