The high technology launched by Magic Technology has made people trust Magic Technology very much.

But this was even more shocking.

How did a headband allow a blind little girl who didn't even lift her eyelids to see the world?


And next.

Everyone saw that the little girl had to remember her mother's appearance first, and when she hugged and cried with her mother, she was very moved.

I was listening to the little girl's surprise when she saw the blue sky and white clouds, big trees, small grass, and flowers that they were accustomed to.

Mixed feelings in my heart.

"It turns out that everything we take for granted is so precious in the eyes of the blind!"

"This video made me so uncomfortable. I just realized that blind people live in darkness and yearn for light so much!"

"Yeah, watching the little girl look so surprised at a flower, I suddenly felt that I actually missed a lot of beauty in this world!"

"The girl can see this without even opening her eyes. What kind of cool technology does that headband have? I'm so curious right now!"

"I'm in a hurry too!"

People are more curious.

And at the end of the video.

Ye Chen hugged the little girl and came to the camera.

The girl looked at the camera with a longing and cautious look, and stretched out two chubby little hands.

Cover the lens lightly.

And with the camera lens covered, the picture fell into darkness.

And this darkness lasted for fifteen seconds.

When the audience wondered if the video was over, the screen lit up again.

Accompanied, is a group of data appear in the screen.

The heavy voice of the narrator also sounded again: "This is the world of the blind, it is dark..."

"Magic Technology uses new technology to help Xiao Porridge see the world with a camera."

"But in China, there are [-] million blind people, just like the porridge of the past, longing for this world!"

"And in the world, there are [-] million people who are immersed in darkness all their lives!"

"Pay attention to sight, care for the blind!"

"Magic Technology wishes all blind people in the world can see this beautiful world!"

When the sound ended, the video fell into darkness.

This video is really over.

And everyone who watched this video widened their eyes in shock and was speechless for a long time!

ps: The [-]-word chapter,,, is considered to be supplemented... Please support me....

Chapter 91

(The previous chapter has been reviewed. If you haven't seen it, you can look back. I'm really sorry!)

People who watched the entire video were shocked.

Ordinary people know that there are blind people in this world.

But they never imagined that there are so many blind people in this world, and the number is terrifying.

But the most important thing is that magic technology, not long after it came up with anti-gravity technology, really came up with new technology.

Let the blind, see this-world through a camera?

This is simply incredible!

In an instant, this promotional video of Magic Technology spread throughout China's entire network.

Countless people were amazed and exclaimed that it was incredible.

And many viewers with blind people at home are even more excited and unable to control themselves!

"My God, what kind of company is Magic Technology? It can even develop such a technology? Use cameras instead of eyes?"

"Yes, Mr. Ye is really changing the world!"

"My father lost his sight when he was [-] years old because of glaucoma. Although our family is good, but a strong father can't take care of himself. We have already found out that he committed suicide several times. I want to tell my father the good news. My dad, he can see the world again!"

"I have an uncle who is also blind and has no children. It is very difficult to live alone. I will also inform the uncle!"

"The camera replaces the eyes. It's really amazing. I have dry eye syndrome. After looking at the computer for a long time, my eyes dry and hurt. Can I use the camera to help? Use the camera to see when the eyes are tired? Look forward to it!"

"Suddenly I feel like cyberpunk, the anti-gravity suspension car, and now the machine replaces the eyes... The future imagined by human beings seems to have really come true."

On the Internet, discussions about new magic technology products are buzzing.

This video has been directly on the hot search of major platforms.

And the following hot search is the number of blind people in the country, which is shocking!

Inside a tube building built in the [-]s.

An old man is tremblingly taking care of his blind wife!

When I got a call from my son.

The old man was stunned for a moment, and the phone fell to the ground.

He ignored it, hugged the old woman excitedly, and burst into tears!

"What's the matter, old man, did you get hurt? It's my fault that I can't see anything and drag you down. You have to do everything at home. You've worked hard all your life!"

"Old man, are you alright!"

The old woman hugged her old man in distress.

But the old man shook his head: "It's not... it's magic technology... magic technology has invented new products, allowing a blind man to see the world! You have been blind for so many years, you are saved..."

And the old woman also revealed a surprise in an instant.

But the surprise quickly faded, and the tone became hollow: "Magic Technology, the company I always hear about... But high technology is very expensive, and the family's money has been used for me to buy medicine for so many years. Now, my sons and daughters have taken on a lot of debt recently to buy a house..."

"Anyway, I don't have a few years to live. In this world, don't watch it if you don't see it!"

"I can marry you in this life, I'm already very satisfied!"

"I hope that in the next life, I can take care of you for the rest of your life..."

Hearing the words, the old man suddenly had a sour nose: "No... even if it is to sell iron, I will let you see the world, old lady!"


This scene happened in every corner of the country.

Countless blind people wept with joy.

After so many years of darkness, there is no hope in sight.

Now that hope has arrived, how can one not be excited.

The spread of this video is faster than expected.

In just an hour, it spread all over the world.

Countless people are happy that the sensible little porridge can see the light again.

At the same time, they are becoming more and more convinced of magic technology.



And this video is not only spread on the domestic Internet.

In foreign countries, it also quickly swept the Internet in various countries, ranking first in the world's most searched.

Countless ordinary people saw the video and marveled at the powerful scientific research strength of Magic Technology.

All kinds of technologies that only exist in fantasy have actually been realized by magic technology.

And those families with blind people were struck by lightning after hearing the news!

"Charlie, Charlie, Huaxia's magic technology, developed a product to treat blindness!"

A middle-aged man shouted to his twenty-year-old son in surprise.

His son, Charlie, lost his sight in an accident at the age of [-].

Since then, I have only been willing to stay at home, becoming increasingly depressed and losing my desire for life.

For so many years, they have spent countless money seeking medical treatment, but to no avail.

And today, they finally saw hope.

They will definitely do whatever it takes to let their son see the world again!

And this similar scene happened all over the world!

For the [-] million blind people around the world, the new products of magic technology are the best news they have ever heard in their dark lives.

Countless people are looking forward to it.

Looking forward to the products of Magic Technology, when will it be announced!


"Mr. Ye, our new products are being discussed all over the world! The popularity has reached an unprecedented high!"

Lan Feifei reported the data and was very satisfied with the popularity.

"And Mr. Ye, many people on our official website have asked how often our products will be released and how much will they sell for?"

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