And in the star flag country.

The big commander, who was still smiling yesterday, looked gloomy when he looked at the list.

"How can our people be eliminated?"

He couldn't accept this reality.

The staff team looked at the list of passed personnel, showing a surprised look: "Because all countries sent real talents yesterday, our newcomers are really not enough!"

"Of the three personnel whose resumes passed the review, one of them has presided over technical projects for nuclear power plants, and the other two are also the backbone of their nuclear industry!"

"And the same is true for the people sent by the Cold Country!"

"The country even sent two top engineers!"

"The Eagle Country sent senior scientists who participated in the construction of nuclear submarines [-] years ago..."


When the staff team said the identities of these people.

The Great Commander's face became even more gloomy.

"What do these countries want to do? Even the Han Kingdom and the Gongjiang Kingdom dare to fight with us?"

"Sure enough, the thief is immortal, betting heavily on the new technology of magic technology, and wants to surpass us in the field of nuclear energy!"

"No, we will also send real talents immediately. We absolutely must participate in projects that all countries are involved in!"

"We have to stay ahead in every way!"

The commander made up his mind.

In the Elysee Palace, where the country was developed, policymakers also narrowed their eyes when they saw that their own people were being brushed down.

must be involved...

Definitely not to be missed!

Send real top talent to participate in...



Under this recruitment of Magic Technology, undercurrents are surging.

Originally participating in Ye Chen's nuclear energy research, all countries just kept it just in case.

But the competition is fierce now.

Let the top leaders of all countries feel it.

It seems that whoever is absent from Ye Chen's research will be completely behind in the field of nuclear energy.

The importance of this research has been elevated by several top tiers.


Countries are completely rolled up. .

Chapter 100


One of the top nuclear physicists in Star Flag.

His family heritage is very rich.

Oppenheimer, the leader of the Manhattan Project in the former star and flag country and the developer of Earth's first nuclear bomb, is his uncle.

And Oppenheim itself is also very strong in scientific research.

He has participated in the construction of nuclear power plants and the preliminary preparations for nuclear submarines.

In this competition, Star Flag Country can make its own people become the high-level scientific research team and obtain more technology.

Oppenheim was dispatched to go out in person.

And Oppenheim himself was very interested in Ye Chen.

He wanted to take a close look at Ye Chen's talent in Hua Xia, and what was so special about him.

Oppenheim naturally passed the Magic Technology resume review with ease.

Together with three nuclear industry talents from the Star Flag Country, they flew to Huaxia by plane.

When he got off the plane with the team.

At the airport pick-up port in Tianhai City, he didn't see the pick-up staff holding the pick-up card with his name on it, and frowned immediately.

"Where are the people you picked up? I've already arrived at the Tianhai Airport."

Oppenheim took out his mobile phone and contacted the Magic Technology Personnel Department.

And the staff of the Magic Technology Personnel Department answered seriously on the phone: "Sorry, since you are not a full-time employee of our company, there is no pick-up treatment, please take a taxi by yourself and go to the fifteenth floor of the Magic Technology Building for an interview..."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone bluntly.

Oppenheim's eyes widened instantly.

What level of physicist are you?

In the Star Flag Country, even senior officials and commanders must treat themselves with courtesy.

If you participate in any activity by yourself, it is a top-level car transfer and the highest security treatment.

And I condescended to come to your China, and you didn't even give me a car to pick up the plane?

This is simply, a great disgrace!

"Damn it! I always heard that Magic Technology is very arrogant towards us foreigners, and it doesn't look like an ordinary Huaxia company. Now I see it, it's true!"

"That Ye Chen is too arrogant!"

"Dare to ignore talents so much because you are a genius? With such an attitude, the company will not be able to develop forever."

"Let's see when you will be exhausted!"

Oppenheim was furious.

If other invitations dared to treat him like this, he would turn around and leave.

But now, he came with a national mission.

And if Ye Chen really develops new nuclear energy technology, he will steal the technology as soon as possible.

So he endured the anger in his heart, and dragged a lot of salutes with the team members.

Come to the airport taxi and take a taxi, go to the Magic Technology Building!


When Oppenheim and others came to the Magic Technology Building.

The reception staff took them to Shiwu Zeng politely.

This floor is dedicated to recruiting, and there are many chairs in a large open space.

Supply job seekers sit and wait.

After all, the recruitment of Magic Technology is very large.

There are already seventy or eighty people waiting here.

These people are very different in appearance, obviously from different races of different countries.

Like Oppenheim, they all came to Magic Technology for an interview.

"Please sit here and wait for the interview, this is your number plate!"

The receptionist handed several people different number plates and a bottle of mineral water, and they ignored them.

This treatment made Oppenheim even more unhappy.

Not just Oppenheim, but everyone in the room.

Ladies and gentlemen, who is not a precious talent in nuclear physics in their respective countries?

As a result, now, like a fresh graduate, sitting on a hard seat waiting for an interview is never before.

However, they all came with a mission.

Must join the research team of magic technology.

So just be patient.


Oppenheim watched this scene with a sneer on the corner of his mouth: "Although all countries have sent researchers, they will definitely not help Ye Chen to study technology seriously."

"When the experimental team is officially formed and scientific research begins, I think Ye Chen will have a lot of headaches!"

Oppenheim looked to the conference room.

The meeting room is made of frosted glass, and it is not clear what is going on inside.

But Magic Tech interviews are fast.

Candidates enter within five minutes and come out.

Most of the interviewees who walked out seemed to have passed, holding the entry agreement in their hands, but their faces were not very good-looking.

This made Oppenheim ponder silently.

What exactly is the interview content of Magic Technology?


Interviews are fast.

After waiting for more than two hours, someone in the conference room called Oppenheim's number.

Oppenheim stood up and strode into the conference room.

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