Or facing the big screen, chatting with the ancestors living in the electronic virtual world?

It is estimated that by then, there will be no need to burn paper money again.

The best way to honor a deceased relative is to replace him with a high-capacity top-level hard drive or a faster network cable?

Ye Chen thought happily.

I can't guess what it will look like in the future under my influence?


While Ye Chen was thinking.

Lan Feifei entered the office to report: "Mr. Ye, all preparations have been completed! Our Xingchen Island construction plan can officially begin..." Wan.

Chapter 97

"Mr. Ye, this is the Urban Planning and Design Institute. The urban planning renderings just sent to us! Do you have any dissatisfaction?"

Saying that, Lan Feifei opened the tablet in her hand.

Showing Ye Chen a rendering of the city.

In the whole city, areas with different functions are designed according to the different geology of each area of ​​Xingchen Island.

A large number of exploration departments have surveyed Xingchen Island before and after in the past month.

Depending on the geology, some places are suitable for building high-rises, while others are only suitable for leveling.

This rendering was designed by dozens of design leaders with hundreds of staff.

Infrastructure planning, transportation planning, central urban planning, leisure area, and green area division have all been done to the extreme.

The whole city is perfect in terms of planning.

After all, in most cities, there are various problems in planning, which are all caused by practical reasons.

For example, subways, many cities cannot build in the most suitable places, which is helpless.

The city of magic technology was built from scratch, and was designed according to a large-scale modern city from the beginning.

All the basic planning is naturally in order.

The whole city is built according to the level of [-] million people, and it will not be crowded at all.

Hong Kong Island covers an area of ​​[-] square kilometers and accommodates nearly [-] million people. It seems crowded, but that is due to the limitations of the times.

And Xingchen Island, more than [-] square kilometers, is more than enough to accommodate [-] million people under perfect planning.

And with Ye Chen's money at all costs, most of the lanes are six lanes, plus the urban rail, subway and other high-level public transportation.

Xingchen Island will definitely become the only metropolis in the world without traffic jams.

And in the middle of the city.

At the request of Ye Chen, a building with a total of 870 floors and a height of [-] meters was designed.

The building is extremely expensive, with an estimated cost of $[-] billion.

Once completed, it will become the landmark building of Star Island.

It will be the tallest building in the world.

And in the future, when Xingchen Island is upgraded to a city in the sky, it will float above the altitude of thousands of meters.

This building will stand on top of the world.

Become a place that countless people yearn for.

If the top floor is opened to the public, I believe it will definitely become the most popular check-in mecca in the world.


The level of the entire design institute is high.

Thousands of buildings, each with a different shape and appearance, is very beautiful.

It is combined with the carefully designed infrastructure to complement each other.

Not to mention that the natural landscapes of Xingchen Island, such as mountains and rivers, are specially preserved.

Looking at the renderings at the moment, I feel like I'm looking at a perfect piece of art.

Such a city is definitely a dream city!

"very good……"

Ye Chen is very satisfied with this rendering plan.

And although Lan Feifei also thinks the rendering is beautiful, the cost is really scary.

All the buildings and infrastructure on Xingchen Island are funded by Magic Technology.

To build this city, the estimated cost has come out...

"[-] trillion to [-] billion yuan, or [-] billion US dollars! This figure is already higher than the annual GDP of Sweden, which ranks [-]th in the global GDP ranking!"

"There is no country in the world that will spend such a huge amount of money to build a city!"

Lan Feifei was filled with emotion.

Only my own boss has the strength and courage to invest in such an unprecedented grand plan!


The day.

Magic Technology released a message without silencing its official account for a few days.

Announcement statement: The big move of Magic Technology will be announced on the global live broadcast at [-] noon tomorrow.

When the news came out, it directly caused an uproar around the world.

Magic technology, another big move?

The visual device released some time ago has shocked people all over the world.

Let countless blind people see the light.

How long has it been?

"Fuck, magic technology has come up with some new technology, right?"

"If it were another company, I would definitely not believe it, but if it is Magic Technology, I am not sure!"

"Mr. Ye can't be judged by common sense at all. He is the kind of genius in legends. Einstein, who was known to have achieved [-]% brain development in the past, would have lost his luster if he lived in the same era as Mr. Ye. Bar!"

"Anyway, look forward to it! Every new product of Magic Technology can change the world!"

All the people in China are looking forward to the big move of magic technology.

And on the other side of the ocean.

Ordinary people abroad are also very interested in this and are looking forward to it.

The patriarchs of the major families, the major capitalists, or the great commanders and others all frowned.

Every new product of Magic Technology will plunder their interests.

Is there a big move now?

What will it be?

They were all worried.

"Could it be the development of basic industries?"

"It could also be in the energy sector!"

"Anyway, that young man Ye Chen is very evil. Whichever field he gets involved in, the people in that field will be unlucky, and he won't even have a chance to resist, so he will be eliminated directly!"

"Yeah, take it easy! But I always feel that we can't let magic technology continue to develop like this."

"Indeed, for a company like him, this year's profit is about to catch up with the gdp of the top [-] countries. This is unique!"

"Marven Ye is a genius. He has at least trillions of RMB in his hands. With the support of so many resources, I am worried that he will completely subvert the world!"

Everyone sighed, but for a while there was nothing to do.

They can only wait patiently, wait for tomorrow's live broadcast of Magic Technology, and respond according to the situation.


the next day.

Ye Chen led a group of executives on a chartered flight from Tianhai City to Xingchen Island.

Xingchen Island has temporarily built an airport runway to facilitate the transportation of materials and personnel.

Overlooking Xingchen Island from the plane, the scenery is very good.

There are mountains, waters and rivers. In the future urban construction, most of the natural scenery will be preserved.

At this moment, many people have gathered on Xingchen Island.

There are also some invited media.

All the major live broadcast platforms around the world have also come over.

But they are all puzzled...

What does the big move of magic technology have to do with such a remote desert island?

Why do you want to come here to live stream?

What is the big move of magic technology?

They are just getting more and more curious about it!


When twelve o'clock noon arrives.

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