In the past five years, she no longer felt sorry for her poor woman all the time.

Cried countless late nights, bemoaning the misfortune of her daughter.

She even blindfolded herself and tried to walk, but accidentally fell and burst into tears.

She wasn't crying because of pain.

She was crying because her daughter had to endure such darkness all the time!

And today, my daughter is finally able to get rid of the darkness and see the world.

After five years of repression, she couldn't hold it any longer and burst into tears...

"Mom is not sad, mom is happy for the porridge..."

"Porridge, mother is fine, you, take a good look at this, the world you have always wanted to see!"

The porridge mother sobbed.

But Xiao Porridge was not excited to see the world she had always longed for.

She looked at her mother's face seriously: "then I have to see my favorite mother first, and I have to remember her mother first."

"Mom, you are so beautiful, you must be the most beautiful in the world, even more beautiful than those TV stars you said..."

Xiao Porridge said seriously.

This made her mother hug Xiao Porridge tightly: "My Xiao Porridge is also the most beautiful, sensible and lovely child in the world..."

It took a long time for the mother and daughter, who were embracing and crying, to recover.

Xiao Porridge stood up, looking forward to watching the world, stretched out a cute little tender hand, and pointed to the sky...

"Is this the sky? It turns out that this is the blue my mother said..."

"Is that Baiyun? It's so pretty!"

"The prairie looks like this... I know, it's green..."

"Is this a building? It's really tall!"

"This is a big tree? But the big tree and the grass don't seem to be the same color... The color on the top of the tree is the same as the grass, but the color below is different!"

"Is this a flower? It's so beautiful, there are really many colors, I don't even know it..."

"Mom, mom, what is this flying thing?"

"That's a butterfly!"

"This is the butterfly, what about the bee that also likes flowers?"

"Not here, mom will take you to see the bees tomorrow!"

"Okay, I also want to see pandas, penguins, big tigers, big lions, big rhinos..."

"I want to see what a mountain looks like, what the sea looks like, and what the TV in our house always sounds like..."

"There is also Xiong Da Xiong Er, who always stops the bald head from cutting down trees, and the clever Xi Yangyang, and the little pig Peppa..."

"I still need to learn to write, Mom, can I go to kindergarten..."

After being immersed in darkness for five years, Xiao Porridge, who can only hear voices, has too much curiosity about this world.

She jumped up and down to observe the world, expressing her desire for this world.

Her mother's eyes couldn't help but turn red again.

Everything that ordinary people can easily see is so precious to small porridge.

She hugged Xiao Porridge tightly again: "Okay, okay, mother will show you the same way, everything that Xiao Porridge wants to see, you can see!"


And this scene also made many people's eyes red.

It's such a pity that such a lovely little girl is blind.

Fortunately, Ye Chen helped this little girl and saw the world.

Xiao Porridge looked around and saw Cheng Mengyao who was constantly wiping away her tears because of her joy.


Xiao Porridge recognized Cheng Mengyao's identity at a glance, opened his hands, and swayed over with his short legs.

However, the small porridge porridge is not very suitable.

Suddenly he fell again.

Cheng Mengyao was startled and hurried over to help.

Although Xiao Porridge frowned cutely because of the pain, he still got up by himself: "Don't help me, auntie, I can see it... This time I'm going to hug you!"

After that, Xiao Porridge ran over again and threw himself into Cheng Mengyao's arms.

"Auntie, you are also very beautiful..."

"As beautiful as mom!"

"Thank you auntie for taking care of you for so many years, and thank you auntie for the gift, which is the gift I like..."

Cheng Mengyao didn't speak, just hugged the porridge tightly.

And soon, Xiao Porridge saw Ye Chen.

Although there were many men around, Xiao Porridge was still attracted by Ye Chen.

"Are you Brother Ye Chen?"

Ye Chen was happy when he heard the words: "I am Ye Chen, but you can't call me brother, I have to call him uncle!"

Ye Chen also liked this sensible little girl.

But Xiao Porridge is Cheng Mengyao's niece.

If you call yourself a brother, then you will be a generation lower!

The little porridge got off Cheng Mengyao and ran to Ye Chen with open arms...

Ye Chen was happy, bent down and directly hugged the chubby body of the porridge.

"Thank you Uncle Marven Ye for the gift!"

"I heard it on TV before, Brother Ye Chen, you are the most powerful inventor!"

"And they all say that you are very handsome... I also think that you are good-looking, uncle. You must be the most beautiful boy in the world!"

Ye Chen was happy.

This time, I did not correct the wrong description of Xiao Porridge Porridge.

He just said softly: "Is there anything uncomfortable about the small porridge?"

Xiao Porridge shook his head seriously: "No, uncle's invention is very good..."

The small porridge porridge held by Ye Chen on his shoulder saw the camera in the hands of the staff member.

"Uncle Ye Chen, what is that?"

The little porridge porridge pointed at the camera and asked in a milky voice.

Ye Chen smiled and came to the camera with a small porridge.

"This is a camera..."

Xiao Porridge suddenly realized when he heard the words, and bit his pink and tender fingers: "This is the camera? Mom said that TV is all filmed by cameras?"

"Can I touch it?"

Xiao Porridge said curiously.


Ye Chen sent the porridge to the camera.

Xiao Porridge puzzlingly and curiously stretched out two little hands, covering the camera lens...


"Thank you, Mr. Ye!"

On the way back to the car, Cheng Mengyao was very grateful and thanked again.

Ye Chen smiled when he heard the words: "It's okay, a very cute little girl, you can bring it to play with me in the future!"

It's a pity that beautiful things are flawed.

Making up for their shortcomings is a very rewarding thing.

Cheng Mengyao lowered her head after thanking her.

She was a little embarrassed.

The words of Xiao Porridge Porridge before, made her, who has always been grand, feel a little at a loss in front of Ye Chen!

Cheng Mengyao is a rare rationalist among women.

Generally not affected by emotions.

At first, she just thought that Ye Chen was good enough, and her height and appearance were perfect, and she felt that Ye Chen's genes must be excellent.

That's why I felt that Ye Chen was the best person to have a baby.

However, with the suppression of the star flag state, various crises such as the entity list and the new energy alliance have arrived.

But Ye Chen not only did not bow his head, but also defeated countless opponents and forced them to bow their heads.

Various things made Cheng Mengyao completely attracted to Ye Chen unconsciously.

The previous Cheng Mengyao was able to freely ask Ye Chen those three questions.

And now, I really like Ye Chenhou.

Cheng Mengyao no longer had the courage at that time.

She hesitated for a while, but said, "Mr. Ye, you don't seem to hate children, so how many times do you plan to have children?"

Ordinary people now dare not have children, it costs too much.

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