Unexpectedly, Ye Chen took the money and chose to build a city.

There is simply no more stupid choice in the world.

The forty-five hundred billion yuan of magic technology was lost, and he was the happiest.

What surprised him even more was that Huaxia actually supported Ye Chen's stupid behavior.

Even many infrastructure projects contracted abroad have been temporarily suspended, and the country's infrastructure capacity has been invested in Xingchen Island.

As long as Star Island fails.

Magic technology can't help but suffer heavy losses.

Huaxia will also lose a year of development!

This is the biggest good thing for Star Flag!

"Ye Chen, he is a young man after all, he still doesn't understand that people can't be successful forever!"

"This time on Xingchen Island, if Ye Chen can still succeed, I will drink my daughter's foot wash..."

The great commander smiled complacently and went to play golf leisurely.

He's been under a lot of pressure lately.

If you see Ye Chen make a mistake, it's still such a huge mistake.

He was finally relieved.

Happy to play ball....

Chapter 98

On the internet.

There is a lot of news about the huge investment in magic technology to build a super city on Xingchen Island.

Everyone is discussing.

Most ordinary people are fascinated and looking forward to seeing the renderings circulating on the Internet.

But there are also a large group of people who feel that magic technology will not succeed.

"The location of Xingchen Island is too bad, and that location is often prone to storms. Once a storm occurs, it will be isolated for several days. It is impossible for such a city to develop!"

"The transportation cost of various items is too high, and the high consumption of living there is comparable to Dubai!"

"The four trillion yuan of magic technology could have been used to invest in research and development of new technology, but now it is all used to invest in a royal road, which is simply a loss. Moreover, the national construction team has also been called, and the entire country's infrastructure plan has been delayed. A year, it's not worth it at all!"

"Come on, don't talk about it, read foreign reports, and even foreign countries particularly agree with the investment in magic technology!"

"Indeed. I also saw that today's headline in the Peanuts Post is praising magic technology for its generosity, believing that magic technology will create a city of miracles on the ocean, and it is expected to become the most prosperous metropolis in the world in the future!"

"Niuyue Times also said that the huge investment and the influence of magic technology itself, the future of Xingchen Island is promising! Many foreign capitals already want to invest there!"

"Huh? What the hell, it turns out to be true. It's all praise from abroad, which is rare! Isn't Xingchen Island as simple as we think?"

For a time, the fishing reels were in chaos.

And in Ye Chen's office.

Lan Feifei added tea to Ye Chen with a puzzled face: "Mr. Ye, why do I feel that the fishing reel is not right? In the past, the good things we had in the Western media turned black and white, and the bad things were reported. Why are they all complimenting us now?"

Look at the reports that trumpet the investment of magic technology Xingxingdao.

If Lan Feifei hadn't been clear in her heart, she would have thought that her propaganda department had spent money to find someone to write soft articles...

The newspapers boasted too much.

After the completion of Xingchen Island, stepping on the magic capital, stepping on the east longitude, punching Niuyue, headbutting Renton, what will become the world's first city...

This kind of praise appears in the Western media and is completely unscientific.

When Ye Chen heard this, he smiled slightly: "These people, none of them are good, they are killing us. But they rarely said the right thing. On the day that Xingchen Island was officially built on 14, everything that existed on earth was super huge. City, they are all brothers!"

Ye Chen could see clearly.

What are the virtues of the Western media over the years?

What they scold is precisely what they fear and can pose a threat to them.

And they took the initiative to praise, but Huaxia had to reflect on it...

Now the major media are crazy output, praising Magic Technology's Xingchen Island investment plan is excellent.

It is precisely because they believe that the investment plan of Xingchen Island is completely wrong.

But they didn't want Ye Chen to react and be immersed in praise.

At the same time, even if Ye Chen reacted, the fishing reels they created would make it difficult for Ye Chen to ride a tiger and could not give up easily.

If Star Island is really just an ordinary island.

Then Ye Chen must have lost a lot.

However, Xingchen Island was never an island in Ye Chen's eyes.

I hope to wait until today next year, when Xingchen Island is officially built.

They looked at the island of stars rising from the sea and flying into the sky...

The face will not be too ugly!

When Lan Feifei heard the words, she immediately understood.

Her pretty face is smiling...

She is also looking forward to those who now believe that Magic Technology will lose this investment.

In the future, after seeing Xingchen Island really smashing the major super cities, what kind of interesting expressions will there be.


Now, Xingchen Island has officially started construction as planned.

Next, it's time to prepare for energy.

If Xingchen Island wants to take off, it needs more energy than imagined.

According to their own anti-gravity team, Xingchen Island needs to consume [-] billion kilowatt-hours of electricity to fly in the sky for a year.

And you must know that the Sanxia Hydropower Station, which shocked the world, can produce only [-] billion kilowatt-hours of electricity in a year.

That is to say, the power generation of the three heroes in one year is only enough for Xingchen Island to fly for one year.

But Xingchen Island is flying in the sky and cannot be connected to the hydropower station on the ground at all.

Moreover, Xingchen Island is located in the air, and it is impossible to transport coal resources in large quantities for thermal power generation.

Moreover, thermal power generation is very polluting and is not suitable for the positioning of Xingchen Island.

And in addition to the energy required for the flight of Xingchen Island itself, the life of the future [-] people in the city also requires a lot of energy.

Therefore, nuclear power plants are the only energy sources that can meet the needs of Xingchen Island.

But today's nuclear energy, there are many areas that need to be improved.

For example, it is not stable enough and prone to accidents.

On the other hand, there is pollution. Nuclear power plants need to replace nuclear fuel, which is also troublesome to deal with.

Therefore, Ye Chen should focus on the study of nuclear energy.


"What's going on at the nuclear laboratory?"

Ye Chen spoke lightly and asked Lan Feifei.

Magic Technology does not have its own nuclear laboratory.

This kind of laboratory cannot be built by an individual company.

It's not about money.

Fortunately, the old man is very powerful.

In a large mountain around Tianhai City, Ye Chen was provided with a nuclear test laboratory with a very high level of secrecy for free.

However, talents did not provide much to Ye Chen.

After all, China's nuclear industry is also catching up.

For example, the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier of Star Flag has not been developed by Huaxia until now.

Therefore, it is impossible to put hope on Ye Chen alone and give Ye Chen too many precious nuclear industry talents.

But for Ye Chen, recruiting is not a problem at all!

On the earth, there are too many countries and capitals, and they are greedy for the technology researched by Ye Chen.

It was just that Ye Chen didn't give them a chance before.

Now, as long as Ye Chen throws out an olive branch, major institutions will inevitably send precious talents to participate in Ye Chen's research.

And this is nuclear energy research.

You know how important the energy field is.

Therefore, Ye Chen will never be short of workers.

Of course, the purpose of these special migrant workers must be to participate in experiments and ultimately steal technology.

However, how could Ye Chen's technology be so easy to steal?

The secrecy regulations engraved with the oath rune are signed.

After they left, they couldn't take anything with them except their own people.

It is entirely to come to Magic Technology to do charity and work for free.


When Lan Feifei heard the words, she replied sternly: "Mr. Ye, there has been news from the nuclear laboratory, confirming that it is vacated for us, and we can move in at any time!"

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