The rest of the old people are also the patriarchs of the Adams family, the Kennedy family, the Galvin family, the Rothschild family and other families...

These are big families that have been passed down for hundreds of years in the political and business circles of Xingqi.

Outsiders only have few rumors about them, but even these rumors can see their influence.

It would be wrong to say that these family chaebols ruled the Star Flag nation.

No one can completely rule this terrifying first power.

But their family members control important positions in the commercial, political, people's livelihood, and energy fields that permeate the Star Flag Country.

They compete with each other and cooperate with each other.

Formed a majestic and complex body of interests.

They can silently influence the direction of the powerful country of Star Flag in any way!


And the owner of this manor is the patriarch of the El family.

The El family is not as famous as other families.

However, the resources and wealth at his disposal are in no way inferior to the Rothschild family.

Especially in the field of medicine, the El family is the well-deserved king.

In Pfizer, UnitedHealth, Johnson & Johnson, and Novartis, as long as these top pharmaceutical companies have a considerable part of hidden shares, their influence is amazing.

At this moment, I heard someone mention Ye Chen.

Al frowned, and there was a gloomy flash in his eyes!

"Then Ye Chen is indeed a genius!"

"Our Star Flag nation sucks blood talents from all over the world and has the top scientific research team, but it is really unacceptable that we have been defeated by this young man again and again!"

"Even the former Einstein was a bit inferior compared to this young man from China!"

El's evaluation of Ye Chen made everyone here nod.

This is not an exaggeration.

Ye Chen's various inventions have changed the world no less than Einstein's contribution back then.

"The consciousness ring is really useful. It's very comfortable for an older person like me! Unfortunately, this young man is a Chinese..."

Rothschild opened his mouth and took a sip of tea.

The rest of the people also nodded.

Ye Chen has caused them too much loss.

Their tentacles have long reached the global commercial high-tech field.

And Ye Chen's subversive products caused them great losses beyond description.

Rothschild, who is engaged in finance, lost nearly [-] billion US dollars in the financial market because of Ye Chen's products.

The people at the scene hated Ye Chen to the core!

And at this moment, the one who hates Ye Chen the most is undoubtedly El.

The [-] billion US dollars spent by Star Flag on the purchase of visual equipment was entirely derived from the medical funds in the field of ophthalmology this year.

And this batch of funds was originally earned by the Ayre family.

Not to mention that the Star Flag National Congress has passed the vote, and the medical investment in the field of ophthalmology will be reduced year by year in the future.

And all over the world, this is the trend.

In the long run, the losses caused by the visual equipment to the Al family are more than trillions of dollars.

Therefore, El hated Ye Chen to the core.

He said coldly, "Magic technology has already caused us too much loss!"

"Now the semiconductor industry and the mobile phone industry have been mastered by China because of magic technology!"

"Up to three years, wait for Huaxia to completely swallow the entire industry chain!"

"The position of the world's largest economy will inevitably change hands."

"At that time, the world will completely enter the era of two great rivalries, and you will not be so nourished!"

Al's words caused all the old people present to fall into contemplation.


Their ability to plunder the world has a lot to do with the current status of the Star Flag Country.

If Huaxia makes further progress, it will develop again.

That would be a disaster for them!

They looked at Al quietly, trying to understand why Al invited them here today.

And Al smiled lightly: "Because of Ye Chen, Magic Technology, a unique terrorist company, can be so stable!"

"But what if Marven Ye dies?"

"His parents are just ordinary people, and they can't keep magic technology at all!"

"Even inside Huaxia, many people will reach out when they look at the big fat of magic technology..."

"Magic technology loses Ye Chen, the soul founder, and will inevitably fall apart!"

"And at that time, with our penetration on the other side of the ocean. Magic technology, we must have a share!!"

El's eyes shone dimly.

Hearing this, everyone present narrowed their eyes.

But someone shook his head: "It's Huaxia, not our star flag country, it's hard for us to make Ye Chen... And once people from our country arrive, they'll be very eye-catching in Huaxia and will be monitored!"

He didn't finish his sentence.

But the meaning is very clear and the difficulty is very high.

But Al smiled lightly: "Huaxia is indeed very safe, but because it is so safe, Ye Chen doesn't even have a security team until now!"

"And his villa, located on an island in the middle of the lake, is sparsely populated and very private. There are only some security guards who have received ordinary training!"

"And we have several special tactical teams composed entirely of Chinese! At the same time, they retain Chinese nationality, nominally work in our Star Flag Country, and have an official outside identity..."

"If they return to Huaxia in batches and carry out their missions in secret, I don't think they will be monitored!"

Al's words made everyone present raised their heads involuntarily.

This Al is really ready!

It's only been a few days since the launch of the visual equipment, and even the plans are in order.

However, they are happy to see it happen.

And Al smiled slightly: "Next, everyone must make preparations in advance, and everyone will work together to exert pressure... But this time, we Al want the best interests!"

The audience toasted together.

Some people have begun to think about how to divide up technology in the future....

Chapter 94

In Ye Chen's manor villa.

It was quiet.

The villa is very big, but Ye Chen did not ask for cleaning, the chef team.

As for the security team, there is no such thing.

In fact, some company executives have long hoped that Ye Chen would hire a security guard.

When I met the old man last time, the other party also suggested that he could provide Ye Chen with top special forces personal protection.

However, these were all rejected by Ye Chen.

For a third-order magician, unless it is facing a large thermal weapon.

Otherwise, nothing in this world can threaten Ye Chen.

Security means nothing to Ye Chen, but it is still a trouble.

If the security personnel discover Ye Chen's own secret, will it be silenced or not?

So, it's better not to ask for security!



Ye Chen will break through to the fourth-order magician after tonight.

A fourth-order magician can start to study the mysteries of space and use various space magics.

In this way, even Tianhai City was suddenly hit by a missile.

Ye Chen can also hide in space without being hurt.

Security is even better.

And in the future, space technology can also be applied to their own sky city.

With a snap of his fingers, all the lights in the villa suddenly went out.

Ye Chen sat quietly on the rooftop, bathed in the moonlight, and made a breakthrough...

Time flows so slowly.

The next morning, Ye Chen opened his eyes, and his eyes were bright.

The whole person exudes a transcendent aura.

When Ye Chen got up, opened his arms, and bathed in the morning glow.

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