Ye Chen is going to perform real divination.

This is a magical and dangerous magic.

As long as Mithril is consumed, most things can be divination.

However, it is also very dangerous, and once someone is stronger than himself, his mental power will be backfired and injured.

The stronger the divination person, the greater the backlash.

If Ye Chen divination information about the goddess of magic now, it is estimated that he would die on the spot.

So even in the magical world, no magician would easily use divination.

But in today's earth, Ye Chen has no scruples!

Ye Chen chanted a spell gently.

The next moment, the mirror made of Mithril shone with light.

Ye Chen threw a small piece of mithril, and the mirror swallowed it.

The next moment, a figure appeared on the mirror...

Looking at the listed information, Ye Chen recited his name softly: "El-Kezosi, it turned out to be the El family!"

This name was beyond Ye Chen's expectations.

Those who want to kill him are Cook, Musk, and Ye Chen, the great commander.

But I didn't expect that the one who jumped out first would be Al in the medical field.


"Failed? All the team members lost contact, and the person who responded drowned directly because the boat capsized?"

In the evening, Al received a call, and his turbid eyes could not see happiness and anger.

When he hung up the phone, he sighed.

It is impossible for an important genius like Ye Chen to be without protection, everything is an illusion.

You must know that the people who responded were also specially trained, how could they drown because the boat capsized?

There must be a strong defense force beside Ye Chen.

"But it doesn't matter, these people are trained in secret, they are no longer on the list of soldiers, and they don't know any secrets. Huaxia can't get any evidence, and it's even more impossible to involve me!"

Although Al is disappointed, years of experience have allowed him to stabilize his heart!

Just think of the losses caused by the magic technology visual equipment.

He still has an undisguised hatred.

"In the future, there will definitely be a chance... If I have suffered such a huge loss, I will definitely make you die miserably..."

Al scolded and entered his luxurious bedroom with hundreds of square meters.

He likes silence, so no servants are left in the bedroom.

He was sixty years old, and he was a little afraid of death.

So he used to go to bed early and get up early and pay attention to his health.

Turning off the light early, Al lay down, tossing and turning but couldn't fall asleep at all.

For some reason, he had a bad premonition, and his heart felt heavy!

"There must be something wrong with my body. Let the medical team come over tomorrow to give me a full body checkup!"

Al murmured, and finally fell asleep!

But at midnight.

Al was suddenly awakened by the chill.

Because he felt that there were eyes watching him.

He straightened up instantly, and saw a dark figure sitting there on the sofa in the bedroom.

Al trembled, and hurriedly turned on the light.

When the light came on, he saw a young Chinese man, sitting upright on the sofa, looking at himself leisurely.

Looking at the familiar face, El only felt trembling all over!

Because the person in front of him was Ye Chen who he wanted to kill with all his heart.

But how is this possible?

In the afternoon, the intelligence also accurately stated that Ye Chen was in China.

Even if Ye Chen took a plane, it was impossible to come to the other side of the earth so quickly.

Not to mention appearing silently in his manor whose security specifications are comparable to that of the Black Palace.


Seeing Al's unbelievable gaze, Ye Chen smiled.

"Don't you want to kill me? I'm here myself!"

Ye Chen spoke lightly, letting Al understand that he was not dreaming.

But even though he had been through wind and rain for a long time, he still couldn't accept the scene in front of him, he said tremblingly: "You... how did you come here?"

At the same time, his hand was slowly moving under the pillow.

"For the sake of your life, it took me three kilograms of mithril to create the props to teleport across half the world!"

"Three kilograms of mithril in another world is enough to buy the lives of several seventh-level magicians!"

"It can cost me such a big price, your life is really worth a lot!"

Ye Chen spoke lightly, and said something that Al didn't quite understand.

But he could understand that Ye Chen wanted to kill himself.

At this moment, he was about to touch the hidden alarm bell.

Just press it and the whole manor will sound an alarm.

And the security team of the Blackwater Company hired by him will come to save him within ten seconds!

However, at the moment he was about to press it.

Ye Chen snapped his fingers...

The next moment, El's pupils shrank! .

Chapter 96


The moonlight was gentle and sprinkled on the manor.

It was a very quiet night.

Hundreds of security personnel hiding in the light and in the dark, looking at the elegant manor, feel that the environment for their work is really good.

With a monthly salary of tens of thousands of dollars a month, it is very leisurely.

After all, there is no fool who would come to assassinate the patriarch of the big chaebol.

But the next moment...

bang bang bang bang bang...

Seven consecutive gunshots stunned the cork birds in the manor.

The security personnel listened to the sound of the gun and instantly stood upside down.

Because the source of the gunshots was - El's bedroom...

The alarm sounded instantly, and the entire manor was lit up in an instant.

The nearest security guard instantly took out the gun on his waist, maintained a tactical formation, and broke through the door...

And when they entered El's bedroom and saw the scene in front of them, their scalps went numb!

Al fell to the ground.

He was shot seven times in a row.

The wide brown pupils were full of shock.

Apparently, Al saw something extremely shocking before he died.

And on the coffee table, there is a pistol!

The security captain swallowed, knowing that the trouble was big!

"Immediately block the manor. Five seconds after the gunshots sounded, we entered the bedroom. The murderer must still be in the manor!"

"Let all team members keep tactical objects, search one by one, control everyone in the manor, and no one is allowed to leave!"

"Contact fbi at the same time, the patriarch of the El family is dead!"

The whole manor jumped in an instant.

However, they didn't even find the killer's shadow.

Even if the fbi came and used countless professional instruments, nothing was found.

They could not find any trace of the murderer coming in at all, nor how the murderer escaped.

If not that gun was determined to be the murder weapon, and it was placed on the coffee table far away from Al's body.

They all have to guess if Al committed suicide!

But on that gun, they found an amazing clue...

Although this gun has no serial number, it has markings unique to the Star Banner army.

Based on the markings, they can easily trace the whereabouts of the guns.

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