And apparently, it wasn't just Oppenheimer who had such thoughts.

All the people present had all kinds of thoughts in their minds.

They gave up fishing at this moment.

According to their tasks, they took up their respective positions, began to cooperate with each other, and chose the place where they were best at research!

The entire laboratory became full of order in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen's mouth twitched.

No doubt!

This is the power of the oath rune.

The oath rune is not forcing the other's body to reach a signed treaty.

Instead, it is through the subconscious that changes the other's thoughts in order to achieve the purpose of influencing the other's behavior.

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

This is far better than forcing!

And even if outsiders threaten with force, those restricted by the oath rune will not violate the treaty.

For example, people who are afraid of pain are tortured for secrets.

Once you want to give in, break the oath rune.

Immediately, the subconscious mind that I can't tell the truth will be born in my mind, and I won't open my mouth.

This oath rune affects only the subconscious mind.

The traces are lower and will not be noticed by outsiders as special places.

and so.

Those present who signed Ye Chen's harsh entry contract were under the influence of the oath rune.

It is simply impossible to be lazy and not obey orders.

Instead, they will do their best to work for Ye Chen according to the treaty signed by them themselves!

This is the power of magic!


And sure enough.

Before the crowd, they made up their minds to fish, and even exchanged their experience with nuclear physicists from various countries.

Working hard right now!

What, drinking more water can make you go to the toilet more to catch fish?

Forget it, this formula is almost finished, stop drinking water first, and save the trouble of going to the toilet!

Chew slowly at noon, and drink afternoon tea to kill time?

Forget it, the result of that experiment is coming out soon, let’s just deal with the two and see the result of the experiment!

Get off work at [-]:[-] p.m. and never spend an extra minute in the lab?

Hey, forget it, the data of a previous experiment result is not quite right, let's work overtime and do it again, and it's not too tired now...

that's it.

It was ten o'clock at night.

The whole laboratory is still brightly lit.

The three researchers who were transferred from the Huaxia Nuclear Testing Institute were stunned by the efforts of a group of foreign scientists.

Isn't it said that foreigners never work overtime?

It is said that foreign scientists pay more attention to happiness research?

. 0 ......

Why is this working overtime, more than the Chinese researchers who often work overtime and overtime?

Ye Lei pointed at Oppenheim, and said to the two researchers around him: "Look at him, a man in his [-]s, yawning one after another, covering his face in a radiation-proof suit, sweating all over his head. Still working so hard?"

The other two were a little guilty: "It's not just him, other researchers are like this too. Some people are obviously tired, but they just don't rest!"

"The scientific research strength of foreign countries is stronger than ours, and their scientific research personnel are even harder than us. I finally understand the reason why our high-tech industry has been lagging behind!"

"Hey... people who are better than you work harder than you, how can this compare?"

"I am ashamed. When I meet my old colleagues in the future, I must tell them what I have seen today, so that the Chinese scientific research community should not underestimate the enemy and continue to maintain the momentum of hard work!"

The three of them were ashamed at this moment, and even felt ashamed!

But they were too tired to bear it.


And many foreign nuclear physicists on the scene couldn't bear it until eleven o'clock, and ended the experiment exhausted.

Back in the room, Oppenheim didn't even bother to take off his clothes, so he just lay down.

Just after lying down, he suddenly looked confused.

He thinks about what he did today...

"What am I doing? I actually worked hard all day? I even volunteered to work overtime until eleven o'clock?"

"Am I crazy?"

"This is the research of magic technology, not the research of our star flag country? Why should I work so hard?"

"I just need to wait for the technical results to come out, and it is enough to steal the technology and wait for it to be taken back to China!"

"Tomorrow, tomorrow..."

"Tomorrow I must fish well, and I will never do even a little scientific research!"

"I'm exhausted, sleep!"


And on the second night.

After working overtime until eleven o'clock on his own, Oppenheim, who was exhausted to the extreme, was stunned again...

"I struggled for another day today? Just because I have the idea that I can bring the technology back to benefit the motherland as soon as I complete the research and development?"

"Am I crazy?"

"What does it have to do with me if the technology is implemented earlier and later?"

"You can't take your own life to benefit the motherland!"

"No, I must fish tomorrow, I must eat for two hours, and I must not work overtime..."


Day three...

"Grass... I actually thought this morning that this is the cause of all mankind, and it is worth paying for myself. I actually worked overtime until eleven o'clock?"

"What does all mankind have to do with me?"

"Tomorrow, I will definitely not work overtime!"

Day [-]...

"I actually worked overtime until eleven o'clock today..."

"I will work overtime tomorrow and I will be a dog!"

Day [-]...

"work overtime……"

Day [-]...

work overtime……


And far across the ocean.

The chief commander was playing golf with his wife in a good mood.

Thinking of the ongoing research on Magic Technology, the Grand Commander smiled slightly.

Oppenheim, but he had chosen it carefully.

Although Oppenheim has high qualifications, he has become an old fritter in recent years. He only cheats funds in the laboratory, and has no motivation to develop new technologies at all...

That's why the commander was willing to send someone like Oppenheim to China.

Such old fried dough sticks must be the biggest headache for Ye Chen when they arrive in Ye Chen's laboratory!

Maybe it can also ruin the atmosphere of the entire laboratory!

Thinking of this, the great commander couldn't help showing a smug smile.Ten thousand.

Chapter 102

In the blink of an eye, two months have passed.

Magic technology has developed and expanded in an orderly manner.

Today, nearly [-]% of fuel vehicles in the world have been replaced by anti-gravity new energy vehicles.

The number is already [-] million.

All over the world, there are magic tech-standard charging parking lots everywhere.

Even the parking lot that Star Flag invested [-] billion US dollars to build has now been replaced with charging piles under the rules of magic technology.

Every time the whole people charge, magic technology can be divided.

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