Just like the development of advanced industry, it depends on materials.

Mobile computers rely on chips the same way.

Low-level nuclear basic physics research is the most important and core of the entire nuclear field.

And the entire Institute of Nuclear Basic Physics in Huaxia has a total of individuals, and these people are national treasures among national treasures.

Ye Chen actually planned to have them all?

Why don't you go to heaven?

The old man resisted the urge to kick Ye Chen and stood up directly: "It's okay to support a few professors..."

"Don't dream about anything else!"

Ye Chen was happy: "Don't be so stingy..."


The old man was anxious: "There are more foreign talents than domestic ones, and their progress in nuclear research is higher!"

"You are so powerful, don't always think about robbing us all day!"

"Have the ability to go abroad to dig people!"

The old man was speaking in anger.

The talents of the nuclear industry are the top talents that can never be released in any country.

Even if Ye Chen spends more money, he will never be able to dig it.

This is not something that can be solved with money!

So he said so.

However, it was decided that a batch of nuclear industry talents would be allocated to Ye Chen in the future.

After all, if Marven Ye achieves results, the whole country will benefit!

However, Ye Chen's eyes lit up when he heard the old man's words...


It is not easy to recruit talents in the nuclear industry, but can you poach people from abroad?

You don't even need a lot of money.

Even if you don't give money.

The situation where magic technology is now coming out with new technologies one after another.

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

How could countries miss the opportunity to participate in magical technology research and steal data?

Ye Chen had an idea in an instant!

The nuclear research team of Magic Technology seems to be recruiting people soon!

"It's fine if you don't give it to anyone, I'll find it myself!"

Ye Chen said with a smile.

This look surprised the old man.

what's the situation?


News of El's death also spread.

Make the headlines of major financial news.

However, the cause of Al's death was announced to the public as the end of his life.

After all, Star Flag has no evidence.

Besides, in this matter, Al wanted to assassinate Ye Chen first.

The result was not successful, but the giant El was killed.

It's not good for stability to spread it out.

However, the major giants and high-level executives still know the true cause of Al's death.

In his own manor, under the protection of countless security teams, he was shot to death seven times in a row.

And so far, no trace of the murderer has even been found.

It made them terrified.

There was no longer any thought of assassinating Ye Chen.

But they felt that whether it was magic technology or Huaxia, the threat to them was too great.

The strength in all aspects is far beyond their imagination.


You can't just sit back and watch them develop.


"I was assassinated this time, although it was only an order from Al!"

"But in fact, this is already a common idea among foreign elites!"

"The benefits I have taken away from them are getting bigger and bigger! Maybe now, they can barely tolerate it."

"But wait for the release of the consciousness device, wait for the floating city to go to the sky..."

0 ......................

"By then, they'll be completely in crisis."

"And when the benefits of war are greater than peace. Then war is not far away!"

in the office.

Ye Chen pondered and frowned.

Although Ye Chen is very powerful, he has not yet reached the point where he is truly omnipotent.

Never underestimate the power of nations.

If Ye Chen used magic recklessly, he would definitely find clues.

As for the war, at least until Ye Chen's plan is completed, Ye Chen doesn't want to appear.

After all, this era of nuclear weapons flying everywhere.

There is a real war.

It is normal for the entire human civilization to go backwards for decades, which is not in Ye Chen's interests at all.

and so……

They must be reluctant to start a war.

For the elites of various countries whose average age is now fifty years old.

What do they care about most?

is life!

It can be seen from the construction of secret life research institutes by Western elites in Antarctica, research such as head transplant technology, hibernation technology, and cell division technology, and the huge investment.

When everything in life can be satisfied, they prefer to prolong life.

Many advanced medical technologies are actually researched by the Institute of Life Sciences.

But how difficult is it for human beings to live long?

The decay of the flesh is irreversible.

What if Ye Chen proposed the concept of mechanical immortality?

That is to transmit human consciousness to the hard disk...

From then on, the dead can be reborn in the virtual world.

This is not impossible, after all, magical technology will soon be completely developed to thoroughly penetrate human consciousness.

Wait later.

It seems that it is not so difficult to study how to turn the human brain into data.

And if Ye Chen proposes this concept globally and conducts research.

There is no doubt that the average age of [-] in various countries, the elites who have passed more than half of their lives, must be crazy about it.

If another company came up with this concept, they would certainly not believe it.

But Magic Technology proposes, and they will definitely believe it.

Under the temptation of eternal life, no matter how much their interests suffer, they will never rashly start a war.

But the day when the mechanical immortality technology really comes out, war will inevitably come.

Any country in the world, under the leadership of the elite, will do their best to compete for this technology.


and so.

As long as this concept is proposed in the future, it will definitely delay the war and provide time for the development of magic technology.

And after a few years, is war inevitable?

By then, Ye Chen must already have the strength to suppress the world.

Whoever dares to start a war again, that is, the old birthday star hangs himself - looking for his own death!

Thinking of this, Ye Chen's mouth curled up.

If the mechanical immortality technology is really developed in the future.

After that, on Qingming Festival, will a group of people worship a hard disk?

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