The death of such an influential giant as Al has a considerable impact.

The behemoth of the Star Flag Country was instantly mobilized, and he quickly found out what El had done recently.

I also found out this gun, it should be in China!

It should be in the hands of the special team members who assassinated Ye Chen.

The fingerprints on the gun were compared, which also confirmed this.

But now the entire team is missing, and the responders are directly drowned.

And that night, Al, the messenger, was killed by this gun...

The information revealed in this is terrifying!

This gun can travel from China to the Star Flag Country in half a day.

This means that the other party must infiltrate the various departments of the star flag country to do it.

Not to mention evading the tight security and silently assassinating Al.

And leave silently.

This power is even more terrifying.

You must know that the security forces around El are of the highest level.

If the opponent can assassinate Al, wouldn't he also be able to assassinate Rothschild, Dupont, or even...

In short, this assassination brought them too much fear.

The security force of the important personnel of each family has been directly doubled.

On the other side of the Black Palace, it has also been upgraded to the highest level.

At the same time, they also affirmed that the force behind this assassination must be the country on the other side of the ocean.

El sent someone to assassinate Ye Chen.

The assassination process failed, and the other party was able to find Al, the top murderer, in one day and kill Al.

This revealed that Huaxia attached great importance to Ye Chen.

Also a warning!

Let them not dare to assassinate Ye Chen again!

The news of Al's assassination was blocked.

Ordinary people have no idea that such a giant died.

But the undercurrent that was set off was enormous.

The various departments of the Star Flag have launched a review and purge...

They feel that they have been penetrated too seriously...

No one would have thought.

This is actually done by one person.

In this, there is no force at all to intervene...


And Huaxia, apparently also got the wind.

Knowing that I have done a big thing in the Star Flag Country, forcing the Star Flag Country cia, fbi to be accused of various, crazy actions...

A group of people were stunned.

"??? What did we do?"

But soon, some clues were discovered.

The two people who drowned in Donghu, the assassination of Ye Chen, were also noticed.

However, the news of El's death was quickly learned by the senior management.

Al was the culprit who assassinated Ye Chen.

El's death was also recognized by the Star Flag Nation, and they did it.

But this made a group of people from the intelligence espionage department even more confused...

When did we do it?

And when did we get so arrogant?

In the Star Flag Country, assassinate the giants who think they have tight security?

Who can do this?

This is absolutely framed!

The two only two powerful countries on earth, because of Ye Chen, are in a state of confusion!



Ye Chen saw the old man again.

The old man looked at Ye Chen with deep eyes, and said with emotion: "It's really terrifying for future generations!"

Recently, the intelligence department is frantically engaged in espionage warfare, frantically digging up the other side's spies and inquiring about the details.

Cia bites like a mad dog.

They all think that the other party is pretending to be stupid, that they are framing them, and that the secret battle is constant.

But the old man felt that it was very likely that Ye Chen did it!

The power behind Ye Chen is stronger than he thought.

Fortunately, Ye Chen's stance was firm.

Ye Chen understood what the old man meant and smiled slightly.

Ye Chen used the gun on purpose.

It was also intentional to make such a big move.

The purpose is to let people know that there is a price to be paid for assassinating oneself.

Under such deterrence, no one would dare to take action again.

Although Ye Chen is not afraid of assassination, it is troublesome to be assassinated every day, and it is just a one-time solution.

Anyway, there are people who help me carry the black pot.

To make such a great contribution to the country, this year's gdp must be increased by at least [-]%.

The state solves problems for itself, of course it is not...


Looking at the old man, Ye Chen said with a serious face: "Thanks to the country for giving me so much! I can't repay, I will definitely come up with more technology to build the motherland!"

The old man's face darkened in an instant...

Sure enough, Ye Chen smashed the pot on them.

"You... I'm annoying to see you now!"

The old man really didn't want to pay attention to Ye Chen.

The construction of Xingchen Island took too much energy.

Many planned national infrastructure projects have been delayed to make way for the construction of Xingchen Island.

To coordinate such a huge project, even if Magic Technology paid, they supported too much.

There has never been any company in the world that can make the country do this.

And now, they are taking the blame for Ye Chen again.

The old man already had the thought of beating Ye Chen, so why didn't he feel relieved!

"The overall planning is almost done, and the construction plan of Xingchen Island can begin!"

The old man's kung fu for self-cultivation and self-cultivation is still good.

He quickly calmed down and started talking about business.

Ye Chen nodded when he heard the words: "I have prepared the funds here, and I will announce it later!"

The old man had some longing in his expression: "A bustling metropolis above the sky is really exciting! Although you can do things and ask for a lot, what you do is really not something ordinary people can do."

"It's right to give you a lot of privileges and support!"

"After the construction of Xingchen Island is completed, we will approve the city-level planning of Xingchen Island!"

"Since you have done it, do your best! If you need help, just say it!"

But as soon as the last sentence was uttered, the old man regretted it...

Because he saw that Ye Chen spoke rudely!

"Thank you so much... Xingchen Island has started construction, and energy engineering has to be studied!"

"Otherwise, Xingchen Island won't be able to fly, so remote places won't be able to develop!"

"And the most suitable energy source is nuclear energy."

"But the talents in nuclear physics are basically controlled at the national level, and no one can be recruited at all! Why don't we transfer more than [-] people to the research institute of the Institute of Nuclear Physics Basic Industries to support our small company?"

Ye Chen spoke with a serious face, and he was not polite at all.

When the old man heard Ye Chen's words, his face instantly turned green...

The Institute of Nuclear Fundamental Physics, the most important nuclear research institution in the entire country.

Low-energy basic nuclear physics research is the core foundation of the entire nuclear field.

Such as the kind of nuclear weapons, or nuclear power plants, nuclear submarines and so on.

All of them are further developed based on the results of low-energy basic nuclear physics research.

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