With the successful experience of visual transmission, coupled with the expansion of a large number of biological talents.

The research progress of the Consciousness Lab is going fast!

The floating island plan is also proceeding in an orderly manner.

Major construction companies across the country have been ordered to temporarily shrink their business and slow down their projects.

At the same time, it also allows them to recruit and train excellent industrial personnel on a large scale.

Some national-level projects have even been slowed down by the peak.

This aroused the surprise of many people.

Is it possible that there are 14 large-scale infrastructure projects in the country?

You must know that even the Three Heroes Project, which shocked the world, did not mobilize so many state-owned construction companies to participate!

at the same time.

Some urban planning professors from top planning academies were also invited out.

These people are very senior.

Such as the chief designer of the urban planning of Shancheng, the chief designer of the urban planning of Modu...

Even the eldest disciple of Mr. Liang, who designed the imperial capital plan in the past, was invited out.

And when they received the task, they were all stunned.

The task they were invited turned out to be to design a large modern city.


Today's large cities are actually developed slowly from small cities.

After all, urban development is related to the gradual migration and cohesion of the population.

So cities are slowly evolving.

And designing a megacity from the start...

This is unique in the world.

They are all senior talents in the construction industry, and they think of the recent big moves by major companies to shrink their businesses.

Is it possible that the country wants to build a brand new super metropolis?

This conjecture made their blood boil.

After all, the old city developed into a metropolis, because of the vision of the designers at that time, many places were not perfect.

For example, many bicycle lanes in the old city are blocked when it rains.

Not enough parking.

The sewer design is not perfect.

The distribution of functional areas is not perfect.

There is now a unique opportunity to design a new metropolis.

So it starts from the division of urban functional areas, landmark buildings, and sewer design.

They started to study in groups and did their best!

Yet they don't know at all.

This is not a national project.

It is a project of the private company Magic Technology.


As Huaxia took the lead in distributing the visual equipment released by Magic Technology by region.

On the streets of Huaxia, many blind people can already be seen.

Wearing visual equipment, they looked at a metropolis far beyond their imagination.

Especially for those who lost their sight halfway through the disease.

The current prosperity of China is far beyond their imagination.

In the major tour groups, there are also many more elderly people watching with their eyes closed.

Some travel agencies even saw business opportunities and launched a special January tour group for the blind, taking them to enjoy the mountains and rivers of the motherland.

Major schools across the country have also opened education classes for the blind one after another at the request.

Free education for those children who have regained their sight.

Looking at those blind children who are already seventeen or eighteen years old, eager to learn elementary school knowledge, no one looks down on them.

Just be happy for them and offer encouragement.

For the blind people to return to this world, the attitude of the whole society is tolerant.

Someone on the street taught blind people how to scan codes with their mobile phones.

Someone in a supermarket teaches blind people how to check out automatically.

There are also people in the subway who teach blind people who come to the subway for the first time.

And videos of blind people regaining light and returning to society are also circulating on the Internet.

Many scenes are very moving.

For example, a mother who is blind can give birth to a child with cerebral palsy.

When the mother saw the light, the first thing she did was look closely at her son.

Mother and son hug each other and cry...

In foreign countries, there are already a large number of Huaxia video porters.

Even domestic video creators have discovered business opportunities and opened self-media accounts directly on foreign websites.

When these videos spread abroad.

Countless people are looking forward to...

Countless foreign blind people are even more envious and jealous, wishing to see the light immediately.

Unfortunately, the order of delivery of Magic Technology is based on the payment order of each country.

That is to say, after the supply of nine million sets of Huaxia is completed, it will be supplied to the following countries one by one.

But even so.

The changes brought about by visual equipment are also subverting all over the world.

The first is that ophthalmology-related stocks in countries around the world have fallen sharply.

And the Aier family of the Star Flag Country.

Their family owns the world's largest chain eye hospital, Aier Hospital.

There are also several ophthalmic pharmaceutical companies supplying the world.

Such as cataracts, glaucoma, and retinal diseases, [-]% of the drugs are monopolized by them.

Cataracts, glaucoma, and retina are the three most common diseases that cause blindness.

Even though many patients can no longer see clearly, they still have to buy medicines and undergo surgery in order to hope for a silver lining.

And now, for most ordinary people, they don't need it anymore.

The visual equipment of magic technology has perfectly replaced the eyes.

Even the clarity is better than most people's eyes.

No fatigue, no dry eyes.

Except for a few particularly wealthy blind families, most blind people have given up treatment.

Not to mention that it is not cured, even if it is cured, the effect is not as good as the visual equipment of magic technology.

For blind people from ordinary or even poor families, giving up treatment is the best choice.

But this leads to...

Aier Ophthalmology, a large company with numerous branches around the world, experienced a turbulent decline in performance.

They used to have an average of [-] eye surgeries around the world every day.

Now it has dropped sharply to [-] units.

And many special drugs that need to be used every day have also suffered from Waterloo.

After all, even if there are many blind people in foreign countries, they can't rank the visual equipment of magic technology for the time being.

But they have seen hope and don't want to waste money on drugs anymore!

And the emerging sunrise industry of smart blind sticks has also become a sunset industry in an instant.

This made countless people who lost interests gnashed their teeth at Ye Chen.

The visual equipment of magic technology is completely a dimensionality reduction blow for them.


in the star flag country.

In a huge castle manor, flowers are blooming and green grass is green.

In the middle of the courtyard, there is an expensive and luxurious long table.

One by one old people, sitting on gorgeous chairs, quietly enjoying afternoon tea, chatting with each other.

There were more than ten people present, all of them elderly, and the youngest were fifty years old.

But their identities, any one of them is revealed, are the existences that can make different fields tremble.

For example, the old man in the red hat is the patriarch of the Dupont family.

The DuPont family is a big family with hundreds of billions of dollars in apparent wealth, but in fact it holds trillions of terrifying wealth.

In the past, DuPont started in the field of arms and became a global chemical giant and a well-deserved monopoly in the chemical field.

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