Plus anti-gravity components, mithril chips and other businesses.

It can be said that magic technology is now like a high-power water pump, attracting gold wildly around the world.

In the history of the whole world, there has never been such a company.


For ordinary people, they actually don't care about nuclear energy.

Nowadays, the focus of global netizens is the Xingchen Island under construction.

In the past two months, the prototype of Xingchen Island has been initially perfected, and the foundations of major infrastructure have been basically completed.

Every day, people go to Xingchen Island by boat, use drones to overlook Xingchen Island and shoot videos.

Just the infrastructure of Xingchen Island already has a magnificent atmosphere.

What's more, magic technology often sends out new news.

For example, Xingchen Island will only allow anti-gravity new energy vehicles to go on the road in the future, so the road construction cost on the entire island is relatively low, after all, there is no need to worry about the road being crushed.

At the same time, Xingchen Island has also reached a cooperation with Huaxia Metro Light Rail Company.

Anti-gravity subway and anti-gravity light rail will be used on Xingchen Island.

The anti-gravity subway doesn't make any noise, is more stable and faster.

The anti-gravity light rail is used as a supplement to the construction of the subway. After all, the subway is limited by terrain and cannot be constructed in some places.

Moreover, the anti-gravity light rail is assumed to be an elevated line, which does not affect ground traffic.

In the future, people working in office buildings will see the sci-fi scene of light rail coming from high altitude, which will be completely realized.

Xingchen Island, this is a city completely built by high technology.

Enough to make countless people yearn for it.

And the elites of various countries, although they are not optimistic about the construction project of Xingchen Island, are killing Xingchen Island.

But they also kept an eye on it, sending spies to the island to do fieldwork.

The main reason is to worry about Huaxia Mingxiu's plank road and dark Chencang. What if everything is actually a deception, and in fact, a secret military base is being built?

But after close observation.

They found that Xingchen Island was indeed building a city.

There are no military items.

This puts them at ease!

They don't think Star Island will succeed.

After all, no matter how well-built the city is.

A small island with storms every day from June to July and August.

At that time, ships will not be able to transport, and planes will not be able to land, which is equivalent to three months of isolation every year.

Moreover, the area of ​​Xingchen Island is not large, and it is impossible to be self-sufficient. If there is no material replenishment for three months, I am afraid that people will starve to death.

Therefore, no matter how well-built Xingchen Island is, it cannot be successful!

Instead, they are now more concerned about the nuclear energy research of magic technology.

After all, they all send high-end researchers.

It's a pity that nuclear research is completely closed, and they can't get any news.

But whether magic technology succeeds or fails, they have nothing to lose.

Anyway, the people they sent are bound to be impossible to contribute, just paddling.

So out of technology, they make money for nothing.

If there is no technology, it will only lose the research time of several high-end scientific research institutes.

However, they didn't expect it at all.

How hard are the nuclear physicists they sent to paddle with magic technology!


two months.

Oppenheim's original body of [-] kilograms has lost [-] kilograms.

The whole person's face was full of exhaustion and immortal.

He used to blame himself every night after working overtime.

Now he has completely surrendered.

Even he himself feels that he is a noble, great scientist who knows no borders, and who is dedicated to contributing to the development of mankind!

The same is true of other researchers at the scene.

They are the top nuclear physicists in various countries.

In addition, there is Ye Chen's guidance and leadership.

In two months, Magic Technology's nuclear energy research project has made a huge breakthrough!


A group of people gathered together, wearing protective clothing, staring at the nuclear reactor behind the glass.

Today, the first controlled nuclear fusion experiment will be carried out.

If it succeeds today, it means that mankind has completely mastered controllable nuclear fusion.

On the development road of nuclear energy, go a step further.

This made everyone present nervously clench their palms.

And Ye Chen, who was at the forefront of the crowd, was also wearing thick protective clothing.

In fact, Ye Chen himself does not need it, it is like a nuclear radiation of poison to humans.

Marven Ye can easily avoid it without being affected.

However, in a large audience, it is natural not to show abnormality.

Ye Chen looked at the reactor in front of him and nodded.

This is a nuclear reactor made of mithril alloy, which can theoretically withstand a high temperature of [-] million degrees Celsius.

It is easy to provide a high temperature and high pressure environment of [-] million degrees Celsius for nuclear fusion...

"let's start!"

Ye Chen spoke lightly.

Ye Lei, who was holding the controller behind him, nodded and pressed the switch.

In an instant, everyone's eyes were fixed on the reactor and the reactor.


"It's warming up..."

"The temperature reaches [-] million degrees Celsius..."

"Atoms start nuclear fusion, releasing energy..."

At this moment, the terrifying temperature was immediately released.

Even if everyone wears protective clothing, they can feel the scorching heat across the tens of meters of insulation.

In an instant most people were sweating.

But they all stared nervously at the reactor, at the data sheet...

"The mithril reactor itself does not show any signs of melting or denaturation..."

"The nuclear fusion process is stable..."

"The energy released by nuclear fusion is ten times the energy released by nuclear fusion under the same volume!"

"It's been [-] minutes without any unexpected phenomena!"

"The controllable nuclear fusion project is a success!"

The nuclear fusion lasted for half an hour, and all indicators were still normal.

Everyone cheered.

Oppenheim even hugged Yamamoto of Yamamoto to celebrate.

But soon the two of them let go...

Why are they celebrating?

This is magic technology, right?

Magic technology has developed controllable nuclear fusion, which is not only not beneficial to their motherland, but also harmful!

And this technology, even if they steal it back at that time, is useless!

In fact, the world is still developing various technologies of magic technology.

Materials science experts from major laboratories in various countries looked at Mithril in despair.

Some people even admitted that it would take at least thirty to fifty years before they could master Mithril technology.

This represents.

Controllable nuclear fusion technology, even if they bring them back to China, there is no material enough to withstand the high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees, and it still has no effect!

These people have worked hard.

With a monthly salary of [-] yuan and the most ruthless class, isn't he doing white work for Ye Chen?

Thinking of this, they crumble a bit.

Obviously they are here to prostitute!

What exactly is going on?

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