"Let's go, magic technology is awesome, we were worried that he wouldn't be able to recruit people, but it turned out that we couldn't choose, the best of the best?"

"More than [-] resumes, but only three people were selected? What is the new technology of magic technology to be developed, even more curious!"

"Yesterday's Li Zhongke was slapped in the face, and magic technology couldn't recruit people? With Mr. Ye's current appeal in the technology world, some scientists want to follow Mr. Ye to do research!"

"Unbelievable... When did the Western scientific community become so friendly to us? Some time ago, they boasted about the construction plan of Xingchen Island, but now they even share the nuclear industry talents?"

"Indeed, I feel that since the creation of magic technology, the speed of the world's changes is beyond imagination!"

Domestic netizens are stunned.

And foreign netizens were also surprised.

When did your country become so generous?

All kinds of unreasonable things that happen to magic technology make many people feel that the world is getting more and more magical.

And in the star flag country.

In the black palace.

The chief commander smiled when he saw that the two people sent by his family were admitted.

"It seems that Ye Chen is really lacking talents? Even those who have not been in the laboratory a few times are regarded as precious talents!"

The staff on the side were a little proud: "Our Star Flag country is the country with the strongest nuclear industry in the world, that Ye Chen must cherish our talents!"

The commander smiled even more happily: "Then thank Ye Chen for training new people for us. But he will find out that our people are just going to fish and steal technology!"

"Want our people to help you develop new technologies? Stop dreaming!"

The big commander felt that he had made a lot of money, and smiled extremely happily.

And this scene also happened in the Elysee Palace in the country.

And they fought the same idea as the Grand Commander.

Let Ye Chen help him train new people, and at the same time, he only fishes and does not work, and finally steals the technology when he has the technology.

Without technology, you can prostitute research experience and let newcomers grow up.

You must know that to cultivate a nuclear industry talent, the investment must be at least millions of dollars.

It is best to save it.



In other countries, the atmosphere is different.

In the meeting of the Gongjiang Kingdom, a group of people looked at the recruitment list of Magic Technology with serious expressions on their faces!

"Our people have been brushed down!"

"Only the resumes of people from the Star Flag and Faguo countries have passed the review..."

"This means that Faguo and Xingqiguo are definitely not newcomers like us. They attach great importance to the nuclear energy research of magic technology. In order to participate, they even took the initiative to send real high-end talents!"

There are high-level serious analysis of the situation.

The rest of the people squinted their eyes when they heard the words: "The nuclear industry of the country and the star flag country are already very strong, but they still attach so much importance to the nuclear energy research of magic technology!"

"This represents the nuclear energy research of magic technology, which is more important than we thought. We must participate in it! Don't miss it!"

Someone made up their minds.

"Then we immediately send experienced people to deliver resumes to Magic Technology!"

And the decision-maker sitting in the middle shook his head: "It's just experience! All countries must have the same idea as us!"

"They will definitely send out outstanding talents. It would be bad if we brushed our people down again!"

"The nuclear energy research of magic technology is so important."

"Then we will directly send a few of the best top talents to participate in the research, maybe they will get leadership positions, and they will get more secrets in the future."

The words of the decision makers made everyone's eyes widen.

Some people are worried: "What if the talents don't come back? The newcomers don't matter. If the top talents don't come back, then we will lose a lot!"

The decision maker smiled: "All countries will definitely send people to participate in this research. Once the magic technology has achieved results, all countries will tacitly put pressure on them, demanding that China must release people!"

"Our talents can definitely come back with technology!"

The decision maker's voice fell, and there was applause at the scene.

Soon, orders were issued.

Several top nuclear physics talents were transferred from the nuclear research institutions at the core of Gongjiang Nation and sent their resumes to Magic Technology's recruitment mailbox.

And this scene happened in every country.

Originally, they all had the mentality of not afraid of [-], but just in case, and sent a new person to join in.

Not particularly important.

As a result, we saw that only the talents from the Star Flag and Faguo countries passed the application.

They immediately had a sense of crisis and competition.

Nature immediately changed tactics.

It is reluctant that the child cannot catch the wolf.

We must send real talents to participate in the research of magic technology!



at noon the next day.

Lan Feifei was stunned when she saw the hundreds of new resumes in her mailbox.

Just click on a resume, and the rich resume in it is amazing.

The countries have really invested their blood this time.

The people sent by Gongjiang Nation are the real top talents in their own nuclear energy, and they are the disciples brought by the chief designer of Gongjiang Nation Nuclear Power Plant.

And the cold country, the same is true.

Winning country, Eagle country, Israel country, Australia country, Canada country...

In short, the country whose resume was brushed down yesterday.

Today, all the resumes of top talents have been submitted to Magic Technology's mailbox.

This batch of talents is completely different from the rookies who were slaughtered yesterday.

Among them, the most dishes are senior talents who have been immersed in the field of nuclear research for more than ten years.

And some of them have even participated in leading large-scale nuclear industry projects.

This is the talent that magic technology really needs!

Seeing this, Lan Feifei looked at Mr. Ye in admiration.

A simple means really made countries roll up.

Top talents, as if they don't want money, are sent one after another.

And Ye Chen looked at the printed resume and smiled.

Ye Chen just glanced at random, and then said calmly: "... screen it out, those with research years less than [-] years are eliminated."

"Then we will weed out the job seekers from the Star Flag Country and the Fa Country that were left yesterday."

"I seem to have seen Impression country just now? Impression country's nuclear industry level is not even as good as Han country. I don't like Impression country people, so I just picked them out. The laboratory in the future always smells like curry!"

"As for the people from the Gongjiang Kingdom... Forget it, the people from the Gongjiang Kingdom can stay. Although they will only bow and apologize when something goes wrong, they are also among the top ten in the world in terms of nuclear physics!"

Ye Chen spoke casually and picked out some people again.

Lan Feifei was shocked when she heard Ye Chen's words.

My own boss is really not a person...

Use the people of the Star Flag and the country as bait to catch out the real talents of the rest of the countries.

Now the fish is out.

In a blink of an eye, the people from the country of Faguo and Xingqi were eliminated.

And now the resumes of top talents from all over the world have passed.

How could these two countries allow themselves to be excluded?

They will definitely send better talent too...

Thinking of this, Lan Feifei felt that her boss was too cruel.

Obviously it's a lack of talent.

Now you can pick and choose.

Countries are also requesting to send talents in.

It’s just...

Lan Feifei didn't know how to describe it in words at the moment.


So, on the third day.

When the official website resume of Star Flag is published through the personnel list.

The internet is on fire!

"Fuck, there are more than [-] people? Isn't the nuclear industry talent very precious? Why do I feel like Chinese cabbage?"

"Moreover, the talents from the Star Flag and Faguo countries who passed the first trial yesterday were eliminated. It can be seen that the competition is fierce!"

"How dare I feel that something is not right?"

"I just want to say (to Zhao), Mr. Ye is awesome! Magic technology is awesome!"

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