Xiao Porridge Porridge's fair and cute little face is full of longing.

She closed her eyes and touched the cloth ruler inch by inch with her fleshy little hands, as if she wanted to understand what the cloth ruler was.

But if you don't use your eyes, how can you see the scale on it, and how can you understand what a ruler is!

Look at the little porridge who is trying to figure out the whole world with his hands.

Cheng Mengyao lowered her head suddenly, and her voice became a little choked: "Little porridge, my aunt has to go to work, and I will see you in two days!"

"Okay... Auntie pay attention to safety!"

Xiao Porridge groped and touched Cheng Mengyao's pretty face, took a sip, and smiled sweetly.

Cheng Mengyao left in a low voice.

She wants to go back and work hard with the team to make herself this distressed cute little girl as soon as possible.

You can see everything in this world!


"Mr. Ye! Are our new products going to be released again?"

In the office, Lan Feifei was full of expectations.

The boss is really amazing!

Not long after the anti-gravity technology was developed, new technology was developed.

Consciousness transmits images, allowing blind people to see the world.

This technology is certainly not as profitable as anti-gravity technology though.

But its significance to this world is no less than that of anti-gravity technology.

Hearing this, Ye Chen thought for a while!

This new technology of my own is actually just a split project of consciousness equipment research.

But thinking about it now, it’s not impossible to commercialize this technology alone first.

After all, the teams that went to inspect the various islands have sent back information one after another, and they will soon be able to select the most suitable islands.

By then, construction will begin.

Build a deserted island above the sea into a prosperous top city.

And try to complete it within a year.

This requires the number of workers used, at least hundreds of thousands.

In addition, all kinds of materials and food must be shipped by sea.

To be honest, the big cities now have developed gradually over a period of decades or hundreds of years.

The difficulty of building a metropolis at one time can be imagined.

The funds to be consumed will be unimaginably high.

Anti-gravity technology is very profitable, with a profit of about [-] trillion a year.

But even if all of this is invested in the floating island construction project, it will be difficult to meet the demand.

What's more, Ye Chen will develop more advanced nuclear energy technology next to ensure that there is sufficient energy to fly after the island is built.

Nuclear energy laboratories are also expensive to build.

In short, the future is all about spending money.

It's not a bad thing to commercialize a new technology and start generating profits.

By the way, it can also make many blind people see the sun again, which is very good.

But here comes the problem...

Most blind people are poor!

After all, he is blind and has no ability to work, and his relatives have to take care of the blind, which affects the family income.

Therefore, except for a few people, most of the blind people are from poor families.

Although the state has subsidies for the disabled, it can only be said that they can barely maintain a living.

Even the blind people in foreign countries with high welfare are definitely not high in economic strength!

The price is too high, and blind people can't afford it.

If the price is low, it will not make any money at all.

However, it is obvious that there are technologies that benefit the blind, and they cannot be applied because they do not make money, which is not in line with Ye Chen's character.

So, Ye Chen thought for a while, and said to Lan Feifei: "You can start the commercialization of new technologies! But be prepared for low profits!"

Lan Feifei was stunned when she heard the words: "Mr. Ye, how can our new technology not make money? That is a new technology that can make people see the light again!"

After hearing Ye Chen's consideration of the economic strength of the blind, Lan Feifei smiled.

"Mr. Ye, you are so smart, but there are things you don't understand!"

Lan Feifei's words made Ye Chen a little puzzled.

Although Ye Chen is a magician and has strong spiritual power, he doesn't know everything.

Like a magic goddess from another world.

Even if you are a god, you are not omniscient!

Lan Feifei explained to Ye Chen with a smile: "Mr. Ye, your thinking is wrong... Our products are good for the blind!"

"This product serves the blind."

"But the object of our transaction is not the blind person itself, but the country where the blind person lives!"

"Let me give you a real-life example, Mr. Ye. There is a rare disease in the world, and foreign pharmaceutical companies have spent billions of dollars to develop therapeutic drugs."

"But there are very few people with this rare disease, and there are only hundreds of people in the world!"

"If it's cheap, the pharmaceutical company will definitely lose money! But if it's expensive, the patient can't afford it and can only wait to die!"

"then what should we do?"

"So this pharmaceutical company came up with a way to directly pay for patients, buy media propaganda, and appeal to the state to help poor patients. In the end, the state included this drug in reimbursement and provided free drugs for patients with rare diseases. "

"Patients are not burdened, and pharmaceutical companies have made money!"

Lan Feifei University has studied business history and is also a serious scholar.

It was just too young before.

At the same time, the book will not teach some conspiracy methods, so it will appear silly and sweet.

And when Ye Chen heard the words, he was relieved!

"It's interesting..."

Ye Chen looked at Lan Feifei with admiration.

Lan Feifei is also very happy to be able to solve the problem for Ye Chen!

"Mr. Ye, if we can record the process of helping that little porridge and edit it into a promotional video."

"It can definitely move the world and create a huge sensation and spread around the world! This will also help our new products be directly purchased by various countries..."

"By the way, it can also increase the popularity of our brand among people all over the world!"

Lan Feifei made suggestions.

Ye Chen nodded when he heard the words: "Yes, but ask the other party's opinion in advance. If the other party disagrees, don't force it!"

Seeing that the opinion was adopted, Lan Feifei nodded happily.

Ye Chen looked at Lan Feifei.

Today's Lan Feifei is wearing a black slim ol outfit, which sets off her figure.

"You've grown a lot recently. I feel like you're going to be able to take charge of yourself. Would you like to go to the planning department or the business department as an executive?"

Ye Chen was quite satisfied with Lan Feifei's progress.

When Lan Feifei heard that Ye Chen was going to promote herself, there was no trace of joy.

Instead, he shook his head without hesitation: "Mr. Ye, I don't want it, I want to be your secretary all the time!"

Lan Feifei is not short of money.

The treatment of employees of Magic Technology ranks first in the world.

But no matter how well the executives are treated, the benefits are high.

She wasn't happy either.

For Lan Feifei, there is no better job than being Ye Chen's secretary!

And for this little secretary who just wants to be by his side.

Ye Chen can only express that there is nothing he can do, let her go!


the next day.

The laboratory has also begun an attempt to industrialize the production of visual equipment.

But the main focus is to create the most suitable visual equipment for porridge!

No cost at all.

The material of the headband itself is not the top skin-friendly and sweat-absorbing rubber, which protects the delicate skin of the porridge to the greatest extent from being strangled.

The camera is the latest unreleased product bought from Sony's special channel.

In addition, the graphene battery factory in Xingqi Country has specially created the smallest and high-capacity battery with new specifications to ensure that it can be used for three months after charging once, saving the trouble of frequent battery replacement.

Magic technology now has too much global influence.

Basically, no company will refuse such a request.


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