There were three people sitting in the conference room.

Two of them, whom Oppenheim knew, were Ye Chen and his beautiful secretary.

Very famous all over the world.

The other person was next to the printer, apparently printing data.

"Mr. Oppenheim? Your qualifications seem to be good. You were a professor of physics at Harvard, and you also participated in the construction of a nuclear power plant, and you also drafted a plan for a nuclear submarine?"

Ye Chen picked up his resume and watched Oppenheim speak.

A proud look suddenly appeared on Oppenheim's face, and he nodded proudly.

His resume is definitely top-notch, and he is a top-notch talent in the global nuclear industry.

He was ready for Ye Chen to praise himself.

But the next moment, he saw Ye Chen shaking his head: "You are [-] years old this year? This age is too old, I doubt you still have enough energy to participate in research work?"

Oppenheim was stunned.

Are you despised because of your age?

In various countries, the older the researchers, the more they are valued.

Because they have enough experience and knowledge, they are the most important talents.

And Ye Chen thought he was too old?

Oppenheim was on fire, and if he hadn't come with a mission, he would have wanted to turn around and leave.

However, he still managed to hold back his anger: "I pay attention to physical exercise and ensure that I have enough energy to participate in research!"

But he sneered in his heart: "Even if I have the energy, I will only fish. If you develop the technology, I will bring the technology back to China. If you can't develop it, it doesn't matter!"

For the star flag country.

In fact, Ye Chen can't develop anything, it's the best.

In this way, Star Flag is still the well-deserved overlord in the field of nuclear energy, the leader of the earth!

Ye Chen nodded when he heard the words: "It's good to have energy. But you are too old, we can't give you too much salary..."

Oppenheim's mouth twitched.

Forget it……

Don't be angry, anyway, I'm just here to mess around.

"it is good!"

Oppenheim agreed.

"Then the monthly salary is [-] yuan, and if the research and development results are achieved, a bonus of [-] yuan will be awarded!"

"At the same time, we will strictly abide by the labor protection law and pay the five insurances and one housing fund in full for you."

"Our company is very strict in this regard. You don't have to worry about being unfairly treated because of your age!"

Ye Chen opened his mouth and gave his salary!

Three thousand a month?


Hearing this number, Oppenheim was completely messed up.

I am in the country of Star Flag, and my annual salary is at least one million US dollars.

Will you offer me a monthly salary of [-] RMB now?And the reward is only [-]?

Where do you send beggars?

Oppenheim's face was as black as the bottom of a pot at the moment.

He finally understood why the faces of those who passed the interview before were not very good-looking.

Although they don't care about the salary offered by magic technology.

But this three thousand is too little. The sanitation workers in Xingqi Country are all paid more than their own wages.

"it is good!"

In the end, Oppenheim gritted his teeth and agreed.

But he strengthened his resolve.


We must resolutely go to work and fish for fish, and go to the toilet for at least two hours every day...

Pay to go to the toilet!

He believes that not only himself, but most people think so.


"In that case, sign this entry agreement and confidentiality agreement!"

Ye Chen smiled.

On one side, Lan Feifei got up and handed over the entry agreement and confidentiality agreement in duplicate!

Oberheim first took a careful look at the employee's entry agreement.

The surroundings of this agreement are very peculiar, with bizarre patterns, with a strange feeling of their own.

It's like the strange lines that always appear in magic movies.

Obviously, this is Ye Chen's bad taste.

The whole world knows that Ye Chen is a fan of magic novels.

Not only the company name, but also the various products invented have magical characteristics.

It is normal that the induction contract is designed with magical features.

Oppenheim stopped paying attention to the minutiae and looked at the terms carefully.

Salary has been written just now.

The following are employee obligations:

1: Recruited employees must ensure that they do not hide their abilities and wholeheartedly contribute to the scientific research of Magic Technology!

Seeing this, Oppenheim sneered.

Wholeheartedly there is a ghost.

I came here to steal technology, not to help you research technology.

2: Recruited employees must ensure that they do their best to participate in scientific research work, not to fish, not to be lazy. If they take the initiative to work overtime, Magic Technology will provide overtime compensation with double the salary...

Seeing this, Oppenheim's sneer grew louder.

Don't be lazy, don't fish, don't exist!

If I can make even the slightest contribution to the team, I will lose!

It just happened that I was too tired to develop in Star Flag a while ago, so I took a good rest for a while recently!

Oppenheim continued to look down.

3: On-boarding employees must ensure that they do not intentionally damage and disrupt the research process...

4: ...

5: The company signs a five-year work contract with the recruited employees.If an employee leaves early, they should compensate Xingchen Technology for training fees, loss fees, material fees, research and development fees, etc., totaling five million US dollars!

At the same time, all salaries and bonuses issued by Magic Technology will be refunded!

Oppenheim was stunned when he saw the liquidated damages figures.

What the hell do you pay me [-] a month?or RMB.

The liquidated damages dare to ask for five million, and it has become US dollars?

And you want to get your salary back?

Are you crazy?

Oppenheim was quite unhappy with this and demanded a revision.

However, Ye Chen's attitude is very firm, and it's fine if he doesn't accept it.

In the end, Oppenheim could only bow his head helplessly.

If you really have the technology, you will naturally go without hesitation.

What is five million dollars?

If you can't develop technology, then you will be old-age and leisure.

So in the end, Oppenheim signed the name without hesitation.

What's the use of signing?

If you don't let me do it, I'll do it when the time comes!

What can you bear with me?


Next is the confidentiality agreement.

Much simpler than an onboarding contract.

Oppenheim glanced.

It is nothing more than prohibiting the disclosure of all technologies and secrets of magical technology learned at work...

Oppenheim didn't care.

If magic technology really develops new technology.

No one cares about nondisclosure agreements.

It will definitely be leaked by then.

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