But with Ye Chen's net worth, there is obviously no such worry.

Ye Chen's mouth twitched when he heard this.

Cheng Mengyao asked a strange question again.

But Ye Chen didn't hide it: "I will, but it will take a few years..."

After all, Ye Chen will definitely become a god in the future.

After becoming a god, the children are not mortals, they are the sons of gods.

If you have a child with a woman now, you will only give birth to ordinary people,

Moreover, before Ye Chen became a god, he didn't plan to start a family.

A hundred years later, there is still a plane war with the goddess of magic waiting for him.

It is better to wait until after becoming a god, in the long and boring eternal life, then slowly create human beings!

Cheng Mengyao heard the words and did not speak.

In her mind, she was thinking, a few years after what Ye Chen said.

You are still young, you can wait a few more years!

Cheng Mengyao didn't understand at all.

In the few years that Ye Chen said, it will really be a long, long time!



The popularity of magic technology is still very high.

The repercussions of the rectification of 4S stores across the country have lasted for a long time.

This makes Magic Technology's reputation surprisingly good in China.

And in the world, magic technology has a very good reputation.

Magic Technology has special publicity funds to promote and maintain its own image abroad.

For example, this time, foreign companies are allowed to manufacture anti-gravity new energy vehicles and mobile phones equipped with Mithril chips.

Under the propaganda of magic technology, it has become that magic technology can't bear mass unemployment of people from all over the world, so it retaliates with virtue and forgives the enterprises that once targeted magic technology.

These reports are naturally a joke in the eyes of people who understand economics.

Magic Technology is doing this entirely for profit, letting the world work for itself, and relying on these two industries to suck the blood of the world.

But ordinary people don't understand.

In the eyes of ordinary people in many countries, Magic Technology is a company of good people.

Compared with those in their country who only know the interests, the capital of squeezing ordinary people is much stronger!

Yamato, Israel's propaganda model, was played by the external propaganda department of Magic Technology.

Now abroad, there are already a large number of magic technology blowing.

And Ye Chen's fans are countless.


And today.

Magic Technology, which has always been low-key, suddenly posted a video on its official website and accounts on major social platforms.

The fans of Magic Technology's major social platforms have exceeded one billion.

As soon as the video was released, it attracted the attention of the public!

They don't feel that magic technology has new technology.

After all, magic technology launched anti-gravity technology after all.

High-tech technology is not Chinese cabbage, how can there be so much?

But even if it's not a new technology, there are still countless people who are curious about what magic technology has released.

"We sent a gift to a lovely girl!"

The title of the video is mediocre, but people are still curious.

Could it be that Magic Technology gave a girl its own non-sale anti-gravity new energy vehicle?

The video is not long, only ten minutes.

At the beginning, it was Ye Chen who got out of the car.

Ye Chen is tall and straight, and has a tough temperament.

Behind Ye Chen, a beautiful woman with short hair and a team member entered the community.

And the background voice sounded at this moment: "Today, President Ye brought the scientific research team here to give a gift to a little girl!"

The simple voice immediately made the audience curious.

Ye Chen, the CEO of Magic Technology, came to give a gift to a little girl?

What is it?

As Ye Chen and others entered the community, the camera aimed at a mother and daughter playing on the lawn...

The little girl is very cute, pink and tender, and a happy runner.

Her mother, on the other hand, bent over and protected her all the time, for fear that the girl would fall.

This is a sweet picture.

But eagle-eyed viewers quickly realized something was wrong.

"Look, the girl's eyes are always closed!"

"Really! I'm going, is it difficult..."

"It's so pitiful, such a cute little girl is actually a blind person!"

"It hurts!"

Humans are visual animals.

Such a beautiful and lovely little girl is blind, which makes everyone feel bad.

At this moment, the little girl suddenly stopped running and said that she was afraid of her mother's back pain if she continued to play.

This made countless viewers moved and even distressed.

Such a poor little girl, but still so sunny, worried that playing by herself would cause her mother's back pain.

It hurts to be sensible!

"I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable listening to the little girl's milky voice!"

"Yeah, so pitiful and so sensible, I kind of want to beat my son!"

"Hey, God is not fair!"

"I'm more curious, what exactly is the gift that Mr. Ye is going to give?"

Such a simple video is full of suspense.

Make countless viewers more and more curious...



The audience saw the short-haired beauty wearing a pink headband on the little girl's head.

Countless barrages popped up at once.

"I've been looking forward to it for a long time? That's it?"

"This pink headband has a pattern of Peppa Pig on it, and it's really intentional at first glance!"

"But I've been looking forward to it for a long time, just a headband? Is this worth sending over by Mr. Ye himself?"

"I think it's definitely not a simple headband, there must be a mystery, look at the progress bar..."

"Look, the little girl suddenly froze..."

The disappointed crowd continued to watch.

But she was stunned when she found that the little girl was wearing a headband.

And the beautiful short-haired woman's phrase "this is the treasure that allows you to see the world" is even more intriguing.

In the video.

After the girl covered her head with her hands and released it dozens of times, she suddenly shouted that she could see her hands, and even looked around, ran right to her mother's side, and hugged her...

This miraculous scene shocked everyone.

Small porridge, can you see it?

How can this be?

However, everything in the video is really displayed in front of you.

No one would have thought that a four-year-old girl could act so real.

But if that's true, it's even more unbelievable.

Wearing a headband, blind eyes can see?

How is this possible, this is disrespectful to medicine.

"It's impossible! No matter how amazing this headband is, it can't restore the eyes of the blind. I'm an ophthalmology student, and I swear by my degree certificate!"

"No, have you found it? The little girl didn't open her eyes when she said she saw it, and what she covered and released with her little hand was always the headband!!"

"Could it be that the little girl didn't see it with her eyes, but with that headband?"

"This is even more incredible! What is the situation?"

No one doubts authenticity.

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