Give the technology to your own country.

The staff was a little worried when he heard the words: "However, what if Huaxia doesn't let people go by then? Besides, Magic Technology is willing to recruit people, so a strict confidentiality contract must be prepared!"

And the commander laughed: "Don't worry, it's not just us, other countries will definitely send talents to participate in the research of magic technology! If the technology is really developed, then all countries will put pressure on China to release people."

"No matter how powerful a country is, it is impossible to stand on the opposite side of the global country, not even our star flag country."

"So, our talents will definitely be able to come back with technology!"

"As for the non-disclosure agreement? It's nothing more than a matter of liquidated damages... Give him, just treat it as Ye Chen's salary for helping us develop technology..."

"As for the non-compete agreement? Who cares!"

"Waiting, what a joy!"

The big commander laughed.

And the elites of various countries also have this idea.

Sending talents to prostitute technology, at most, it is a big deal to give some liquidated damages.

If there is really a cross-generational energy technology developed, how much is the liquidated damages worth?

At this moment, everyone wants to prostitute for nothing.


And in the office of Magic Technology Ye Chen.

Ye Chen listened to the report and smiled: "I'm in a hurry to send people to work!"

"White prostitution, so happy!"

ps: This book has [-] words, and it will soon have [-] chapters. Everyone who has read it well, please support me. …

Chapter 99

"Mr. Ye, our official website has received more than [-] resumes!"

"These job seekers come from all over the world, such as Star Flag Country, Gongjiang Country, Deguo Country, Cold Country, Eagle Country, Faguo..."

"They are all members of nuclear industry research institutes in various countries and want to participate in our research!"

Lan Feifei was a little surprised.

Although it has long been known that countries will send talents to magic technology in order to steal secrets.

But this speed is too fast...

There are hundreds of resumes in one day, how can talents be the same as Chinese cabbage.

When Ye Chen heard this, he picked up the equipment to check so he scanned a few resumes and pouted.

"They are all pure newcomers, most of them have just participated in research, and the most years are only one year of nuclear research in various countries. What kind of technology can they have?

It has to be said that Ye Chen wants to prostitute talents from all over the world to do research.

And all countries actually think so.

How could they possibly send someone truly qualified?

Anyway, they just planned to prostitute technology for free, and it was impossible to send senior personnel to help Ye Chen with research and development.

Therefore, all they send are pure newcomers, and they can also get training for free.

Ye Chen is completely helping them cultivate talents.

In the end, the technology can be stolen.

It's downright cool.


"Mr. Ye, what should we do then?"

The real high-end talents in the nuclear industry can only grow up after numerous experiments and mastering advanced theories.

Although these newcomers are also from the nuclear industry, they have training value.

But how can magic technology have time to cultivate one by one?

And if we really want to train, we must train our own people, how can we train these foreigners and make them wedding dresses!

It is not easy to acquire talents from abroad.

When Ye Chen heard the words, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he smiled lightly: "I had expected it, but I am not a fool, all thinking about prostitution for free, how could it be possible to give us real talents!"

"However, now that every day in China is being rolled up, we have to find a way to get them rolled up!"

Ye Chen had already thought about the draft in his heart.

Looking at Ye Chen's confident smile.

It's exactly the same smile as when the three giants were pitted in the stock market.

Lan Feifei, who is familiar with Ye Chen, knows.

My own boss, thinking about how to fight wits and courage with other countries...

Lan Feifei is a little powerless to complain...

Just now, Mr. Ye, you told me to believe in the truth, the good and the beautiful, but you turned around and started thinking about how to cheat people.

This is too showy!

Ye Chen raised his head and looked at Lan Feifei: "You don't need to look at the resume, just leave the resumes of the candidates with the nationality of Xingqi and Faguo!"

"All other people's resumes are wiped out."

Lan Feifei was stunned when she heard the words.

This resume has not been read a few times, and it has been wiped out?

And why leave only the candidates from the Star Flag and the Fat Country?

After all, the talents sent by these two countries are also newcomers with little experience!

Looking at Lan Feifei's confused expression, Ye Chen's mouth twitched: "Remember, our recruitment process must be open and transparent, and we will announce the news on the official website!"

This statement came out.

The confused Lan Feifei suddenly had a flash of light in his mind.

She thought of what Ye Chen just said, to let the countries roll up...

Recruitment results will be made public.

Those sent by various countries to steal secrets have all been brushed, and only those from the Faguo and Xingqiguo are left.

Everyone is sending newcomers, and it is understandable to be brushed.

But the people from the country of the country and the country of the star flag were left behind.

What does this mean, other countries will definitely think that the country and the star flag have sent real senior talents.

The development country and the star flag country are the major countries in the nuclear industry.

It is also the only country in the world with a nuclear aircraft carrier.

These two countries that are already leading in nuclear technology still value Ye Chen's nuclear research so much that they are willing to send precious talents.

That means that Ye Chen's research is more important than what they thought.

The countries that have been brushed down will naturally not miss it!

Therefore, they will definitely allow better and more qualified talents to submit resumes to Magic Technology in the future...

After all, although countries are allies most of the time, there is not a lot of secret competition.

and so……

A simple announcement from Ye Chen can make countries suspicious of each other and send real talents.

This is simply too showy!

"Mr. Ye, I admire and admire..."

Lan Feifei looked at Ye Chen and admired it sincerely.

Admiration glittered in her beautiful eyes.

She just likes to watch her own boss, battle wits and courage with other countries, and finally make a lot of money!


After the Magic Technology Recruitment Announcement was released.

Most people are not optimistic about the recruitment plan of Magic Technology.

It is more reliable to think that Magic Technology is to cultivate talents on its own. If you recruit people, you will not be able to recruit qualified teams in three or five years.

But only the next morning.

On the official website of Magic Technology, another announcement was released.

"Thanks to the nuclear industry talents all over the world for their recognition of magic technology々ˇ!"

"Yesterday we received a total of [-] resumes from all over the world, all of them are excellent talents in the nuclear industry!"

"However, the nuclear energy technology that our company is about to develop is very difficult, and ordinary talents cannot do it."

"In order to ensure the principle of fairness and impartiality, our company deliberately displays the list of three people who have passed the audit."

"We apologise to those who did not appear on the list and hope to cooperate in the future."

And below, three names and three corresponding nationalities are listed.

Two people from the Star Flag and one from China.

When the news on the announcement came out.

Domestic netizens were shocked...

Many netizens who firmly believed that magic technology could not recruit people were stunned.

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