Speaking of this, Lan Feifei was very emotional.

When she first joined Magic Technology, she was just curious about Ye Chen.

But he never thought that magic technology would become a unique behemoth on earth in such a short period of time.

Even nuclear research is now involved.

Simply incredible.

The rich second-generation Wu Yunfei, who had always been dissatisfied with Ye Chen in the class, has now become Ye Chui...

The news of the big moves of Magic Technology is basically shared by Wu Yunfei in the group.

And the classmates in the class group didn't know how to face Ye Chen.

After all, this year's Forbes list is not out yet.

But the major media have already recognized it.

Ye Chen is the richest man in the world this year.

When he graduated, he was just an ordinary scholar, but now it has only been about a year.

Ye Chen became the richest man in the world, and the richest man who increased the global record dozens of times!


There are countless people who are envious of Lan Feifei.

They all felt that Lan Feifei should not give up Hua Yao's high-paying job to be Ye Chen's secretary.

However, now Huayao has to follow the magic technology.

Boss Huayao must pay attention to the secretary Lan Feifei!

One can imagine how correct Lan Feifei's choice was.

But soon, Lan Feifei shook her head gently, clearing the sudden miscellaneous thoughts in her mind.

"Mr. Ye, there are too few talents in the nuclear industry, we are not good at recruiting people!"

Lan Feifei has some headaches about this.

Today, there are only three senior researchers in the nuclear laboratory.

Even if you add Ye Chen, there are only four, the number of people is too small!

When Ye Chen heard the words, the corners of his mouth twitched: "There are few people? It's over if you recruit people!"

"I made a global announcement on the official website, announcing that I have a prototype of a new technology in my mind, I will conduct nuclear research, and start recruiting talents from all over the world!"

Lan Feifei was stunned when she heard the words...

Is it so simple and straightforward to recruit people?

And is it recruiting globally?

Who will release their own nuclear industry talents?

Besides, shouldn't it be secret to study nuclear energy at home? How can it be so much fanfare?

"Mr. Ye, if the news is released, the world will know that we have obtained a military license. Will this limit our development in various countries?"

After all, all countries have used this trick to target Chinese enterprises.

Once a Huaxia company has a military background, it will definitely be made difficult by every possible means.

Ye Chen was delighted when he heard the words: "Which global giants such as Airbus, Boeing, and DuPont have no military background? But why haven't they been punished?"

"It's nothing more than uniting to bully Huaxia's company! Now, I will let everyone know that Magic Technology is involved in the field of military industry!"

"I want to see, who dares to make things difficult for me?"

Ye Chen stood up and looked out the floor-to-ceiling window indifferently.

Lan Feifei looked at Ye Chen's back, and was infected by Ye Chen's arrogance.

Also react.

Indeed, most of the world's major technology giants actually have a military background and cooperate with the military of their respective countries.

After all, high technology is generally given priority to the military.

Moreover, with Magic Technology's current position in the semiconductor and automotive industries.

Magic technology is more terrifying than the semiconductor alliance of the year.

Which country really kills.

Magic technology directly throws semiconductors and anti-gravity sanctions out, then this country can basically announce that this year's gdp is ready to cool!

Therefore, Magic Technology can unscrupulously announce to the world that it has entered the field of military industry.

It's a confidence!

"Then Mr. Ye, can we recruit someone?"

This is the biggest problem!

The corners of Ye Chen's mouth twitched: "With my current position in the scientific research world, some people are curious about the new technology I want to develop and want to get the technology!"

"So, after they learn the news, they will send the talents obediently and let us choose!"

Lan Feifei Bingxue was smart and immediately understood the truth.

But she was worried: "They must have come to steal the technology. When the technology research and development is completed, they will definitely take the technology away without hesitation. In this case..."

Ye Chen smiled and shook his head: "You have to believe that there is truth, goodness and beauty in this world, and that they are all here to help us develop nuclear energy, not to steal technology at all."

"Don't think too bad of these kind-hearted migrant workers!"

When Lan Feifei listened to Ye Chen's words, the corners of her mouth twitched...

Mr. Ye, you and the West are pitted against each other every day.

They made so much money in one year.

Do you want me to believe that there is truth, goodness and beauty in this world?

Is it a little convincing?

However, Lan Feifei has incomparable trust in Ye Chen.

Although I really want to rant.

But since Mr. Ye has decided so.

Of course she did it without hesitation!



The official website of Magic Technology issued an announcement.

And this announcement, far more violent than the previous announcement, caused more shocks in the world.

"I'm going, Magic Technology turned out to be a military enterprise? Shocked..."

"Yes, it is basically impossible for a private company to obtain a military license in our country, but for a genius like President Ye, it is a huge loss for the country not to involve the military industry."

"Magic Technology wants to study nuclear energy, so is it also planning to build a nuclear power plant?"

"Mighty and domineering, maybe we will also have a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in the future, that would be great!"

"I think it's better not to have too much hope. Nuclear research is difficult. This is a project that can only be undertaken by the country. It requires a huge team and cannot be done with money or a genius."

"Indeed, Magic Technology has to recruit talents from all over the world, which shows the scarcity of talents, but no country will release talents in the nuclear industry!"

Some professionals pointed out the scarcity of talents in the nuclear industry, and poured cold water on many people.

As a private company, Magic Technology seems to have difficulty recruiting a complete scientific research team!


And overseas.

There are countless elites who pay attention to the announcement of magic technology and fall into contemplation.

Of course they didn't make a fuss about the fact that Magic Technology is now a military-industrial enterprise.

Who dares to sanction magic technology now?

Really sanctioned, are they sanctioning Magic Technology, or are they sanctioning their own semiconductor and auto industries?

They are not fools, naturally they will not do this.

If it's a job announcement from another company, or any country, they don't bother to take a second look.


This is magic technology.

It's the company that created the Ring of Consciousness, the Dream System, the Mithril Chip, and the Anti-Gravity Technology!

Ye Chen is a globally recognized genius.

A genius that has never existed since ancient times.

In the nuclear energy research that Ye Chen is going to involve, if a new technology across the era is really developed, how huge will it change the global energy pattern?

You must know that since World War II, all wars launched around the world are basically related to energy.

The importance of visible energy.

"Choose a few outstanding nuclear industry talents and go to Magic Technology for recruitment!"

in the black palace.

The commander made a decision without hesitation.

Don't be afraid of [-], just be afraid of what happens.

In case Ye Chen can really develop the energy technology that crosses the era.

Then they must seize the opportunity of Ye Chen's lack of people to join in.

As long as Ye Chen developed the technology, their people would naturally return to China immediately.

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