And a large number of marine vessels to support?

And airports, airlines, cargo planes?

Even this year's share of rare earths is all?

"You still want a deserted island with municipal administrative planning? Why don't you go to heaven?"

The old man was worried by Ye Chen's request.

He was very moved when he heard the offer of 2000 yuan.

I think that Ye Chen has a patriotic heart and is a patriotic young man who is dedicated to the country...

But now, he is considering whether to buy it at the original price...

Ye Chen also smiled: "Although these requirements are a little excessive, they are also of great benefit to the whole of China!"

"Look at Dubai, the city of wonders in the desert. It's expensive to build, right? But how much has it benefited over the years? How much has it earned?"

"And our city in the sky, if it is built, it will be a city of miracles on the earth, and it will have too many positive impacts!"

"So, I also hope..."

The corner of the old man's mouth twitched: "Don't hope anymore, you're annoying... I remember what you just said. The product will be manufactured as soon as possible, and someone will contact you soon..."

After that, the old man who originally valued Ye Chen was not willing to pay attention to Ye Chen.

However, there was still a smile in the corner of the old man's eyes.

Although Ye Chen has big ambitions.


Perhaps it can really make the entire China usher in earth-shaking changes.

Ye Chen is worth his investment.

ps: I can read the last chapter... I only updated [-] words yesterday. I was really tired. I will try to make up for it today. I hope everyone will support it!Ten thousand.

Chapter 92

Building a city is more difficult than imagined.

Just having money is not enough.

Because just having money, it is impossible for the top ten construction companies in a country to serve you.

It is even more impossible to directly recruit [-] to [-] outstanding workers to go to the desert island.

Not to mention so many people eating, drinking, and managing...

There are also countless building materials that need to be transported.

There are also precious rare earth and other raw materials supply.

In short.

Even if Ye Chen prepared a lot of money, he still needed the help of state forces.

Therefore, the price of new magic technology products in China has been greatly reduced.

This is an exchange.

However, Ye Chen didn't plan to sell it too expensively in China, because many blind people are really too poor!

Now that these conditions can be obtained, Ye Chen is very satisfied.

As for applying for municipal planning for Sky City.

It is Ye Chen who thinks for the long term.

Manpower is sometimes poor.

Even gods need sects.

And the city in the sky will be made into the most dreamy city on earth by Ye Chen.

With the best education, the best medical...

The city, in addition to its strategic significance.

It is also the best way for Ye Chen to attract talents.

I believe it will take a few years.

There are only two kinds of cities in the world: the city in the sky and other cities!

And the best talents in the country will join Magic Technology.


"Mr. Ye, all countries are very resistant to our offer!"

"In some Western media, there have been some reports saying that we are waiting for a price, charging a sky-high price that no country can afford, and trying to arouse people's dissatisfaction with us..."

Wait for Ye Chen to return to the company.

Lan Feifei reported the situation and was a little worried.

A fishing reel is a double-edged sword.

At that time, the Semiconductor Alliance wanted to kidnap magic technology with fishing reel morality.

As a result, they were countered by magic technology, gained a good reputation, and hacked them.

In this regard, Ye Chen's mouth twitched, and he said calmly: "It's okay, they will buy it soon!"

Lan Feifei was a little curious when she heard the words.

And Ye Chen didn't hide it, and said lightly: "I have just negotiated cooperation... Soon Huaxia will distribute visual equipment to the blind for free... Just like compulsory education, it will always be free!"

Lan Feifei was stunned when she heard the words.

The boss just went out for a while, and quietly negotiated such a big cooperation?

Huaxia is a country with a large population. This kind of national-level procurement is an absolute big business!

And now Western consumers are dissatisfied with the high price of magic technology.

If you know that Huaxia will include visual equipment into social security.

Then their attitude will definitely change immediately...


And sure enough.

in the West.

Elites from all over the world are unwilling to be swept away by magic technology...

They have come up with the ability to deal with the fishing reels of magic technology.

Never underestimate them.

Magic technology used fishing reels to keep them from getting off the stage.

And they will naturally use fishing reels to attack magic technology.

After all, when it comes to playing fishing reels, they have more means.

"Although it is a new technology, the price of magic technology is too harsh, and the national finances cannot support it at all!"

"I think magic technology is too much! Have you forgotten your original intention?"

"But the research and development cost of magic technology must be very expensive, and it is normal for the price to be expensive!"

"Our Star Flag Country is so rich that we can't accept the price of magic technology. It must show that the price of magic technology is really too high!"

"We must call on magic technology to cut prices, this is about..."

In the case of someone abroad deliberately adding fuel to the flames, many people have become dissatisfied with magic technology.

Then this kind of emotion intensifies, and it is about to spread out in the global fermentation.

A message spread all over the world!

The official website of China VIA Department issued a statement.

"In order to protect the health of the people and help the blind reintegrate into society..."

"We have reached a procurement contract with Magic Technology. We will purchase a total of [-] million visual devices independently developed by Magic Technology within one year, and distribute them to the blind in China for free!"

"From the [-]st of next month, the distribution will officially start, but according to the different delivery time, the distribution time of each region is different!"

"Please bring your disability certificate in advance and go to the VIA department in various places to register!"

"We promise that within a year, blind people across the country will be able to see again..."

"Paying for the health of the people is the obligation of any country!"

"At the same time, we will cooperate with various departments to encourage blind people to return to society and put an end to all discrimination..."

VIA's announcement was concise.

But the news that came out made the whole China boil.

"I'm going, mighty and domineering... It's completely free for the blind, China is awesome!"

"I'm going to tell my uncle the good news!"

"I'm going to take my dad to register in advance. After my dad heard that he could see this world, he's not depressed at all, he's full of hope!"

"Slap in the face? Just now I was watching on the Internet that the price they charge for spraying magic technology is too high, and their country can't stand it! Hehe, it's just that their country doesn't want to care! You know, we Huaxia are developing a family of heaven, and they don't hesitate. Purchased!"

"Indeed, I'm going to ridicule them on the Internet!"

"Brothers, let's rush together..."


Countless blind people cried with joy when they heard the news.

"Free, it's free, old lady, don't worry!"

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