They don't believe that magic technology can be held accountable!

and so.

Oppenheim confidently signed his name.


Seeing Olmheim sign his name on the contract.

Ye Chen smiled with satisfaction.

Another senior wage earner has joined.

Of course, Ye Chen knew exactly what these people were thinking.

But after signing the treaty with the oath rune, you can't help thinking about it.

Wait until the new technology is developed.

Ye Chen will never stop this group of people from leaving. It is enough to return the salary and pay the liquidated damages by the way!

In this way, Ye Chen prostitutes a group of the world's top scientific researchers.

Not only do you not need to spend a dime, you can even make a fortune!



After Oppenheim was hired, he left the interview room.

I happened to see many nuclear physics scientists from various countries chatting there!

Oppenheim saw the acquaintance and leaned over, wanting to inquire about the wind.

"That Ye Chen said that I was too young and had insufficient qualifications, and only offered me a salary of [-] yuan!"

"Two thousand nine? Not bad. Ye Chen hates me, saying that our own nuclear power plant has a problem, and we can't even deal with the trivial matter of nuclear waste water. I think my level is not good, so I only gave me two thousand five!"

"He said that our country has only one nuclear aircraft carrier, which is only one-tenth of the number of nuclear aircraft carriers of the Star Flag country. He thinks that our level is backward, and only gave me [-]!"

Although everyone doesn't care about money, the salary is so low, it's really uncomfortable.

The crowd was outraged.

And the nuclear physicist from Hanuo said weakly: "He only gave me two thousand, saying that we have never heard of our cold country's nuclear industry, and our nuclear physics must be the same as that of the garrison of Star Flag. Yes, the technology doesn't work..."

Hearing this, everyone seemed to feel better.

And Oppenheim showed a smile, it seems that his salary of [-] is still the highest!

Although Ye Chen is stingy.

But I'm still pretty sure of my level!


Soon, everyone gathered together and began to discuss how to fish.

No one is sincere in developing technology.

Especially since the salary that Ye Chen gave was so low, they were even more reluctant.

"I will teach you a magic domain method, drink more water during scientific research, so that you can go to the toilet more... The large size should also be solved during the scientific research time, but unfortunately the mobile phone will definitely be taken away after a period of time, closed research, otherwise If I play with my phone, I can squat for an hour at a time!"

"Then I will also tell you about my experience, bring some more novels, and replace the cover with the cover of scientific research books, so that you can go to work to check information and read novels to kill time!"

"You should also chew and swallow slowly when you eat. After all, everyone's average age is not too young. Is it normal to eat a meal for an hour, chewing and swallowing slowly to maintain health!"

"I'll say one more thing. Please take sick leave to rest in the dormitory. We are old, and it is normal for us to suddenly come to Huaxia and not be acclimatized..."

Listen to everyone's fishing experience.

Oppenheim nodded silently, taking these experiences to heart.

It turns out that everyone wants to fish...

Marven Ye, you have tried so hard to recruit so many talents, but you are not able to work hard.

I see what kind of technology you can develop to...


And in the office.

After finally applying for the job, Ye Chen stretched out.

The number of employees in the scientific research team is beyond imagination, reaching [-] people.

This is already more than the nuclear physics talents of many medium-sized countries.

Moreover, the [-] people who have hired themselves are all the top nuclear physics talents in the world.


Lan Feifei looked outside with a worried expression on her pretty face: "Mr. Ye, they don't seem to have any plans to study for us at all? They were all talking in foreign languages ​​just now about how to fish, and I heard some!"

Ye Chen smiled slightly: "It's human nature to be lazy and fish. If people don't even think about it, don't we become inhuman capitalists?"

"But they've signed an onboarding agreement."

"When scientific research officially starts, they who have the spirit of the contract will definitely follow the contract strictly and devote themselves to nuclear energy research!!"

Lan Feifei was skeptical after hearing this!

Although there is always a public knowledge in China that foreigners have the spirit of contract.

But in fact, they even say that they will break the contract when they break the contract at the national level, and they will not hesitate to do so.

What kind of contract spirit is this?

But the boss said so, then Lan Feifei naturally chooses to believe it!

ps: Sorry, I just added refinement to the comment area. I accidentally clicked the wrong mouse and deleted the reader's suggestion. It was a mistake, sorry!

A whole hundred chapters, thank you all for your support....

Chapter 101

"Commander, Oppenheim has just sent a message that he has signed an entry agreement for Magic Technology, and will officially go to the nuclear laboratory tomorrow! We will not be able to contact you any more!"

In the black palace.

The staff reported the situation on Oppenheim's side to the chief commander.

The great commander nodded.

Nuclear research is highly confidential.

The people involved in the research are bound to be isolated from the outside world, and it is impossible to contact them at will.

This was expected.

They are not in a hurry, if Magic Technology really develops new technology in the field of nuclear energy.

They will inevitably put pressure on China to recall researchers from their own countries.

Steal technology.

However, the staff were a little worried: "Commander, Oppenheim is a real top nuclear physicist and has mastered a lot of high-end nuclear application technologies. What if he is really instigated and leaks secrets?"

The commander smiled: "How could Oppenheim be instigated? His wife and son are still in the Star Flag Country. Before he returns, his wife and son will not be able to go abroad!"

"Besides, he is Oppenheimer's nephew, how could he betray his country!"

"Besides, he is now a scientific research bastard..."

The leader is very confident.

Before Oppenheim set off, he had personally told Oppenheim to just watch it and not do it.

No need to worry at all!

After finishing speaking, the great commander bowed his head.

He looked at the military spending increase plan that had been secretly approved by Congress...

The main core content of the plan is to add five nuclear aircraft carriers to deal with possible wars.

The development of magic technology has robbed the interests of too many elites in the Star Flag Country.

Even the development speed of Huaxia is beyond their imagination.

Especially the silent killing of El before, made them even more terrified.

Therefore, within the Star Flag Country, the voice of the rival faction has become smaller.

The Destroyer's voice was gradually getting louder.

The speed of development of Magic Technology is too daunting.

And the footsteps of Huaxia, the chaser, are getting faster and faster.

Even in three to five years, China has the possibility of surpassing the star flag country in terms of economy.

Since it cannot be suppressed, it will be destroyed...

This is what many people think.


A new group of nuclear physicists who have joined Magic Technology.

Their faces were pale because they came to the secret base where the laboratory was located in a special car without windows.

without being able to see the outside world.

Make people a little car sick.

And for the next long time, they can only stay in this base and cannot communicate with the outside world.

Oppenheim and others stood in the nuclear laboratory, looking at various experimental instruments.

A look of disdain appeared on Oppenheim's face.

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