"That's great! Old man, I can finally see what you look like!"

"Son, you don't need money. Our family doesn't need to sell iron to help you buy it. You will soon be able to regain your senses!"

"Go to the VIA department and line up to register..."

Countless families in distress have seen hope at this moment!


And overseas.

Dissatisfaction with magic technology intensifies.

But soon, when the news that Huaxia on the other side of the ocean included the visual equipment into the free guarantee came out.

Everyone was startled.

And the original dissatisfaction with magic technology disappeared in an instant.

That's Huaxia...

In the eyes of many people, countries that are extremely backward can actually purchase from magic technology and provide them free of charge for the whole people.

Then why do the developed countries where they live feel that the price of magic technology is too high?

This is downright hilarious!

"I'm going, we've all been deceived, it's just those with money and power, who are reluctant to spend money!"

"Yeah, even Huaxia can afford it, why can't we afford it?"

"Angry... They even smeared the greed of magic technology, I was deceived!"

"Protest, protest..."

"I want to see the world, if they don't give it to me, I won't give them the votes for the next term!"

Countless objections swept across foreign networks.

They are usually proud that their country is a developed country.

But what happened, even the countries they thought were backward?

How can they accept it!

This huge protest momentum, like a spark, swept the entire Internet in an instant.

And this has left countless elites speechless.

They know that they are taking advantage of this, and they are set...

They dared to use their heads to guarantee that the price that Magic Technology reported to Huaxia was definitely not the price that was given to them.

And China is not as backward as people think.

Huaxia's current economic strength is terrifying.

But because they operate fishing reels on weekdays, ordinary people don't know the real situation of Huaxia.

$[-] each.

Considering the number of blind people in China, the audit departments of many countries are very large.

Where did such a large sum of money come from suddenly?

Many countries have thus fallen into hesitation.

At this moment, Dan Mai in Beiyu, Norway, the two countries with the highest social welfare in the world.

It was the first to announce that it would order equipment to provide free visual equipment to the nation.

This made the people of both countries cheer.

But this also aroused the dissatisfaction of people in other countries.

"Another country has announced, we still don't buy it? Isn't it free?"

"Is our concept of developed countries fake?"

"Angry, we are the No. [-] country with the dignified star flag, isn't it better than a small country like Danmai Norway?"

"Our Yamato country is the third largest economy in the world. Why is there no news yet?"

Countless netizens questioned.

This has made the elites of various countries a headache.

Can you compare?

Shanmai and Norway are both small countries, their social welfare is high, and the number of blind people is at most [-] or [-].

Not much money.

Of course they can order without hesitation.

But in a country with a population of hundreds of millions, there are basically millions of blind people!

It's not a property at all.

But even if they understood the truth, they were speechless.


Just surrender!

I knew it was being smashed, but there was nothing I could do!

This feeling is so embarrassing

And as more and more countries have announced the purchase of visual equipment of magic technology, it will be provided free of charge for the blind.

The rest of the country couldn't bear it either.

Hurry up to contact Magic Technology and make money to place an order.

Anyway, since you have to spend money, you can get the goods sooner if you spend it earlier.


a time.

Whether to order visual equipment and whether it is provided free of charge to the nationals.

It has become a symbol of countries competing for national strength.

In this case, even many countries with insufficient financial budgets can only be swollen and fat.

This also makes Magic Technology's visual equipment orders float like snowflakes.

"Mr. Ye, we have received foreign orders for a total of [-] million devices in the past two days! The orders have already been placed in September next year!"

Lan Feifei reported to Ye Chen with a beaming smile.

Twelve million pieces of equipment, each with an offer of US$[-], which is close to [-] RMB.

And the cost of magic technology is only [-] RMB.

In particular, magic technology requires full payment.

Although the speed of this large-scale remittance has been slow and fast.

But it will arrive within a month at most.

That is, within a month at most.

The revenue of magic technology will reach a terrifying $[-] billion!

Equivalent to RMB, it will reach [-] trillion RMB!

When Ye Chen heard the number, he nodded with satisfaction.

Very good, the money to build the city in the sky, even if it is not collected now, it is not too bad!

Thanks to the world!


However, Ye Chen was still a little dissatisfied!

Orders were not as many as expected.

The world's [-] million blind people, half of whom are in backward regions such as Africa, will certainly not place an order.

Ye Chen didn't count on them either.

But Ye Chen was thinking about the order from Impression Country.

Impression country is a populous country like China.

The number of blind people counted by the World Health Organization has reached [-] million.

This is not to mention the impression that many countries do not have statistics.

If Impression Country also has orders, then revenue will definitely skyrocket.

That way the construction funds of the city in the sky.

Maybe Ye Chen no longer needs follow-up investment, and the money earned directly from visual equipment is enough!

"Didn't Impression Country place an order?"

Ye Chen looked at Lan Feifei and spoke.

Lan Feifei nodded when she heard the words: "Impression Country has been pretending to be dead, and it hasn't made a sound since the fishing reel fermented until now!"

Ye Chen was happy to hear that...  

This operation is the style of Impression Country, yes!

But do you think you can escape without speaking?

Face and Ion, you can only choose one!

Ye Chen glanced at Lan Feifei and said with a smile: "I made an announcement to say thank you for the contributions made by all countries in the world to the blind people around the world!"

"At the same time, it is announced that Magic Technology will do charity around the world every year, providing visual equipment totaling [-] million US dollars for free to those citizens of backward countries who have not ordered equipment!"

"Then make Impression Country the country that will be given away in the first year!"

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