"Not only Huaxia, but also many people from other languages ​​came to ask!"

"In just one hour, the number of comments on our official website exceeded [-]!"

"And the phone of our customer service department keeps ringing, and many people come to ask!"

"I think we can start the next step..."

Ye Chen smiled and nodded.

"You did a great job, go ahead and do it..."

Lan Feifei grew up quickly and became more and more trustworthy.

Lan Feifei was praised by Ye Chen, smiling like a flower...

Soon, some comments appeared on the Internet in countries other than China.

"The new technology of Magic Technology actually allows the camera to communicate directly with the brain. It's incredible. The research and development cost of such a product must be very expensive!"

"That's right! To know some high-end special medicines for the treatment of glaucoma, the price of a box is tens of thousands, and the new products of magic technology can directly allow the blind to see the world, and the price can be imagined!"

"Indeed, the last time magic technology research and development Mithril spent hundreds of billions of dollars in research and development funds, and the research and development funds for this new technology must be higher, selling magic technology at a lower cost, and selling it expensive. Blind people can't buy it. rise."

"It's okay, our Yamato country has the highest social welfare, and the country will definitely not ignore us!"

"Yawa country? Can the welfare of Yamato country be compared with that of our tulip country? Our tulip country is the country with the highest welfare in the world, and the country will definitely provide a pair of equipment for all blind people!"

"Indeed...our family is so poor that we can't afford it, but the country has an obligation to help its own citizens. I'm going to call the city hall!"

"Help me, just now I was worried that my salary was too low and I couldn't afford it. Now that I think about it, the country will definitely not sit idly by!"

"I agree that Star Flag has collected so much tax from me, and it should be used to help the poor blind people and let them see the light."

The internet is just that.

As long as someone starts, countless people will participate.

The reels swept like this.

And magic technology has been silent, making people all over the world think that products will be expensive.

Let all blind people pin their hopes on their own country.

The buzz on the Internet is too great.

Although some people found it wrong, they were just small splashes.

This has made the senior leaders of various countries unable to sit still.


"Mr. Ye, the foreign education departments of many countries such as Xingqi Country, Yamato Country, Han Country, Tulip Country, etc. have contacted our Marketing Department..."

"We made an offer of $[-], but they were too expensive!"

Soon after, Lan Feifei came back to report.

Ye Chen nodded.

Fifty thousand dollars is not cheap.

For example, there are more than [-] million blind people in the Star Flag Country, and if it is calculated at [-] US dollars, the total price will be [-] billion US dollars, which is close to [-] trillion yuan.

It is difficult for any country's finances to bear this sudden increase in the budget.

However, Ye Chen has no plans to lower the price.

Sky City's plan to select islands is almost settled.

The next step is to invest in construction. At that time, the money will be poured out like the Yangtze River.

Today's magic technology can only be barely endured.

The new product of our company can just suck blood all over the world and use it for the construction of the city in the sky!


So, Ye Chen glanced at the time and got up calmly: "It's okay, just drag it on!"

"I'm going to see an old man! When a country takes the lead in purchasing our new equipment, the citizens of other countries will definitely react more violently. At that time, it will be the general trend. Even if they are unwilling to accept this price, they must accept it!"

"This money, they have to pay!"

After speaking, Ye Chen left the conference room leisurely, and let the driver drive to a compound in the suburbs of Tianhai City.

There are bodyguards patrolling near the compound, and there are even plainclothes nearby, which shows that the people inside are of the highest status.

Ye Chen entered it.

The opposite is the old man who approved the military license and nuclear license last time.

"Young people are really surprising! It's not long since we last met, and you've made such a big move again!"

"New technology really benefits the country and the people!"

"My group of old buddies fought hard when they were young, but they have no small sequelae when they get old, and many of them have disappeared! It makes me feel bad!"

"I'm very happy to have them see the light again!"

"And there are eight million blind people in the country. If they can all see the light again, step into this society, and participate in production and consumption, the whole country will be more prosperous!"

The pattern of the elderly is extremely high, and the technology is analyzed from the national level.

Ye Chen nodded when he heard the words: "Not only the blind people themselves can return to this society, but also take care of their families, and they can also return to society. The benefits are indeed great!"

The old man Yile: "But I have heard that many countries have the idea of ​​purchasing, but you are asking $[-], which is quite overwhelming!"

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

Ye Chen smiled: "No way, I'm short of money! I'm about to decide which island to choose to start building the city in the sky."

"I want to build that island into a more prosperous metropolis than the imperial capital and the magic capital. The amount of capital required is too terrifying, and even the speed of anti-gravity technology to collect money from the world can't handle it!"

"So you can only make more money from new products!"

Hearing this, the old man was shocked by Ye Chen's bold words.

On an uninhabited island, build a metropolis that is even more prosperous than the imperial capital?

If someone else said it, he would definitely think it was an idiot.

But looking at Marven Ye, he suddenly laughed: "The future generations are terrifying! But we are our own family, and you can't ask for as much as you are to outsiders! Let's still develop the Tian Dynasty family!"

Ye Chen looked at the old man and said seriously: "The cost price is [-] yuan, and it's in RMB!"

This time the old man was completely shocked.

Two thousand dollars?

This price is too cheap.

Compared with the external quotation of [-] US dollars, it is simply too much!

"What do you want?"

The old man is very wise.

Although the current cooperative relationship between the two is very harmonious, it will not allow Ye Chen, a young man with infinite ambition, to benefit so much.

Marven Ye must have other demands.


And Ye Chen also smiled, and liked to chat with smart people.

Two thousand yuan magic technology is not a loss.

The cost of a new product is probably around [-] yuan.

Selling it to Huaxia for [-] also made four times the profit.

It is conceivable how much profit Magic Technology will make from takeaways for $[-].

The reason why I can earn more in China is only 2000.

0 .............  

It was because of Ye Chen's plan that he needed the help of national strength.

This is an exchange.

So Ye Chen said seriously to the old man: "I want China Construction, China Railway, Railway Construction, Transportation Construction, Energy Construction, Electric Power Construction, Zhongnan Construction, Chemical Construction, Construction Engineering Group and other large companies to take over the construction tasks of our company, And put all the manpower into the construction of the Sky City!"

"I want to build it within a year, so at least [-] mature and excellent workers are needed to go to the desert island to build..."

"I also need the help of the state to allocate a large number of shipping ships, to help transport machinery and equipment, and to build raw materials!"

"At the same time, there are planes, the country will transfer or let me buy a batch, specially create a direct route to the island, and assign an airport..."

"At the same time, the state will come forward to deploy important materials..."

"At the same time, I also need a lot of rare earths. I hope to stop exporting rare earths this year and supply me with most of the production capacity!"

"At the same time, I also hope that there will be city-level planning for the city of the sky in the future..."

"at the same time……"

Ye Chen is simply too much at the same time.

The old man was still smiling at first, but he was in a hurry to talk by so many Ye Chen's at the same time!

You must know the construction company mentioned by Ye Chen.

Those are all state-level construction companies, important infrastructure, and foreign projects all rely on these companies.

For projects of ordinary private companies, these groups cannot be invited at all.

And Ye Chen was going to do it all at once, throwing all the powerful construction companies in the country on the desert island to build.

This will delay the speed of domestic infrastructure construction and the completion of foreign projects.

These things are not things that money can solve at all.

And at least [-] migrant workers?

Such a large scale of workers is not something that simple money can solve!

And it's not over yet.

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