The scientific research environment is much worse than our star flag country.

However, the environment outside the laboratory is still good, and it is a good resort.

Just when everyone looked at this laboratory.

Ye Chen walked into the laboratory leisurely, and said with a smile: "Everyone, today is the first day of our scientific research plan, and everyone has to work up their energy!"

"Next, I can also tell you the technical direction of Magic Technology's upcoming research and development!"

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard the words.

Isn't that what they came for?

In an instant, everyone was in awe.

And Ye Chen said leisurely: "Everyone is a talent in nuclear physics, so I won't say it for simplicity!"

"The main source of nuclear energy today is nuclear fission."

"The process of splitting a heavier atom into two lighter atoms is nuclear fission, and the process of nuclear fission produces heat."

"The atomic bomb is the nuclear fission of countless atoms in an instant, bursting with huge energy and destroying everything."

"The operation mode of nuclear power plants in various countries today is essentially the same as that of atomic bombs, all through nuclear fission. The only difference is that nuclear power plants slow down this process, and only a small number of nuclei fission at each moment, so as to ensure stability and continuous fission. generate heat."

Ye Chen spoke lightly, and everyone present nodded.

Whether the technology is advanced or backward, the essence of our technology is to control nuclear fission.

Ye Chen looked at Oppenheim and others, and continued to speak:

"But the fuel uranium required for nuclear fission will produce huge radiation and harm the human body, and the nuclear waste after exhaustion will harm the earth for thousands of years, and it is difficult to deal with!"

"The most important thing is that the energy produced by nuclear fission is far less than that of nuclear fusion."


Ye Chen didn't finish his words, but stopped halfway.

But the eyes of nuclear physicists from various countries are shining: "So the direction we want to develop is controllable nuclear fusion?"

As we all know, nuclear fusion is far more terrifying than nuclear fission.

For example, the sun itself generates heat through constant nuclear fusion, illuminating the entire galaxy.

But the conditions that produce nuclear fusion are difficult.

The process of nuclear fusion must be carried out under high temperature and pressure of [-] million degrees Celsius.

For example, a hydrogen bomb made by nuclear fusion technology needs to drop an atomic bomb to preheat and raise the temperature of the core position to [-] million degrees.

Then drop the hydrogen bomb and destroy everything.

However, human beings have not yet mastered the method of controllable nuclear fusion, so they cannot rely on nuclear fusion to stably generate energy.

But controllable nuclear fusion has always been the research direction of various countries.

If successful, then mankind will no longer need to worry about energy problems.

The reason why countries are so enthusiastic about Ye Chen's research has sent people to participate.

The main thing is that Ye Chen is likely to develop controllable nuclear fusion technology.

If successful, the energy pattern of the earth will undergo earth-shaking changes!


Everyone looked at Ye Chen expectantly.

And Ye Chen smiled slightly: "You guessed half right!"

Everyone was immediately stunned, they only guessed half of it right?

However, in the field of nuclear energy, the only development direction today is controllable nuclear fusion.

There is no other way!

Looking at the confused eyes of everyone, Ye Chen smiled slightly: "I want to combine nuclear fusion and nuclear fission technology to create a controllable immortal nuclear energy source!"

Immortal nuclear energy?

An immortal controllable nuclear energy source that keeps its atoms fissioned forever, then fused, fissioned, and fused again?

Everyone was shocked when they heard Ye Chen's thoughts.

Although they have long known that Ye Chen dares to think and do in the field of scientific research, he is very courageous.

But they didn't expect that Ye Chen's goal turned out to be eternal energy?

How can this be?

Oppenheim was the first to speak, and he looked at Ye Chen seriously: "This is impossible."

"Let's not say anything else, nuclear fusion needs to be [-] million degrees Celsius to stabilize nuclear fusion, but no material on the earth today can withstand a temperature of [-] million degrees Celsius!"

And Ye Chen smiled and shook his head: "No... The special alloy made of Mithril can withstand this temperature!"


Everyone's eyes widened.

This is a special material unique to Magic Technology.

All features are excellent.

But they did not expect that the special alloy made by Mithril could withstand a high temperature of [-] million degrees Celsius.

No wonder Ye Chen announced with great fanfare to study nuclear energy.

It turns out that Ye Chen's confidence is here!

Everyone was shocked at this moment.

It turns out that Ye Chen is really likely to successfully develop controllable nuclear fusion technology.

Once successful, magic technology will surely shock the world.


But even so, they didn't think Ye Chen's immortal nuclear energy technology could succeed!

Oppenheim spoke again: "It has been extremely difficult for humans to stabilize nuclear fission. But there will still be accidents. The problems with so many nuclear power plants are proof!"

Oppenheimer's words made the faces of the nuclear physicists in Gongjiang and Maoxiong countries look ugly.

You might as well just click on our names!

And Oppenheimer continued: "In the same container, nuclear fusion and nuclear fission are carried out at the same time, which is completely uncontrollable, and a chain reaction conflict may occur at any time, resulting in an explosion!"

Everyone present nodded when they heard the words.

Indeed, human beings have not been able to completely control nuclear fission, let alone put together the more terrifying nuclear fusion.

I'm afraid that everyone present will be finished that day, and they will go straight to the sky...

Everyone present looked at Ye Chen, and they didn't believe that Ye Chen had a solution.

However, Ye Chen smiled...

As a magician, the most familiar thing is actually to control magic.

Magic power, an extremely violent power in essence.

In another world, when magic first originated, countless people wanted to control magic power, but were directly killed by the violent magic power...

At that time, too many people thought that magic could not be controlled at all, and this was not a power that human beings could control.

However, countless talented human beings have invested in research.

In the end, Xun found a way to control the magic.

Since then, the magician system has completely mastered the magic power, has powerful power, and has become a superior person.

And as long as this method of controlling magic power is transformed...

Controlling atomic stable nuclear fission nuclear fusion is a breeze!

Ye Chen spoke calmly and talked about the theory.

Everyone present was puzzled at first, then widened their eyes, and finally fell into shock.

Because the theory proposed by Ye Chen seems to really be able to control atoms...

If really successful.

That Ye Chen will really develop an incredible energy for eternal life!

The entire laboratory fell silent at this moment.

They feel that they have touched the dividing line of the new era...


"Next, Oppenheimer, you will lead thirty people to optimize the existing nuclear fission technology!"

"Dahe Yamamoto, you lead thirty people to try to use Mithril alloy to control the nuclear fusion technology!"

"Ye Lei, you are going to study the theory of immortal energy with me!"

Ye Chen simply divided the group.

Everyone present had different expressions.

Although Ye Chen's theory is shocking, there is a real possibility of success.

But they are here to fish, to steal technology.

rather than to help with research and development.

However, the moment Ye Chen clapped his hands and signaled everyone to start working.

Oppenheimer shuddered suddenly.

There was a sense of responsibility in his heart. This is an energy plan that can change the future of mankind.

How could he be lazy to fish and not obey Ye Chen's orders because of competition?

This is irresponsible to all mankind!

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