"Mr. Ye, our brain image display technology has been completely perfected!"

"Just now, relying on the camera, I saw a clear and complete world!"

"We really succeeded!"

Cheng Mengyao, a mature royal sister, is calm most of the time.

But now I can't help myself.

You can see her excitement.

Ye Chen understood that Cheng Mengyao was so excited, on the one hand, that he was happy because the technology was realized.

On the other hand, it was because her poor little niece could finally see the world with her own eyes...

So Marven Ye smiled lightly: "Okay, I'll go over right away!"

Ye Chen is also very happy about the success of the technology!


ps: Sorry, it's a little late, I hope you enjoy watching it, and support the little author. …

Chapter 89

When Ye Chen came to the laboratory.

All the experimenters were all smiles.

"Mr. Ye, we succeeded!"

"The effect this time is really perfect. It's not much different from seeing the world with your eyes, and you can zoom to see farther!"

"Yes, I have two pits on the bridge of my nose when I wear glasses. When our product is officially launched, I simply don't wear glasses and just use the camera!"

A group of researchers excitedly reported to Ye Chen.

Some people have the idea of ​​not wearing glasses and directly using cameras instead.

Ye Chen was happy when he heard the words, and looked at Cheng Mengyao.

Cheng Mengyao's delicate face was full of joy and expectation: "Mr. Ye, I just tried it, and all the previous shortcomings have been resolved!"

"The picture is smooth and the delay is extremely low, and the picture in the brain will no longer be suddenly reversed!"

"Users will no longer feel dizzy!"

"Really perfect!"

Ye Chen listened to the report and nodded, and reached out to receive the headband that Cheng Mengyao handed over.

This is not a simple headband, with a special mithril chip in it.

In this era when even chargers need chips.

It is indeed more convenient to have your own chip factory.

Two very small high-definition cameras are embedded in the middle and two sides of the headband.

The reason for using two is to simulate the human eye.

It also ensures a wider viewing angle.

The human brain can process the images seen by the two eyes and automatically merge them.

You don't need to worry about two cameras messing up the picture!

Ye Chen put it on his head and closed his eyes.

The audience suddenly quieted down, looking at Ye Chen, waiting for Ye Chen's evaluation.


After closing his eyes, Ye Chen had a strange feeling...

Along with turning on the switch.

The next second, Ye Chen felt a sudden light up in his mind.

Obviously closed his eyes, but Ye Chen clearly felt that he saw...

I saw Cheng Mengyao, various equipment in the laboratory, and a group of researchers!

Everything is very clear.

And whether Ye Chen turned his head or jumped, he didn't feel dizzy.

It's like seeing with the eyes.

However, there are differences with the eyes.

First of all, although the clarity of the world seen by the camera is not low, it is still a bit less meaningful than seeing the world with the eyes.

You know, the retina of the average person has 500 million cone cells, which are used to perceive visual colors.

If the human eye is compared with a camera, it has reached [-] million pixels.

And the human eye can process more information than the camera can compare at all.

For example, color, fullness, etc., are far worse than what the human eye sees.

At the same time, because the headband is worn on the forehead, it is slightly higher than the position of the eyes, resulting in different viewing angles and some discomfort.

But these are little problems!

For blind people, being able to see the world clearly is already the happiest thing.

Want to be like the human eye?

It will take more than ten years for human camera technology to develop.

However, the technology's cameras still have advantages.

For example, you can zoom freely...

Can see farther than the normal human eye.

And if you encounter a blurry view, you can directly adjust the focus to solve it.

The convenience is quite high!

Mechanical and human eyes have their own advantages.


Ye Chen closed his headband, took it off, opened his eyes and shook his head.

"Not bad, not too much discomfort!"

"However, the camera invented by technology is still far worse than the human eye!"

Ye Chen's words made everyone nodded in agreement.


The various organs of human beings are much more sophisticated and complex than the top human machines.

Humans are constantly exploring the outside world.

But for his own body, he has always been only half-understood.

Otherwise, there would not be so many diseases that make the medical profession helpless.


"Mr. Ye, when our technology is commercialized, can we give priority to building a set of equipment for my niece?"

Cheng Mengyao spoke expectantly, but she also knew that the secrets of big companies could not be leaked at will.

Wait until the right time.

So she wanted to buy the fastest time for her poor niece.

When Ye Chen heard the words, he smiled lightly.

Instead of speaking to Cheng Mengyao, he said to the group of researchers present, "Did you hear that too?"

"Use the top camera to create the most perfect device for that cute little girl, so that she can see the world!"

Ye Chen ordered to come down.

All the researchers present immediately responded with enthusiasm.

And Cheng Mengyao's eyes were red.

Her voice was crying, and she looked at Ye Chen gratefully: "Mr. Ye, thank you..."

Ye Chen smiled and waved his hand: "Go home and measure the little girl's head circumference. Only with specific data can you create the most suitable ring, and by the way, make it cute. Little girls like pretty ones the most 々ˇ !"

Cheng Mengyao nodded quickly when she heard the words.

She hurried home.

But she didn't tell her sister and niece the good news.

She was a little concerned about the availability of the new technology for blind patients.

So it's better not to say in advance, if you fail at that time, you won't be too disappointed.

"Auntie, what did you put around my head?"

The five- or six-year-old porridge was measured by Cheng Mengyao with a cloth ruler, and he was a little curious...

"It's a ruler! Measure how big our little porridge's head is..."

Cheng Mengyao said warmly.

"Oh... a ruler... But didn't my mother tell me that a ruler is not hard? Is this kind of soft ruler also a ruler?"

"Yes, there are many kinds of rulers..."

Cheng Mengyao touched Xiao Porridge's cute little face.

"Oh... the world is so interesting, there are so many wonderful things..."

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