
The success of the controllable nuclear fusion experiment made Ye Chen nodded with satisfaction.

"keep an eye on!"

Ye Chen asked the researchers present to continue to observe.

And Ye Chen himself left the laboratory.

After disinfecting, take off the protective clothing and go outside the laboratory.

At the door, the old man looked at Ye Chen excitedly: "Controlled nuclear fusion, is it really successful?"

Ye Chen smiled and nodded: "Just succeeded!"

The old man, who has always been light-hearted, blushed with surprise at this moment.

Although he is not a researcher.

But he knew the importance of the success of controlled nuclear fusion.

In the simplest terms, controllable nuclear fusion produces ten times more power than nuclear fission.

And the fuel used in nuclear fusion is far less polluting and cheaper than the uranium required for nuclear fission.

Using mithril alloy as the reactor, there is no risk of cracking and leakage at all.

In terms of nuclear submarines and nuclear aircraft carriers.

Magic Technology's current controllable nuclear fusion technology can be easily applied to aircraft carriers.

Bringing power ten times stronger than that of the Star Flag nuclear aircraft carrier.

How much deterrent a nuclear aircraft carrier with more maneuverability and more ferocious power has in the world, just look at the current power of the Star Flag nation.

The Star Flag Country can bully whoever it wants.

And if Huaxia uses Ye Chen's technology to develop a new type of nuclear aircraft carrier.

Now China's position in the world will undergo earth-shaking changes.

In the marine field, Huaxia is the well-deserved king.

Any coastal country will tremble when you mention China, let alone dare to provoke like now!

This is about national security, how can the old man not be excited!

"When can it be applied?"

The old man is very anxious.

Also a little regret.

In fact, Huaxia's nuclear laboratory is also conducting simultaneous nuclear fusion research.

But it has been failing and failing to produce results.

Knowing that Ye Chen was so powerful, he directly handed over the entire nuclear research team of Huaxia to Ye Chen!

The old man looked at Ye Chen with emotion...

In two months, he led the team to develop a mature and controllable nuclear fusion technology.

Ye Chen is really a genius!

Looking at the old man's expectant expression.

However, Ye Chen shook his head: "The experiment will continue, and it cannot be applied for the time being."

The old man was taken aback for a moment: "Isn't it successful?"

Ye Chen smiled slightly: "It's only partially successful! My goal is to create eternal energy!"


The old man was stunned.

After the old man heard Ye Chen's idea of ​​eternal energy, he was completely shocked.

He is in a high position and has experienced so many ups and downs over the years.

But at the moment, it was completely out of whack.

Eternal energy?

Use the reaction derived from unbreakable mutation and subsequent fusion to create eternal energy?

This is simply incredible.

If it really succeeds, what will the whole world look like?

Does Huaxia no longer need to worry about the lack of oil energy?

Never worry about getting stuck in energy again.

And submarines, aircraft carriers, these big energy giants, and oil-guzzling monsters, will also become big killers that no longer need to consider power?

Can you patrol the sea for decades or hundreds of years, and no longer need to build gas stations in various ports?


Immortal energy plane, circling the earth twice at a time?

Eternal Energy Tank...

In short, just imagine the scenario of the realization of immortal nuclear energy proposed by Ye Chen, and the old man will be completely unable to calm down.

This is only for military applications.

And how huge should the changes in people's livelihood be?

The eyes of the old man looking at Ye Chen have completely changed.


"If the development of immortal energy is really successful, what price does the military need to pay for using this technology?"

The old man is very serious.

And Ye Chen smiled: "Free! In the future, I can provide the military with immortal energy products for free, and I can even help upgrade the aircraft carrier and add anti-gravity technology... An anti-gravity aircraft carrier supported by immortal energy will be above the sea. A true overlord!"

The old man was not too excited when he heard Ye Chen's words, but was instantly a little wary.

Ye Chen is so generous?

Think of previous situations.

The old man knew that Ye Chen must have the conditions.

And now that it is so generous, the conditions are definitely not difficult!

The old man thought for a while, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Are you planning to let me move the capital to Xingchen Island!"

He felt that Ye Chen was really likely to make this request.

Ye Chen was happy when he heard the words, and hurriedly waved his hand: "No need, no need, Xingchen Island flies in the sky every day, and people have to go to the sky to do everything, it's too troublesome."

"Isn't it really more difficult to do things than God?"

"Of course, if you want to move, it's not impossible..."

The old man said angrily: "Then what do you want?"

Having said that, Ye Chen's expression also became official, and the certification looked into the eyes of the old man and said, "I want to buy Huaxia Power!"

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

The old man's eyes widened instantly.

Although he had long known that Ye Chen's request was not simple.

But the acquisition of Huadian?

This was still far beyond his imagination.

Huadian, this is the most important company in the field of people's livelihood.

It is about the normality of electricity in the whole country.

In this industrial age, electricity can be said to be the lifeblood of a country.

For example, Impression Country, why can't we fight at all in the industrial field?

The main reason is that the power supply is unstable!

How to stabilize production due to frequent power outages?

And electricity is about people's livelihood.

For example, in Star Flag, the power companies are all private companies.

In order to make a profit, it is impossible for the power company to energize remote villages because it is absolutely at a loss.

And they will sell electricity for profit, disregarding local residents, and selling electricity to higher-priced cities.

There have even been power outages in winter, causing residents to freeze to death.

In short, the power company, there are too many things to do.

Ye Chen now wants to buy Huadian.

It is to master the power lifeline of the entire country. This ambition is simply too big!

What does Ye Chen want to do?

The old man looked at Ye Chen, and his eyes were extraordinarily serious.

He felt that he could not see through Ye Chen.

Spend trillions and build your own city.

Now it is necessary to acquire Huadian and grasp the lifeblood of industrial reputation.

Ye Chen, what exactly do you want to do?


The old man frowned and said seriously: "Don't you plan to make your magic technology into a giant company that can cover the sky all over the world like in a sci-fi movie?".

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