Hearing Ye Chen's words, Lan Feifei was stunned for a moment.

She has a very bad feeling for Impression Kingdom!

Why does your boss want to send products to Impression Country for free?

Ye Chen felt Lan Feifei's confused little eyes and smiled slightly.

"The equipment of [-] million US dollars, according to the price of [-] US dollars, is only [-] copies, and the total cost is only [-] yuan!"

"But a mere [-] yuan can give us a good reputation around the world! It's not a loss for blood!"

"Secondly, do you think that with the style of the Impression Kingdom, you can always say that Mumbai is worse than the magic capital, and that China is not as good as the Impression Kingdom... Will they allow themselves to be defined as a backward country by the world?"

"As soon as our announcement comes out, Impression Country will definitely place an order to show that it is not a backward country!"

"Even if it's just for fame, they have to give money obediently!"

Lan Feifei was shocked.

Mr. Ye's own hand is really accurate!

In the style of Impression Country, for the sake of fame, he will definitely slap his face and be a fat man!

However, Lan Feifei was a little worried: "Mr. Ye, does Impression have so much money to place orders?"

Ye Chen smiled: "Don't worry, don't look at the Impression Country, but it's actually quite rich. Arms are bought for hundreds of billions of billions of dollars, and they are a big deal in the global arms market! Don't underestimate their ability to pay!"

Lan Feifei smiled happily.

The boss is great.

Harvest the world, as long as you have the ability to pay, you really don't plan to miss any!


Soon, Magic Technology issued an announcement.

As a provider of visual equipment, Magic Technology has attracted a lot of attention.

The content of the announcement immediately caused an uproar around the world.

"Mr. Ye is really a kind person. Every year, equipment worth tens of millions of dollars is given to blind people in backward countries for free."

"Isn't Impression Country also ordered for the people? I read the news and always thought Impression Country was better developed than Huaxia, but it wasn't!"

"I've always thought so. It turns out that Impression Country doesn't even have the money to buy video equipment for its citizens. It's surprising!"

"Mr. Ye really likes to repay grievances with virtue. The country that gave away visual equipment in the first year of Magic Technology is Impression Country. I heard that the relationship between their countries is not good!"

"Mr. Ye is really broad-minded, helping the poor and blind!"

The content of this announcement gave Magic Technology a wave of goodwill around the world.

And Ye Chen's reputation for repaying grievances with virtue has spread all over the world and has countless fans.

As for the country of impression, many people have changed their original impression.

It turns out that I can't even afford visual equipment, what a pity...

This huge fishing reel directly made Impression Country no longer pretend to be silent.

"Fart, we are much better than Huaxia..."

"Yes, we don't need the aid of magic technology!"

"We just took a long time to count the number of people and were more careful, how could we not be able to afford it!"

"Our impression country is a developed country like the West!"

Countless netizens from the Impression Kingdom roared and uttered their voices.

It didn't take long for Impression, who had been pretending to be dead, to contact Magic Technology's marketing department.

Want to place an order.

However, I hope to wait until the product arrives before paying.

This kind of large-scale transaction is not something that small staff can decide.

So I quickly informed Ye Chen, and Ye Chen made the decision.

Ye Chen sneered when he saw the request of the post-impression country.

The anti-gravity components were also sold to Land Rover, an automobile company in Impression Country.

However, after receiving the goods, Land Rover lowered the price on the spot.

And he dared to default on the cost of components, saying that he would give money after the product was sold.

This made Ye Chen at that time directly enraged.

On the spot, a message was sent to the global car company industry chain, requiring the global anti-gravity vehicle industry chain to stop providing parts for Land Rover cars.

At the same time, it asked the graphene battery of Xingqi to stop supplying it.

Directly block Land Rover globally.

A series of actions made the person in charge of this company turn pale. He paid money overnight, and flew to Magic Technology to apologize.

After paying a large amount of liquidated damages, Magic Technology stopped blocking it!

But since then, the cooperation between Impression State Enterprise and Magic Technology will only be shipped when the money is deposited in the account.

From this, it can be seen how low the reputation of Impression Country is when doing business.


"Notify them that if you don't see the money, you don't even sign the order! Not to mention the delivery. In the future, the state-owned enterprises will be treated like this!"

Ye Chen opened his mouth with a sneer.

After receiving the order, the Marketing Department immediately rejected Impression Country's request.

This made Impression Country feel ashamed and helpless.

They even want to make up the order and use it to trick the world into ordering itself.

After all, pariahs can't see if they can't see it.

Their lives are worthless, so what's the point of wearing a $[-] awareness device?

But Magic Technology's behavior made them worry that they would be directly slapped in the face by fabricating news.

This is even more embarrassing in the world.

After hesitating for a long time, Impression Country still paid for the order recently.

But when the number of orders came.

Ye Chen and Lan Feifei were stunned....

Chapter 93

The day.

The VIA Minister of Impression Country spoke directly to the media.

Frankly speaking, there is a problem with the WHO's statistics on the blind people in Impression!

According to their own survey statistics.

In the country of impression, there are actually only [-] blind people!

When the video of this press conference spread around the world, it caused countless complaints.


And look at the order sent by Impression Country.

Ye Chen and Lan Feifei are a little messy!

An order of 30 units?

Not even as many as some mid-sized countries?


You are such a country with a population of more than [-] billion and absurdly poor medical conditions.

Only [-] blind people?

Less than one-tenth of the Star Flag Country, a country with a population of [-] million?

Dare to blow this?

This is simply outrageous...

Look at the orders of Impression Country, and then look at the data stated by the spokesperson of Impression Country's VIA Department.

Ye Chen was silent...

Ye Chen felt as if he had won, but he didn't seem to have won completely.

This messy feeling is indescribable in words.

In this regard, Ye Chen can only say seriously, awesome!

The order of [-] yuan from Impression Country made Ye Chen feel dull.

This is the first country that can make Ye Chen feel frustrated.

It is indeed a country of impressions.


the next day.

Ye Chen was quite busy.

Research in the Consciousness Lab continues.

Next, there are sound simulations, taste simulations, and even touch and pain simulations!In short, the goal of magic technology is to use mechanical signals to simulate all the consciousness of human body organs.

At that time, human beings can directly communicate with each other their feelings with consciousness, and it will no longer be a problem!

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