Chapter 103

Hearing the old man's words, Ye Chen was also happy!

For example, in sci-fi and cyberpunk movies, there is always a large monopoly company as the villain.

This monopoly company basically masters the basic necessities of human beings, and masters all high-tech. It is a company that human beings cannot avoid from birth to death.

Such a company is even stronger than the state, ignoring everything.

Of course, such a company is usually end up with the protagonist in the end...

Ye Chen thought for a while and shook his head.

Ye Chen's acquisition of Huadian was not to consolidate his monopoly position.

Although owning a power company, it is too easy to have a monopoly.

For example, powering off a competitor makes it impossible for the other party to produce and work.

How are these two competing?

But Ye Chen is not in the mood to monopolize, and there is no competitor, it is worth Ye Chen to use this method.

Ye Chen wanted to acquire Huadian just to prepare for the future consciousness network.

Today, the Internet of the earth is too backward.

It can only transmit information, not energy.

This does not meet the requirements of the Web of Consciousness.

The Web of Consciousness is not only about connecting human spirits together.

It needs to be able to transmit energy.

On Earth, electricity is naturally the most perfect force.

Especially when the immortal energy is developed in the future, the electricity will be inexhaustible.

Therefore, Ye Chen had to master the power company first.

Prepare for the construction of the Web of Consciousness in the future, while ensuring that the Web of Consciousness is not affected by any unintended consequences.


As for the worries of the old man, is it monopolized like the giant companies in the movie?

As long as magic technology continues to develop, it can definitely be done easily.

But it doesn't make sense.

Magic tech doesn't become a trust oligarch.

Because Ye Chen is not a mortal, not a greedy mortal capitalist, he can only pursue wealth in his life.

What Ye Chen pursued was never wealth, but the throne of God.

Once he becomes a god, all the power and status of the earth are worthless to Ye Chen!


So, facing the old man's question, Ye Chen chuckled and said, "I just want to change the world. As for money, it's just the necessary accumulation needed to change the world!"

"Even if Magic Technology acquires Huaxia Power Grid, the essence of Huaxia Power Grid will not change. It will still power on remote mountainous areas regardless of cost and interests, and the essence will remain unchanged!"

"I bought Huaxia Power Grid, not for profit. Even after the power grid is in my hands, it can benefit the people even more. In the future, the price of electricity can be lower and the burden on the people is lower!"

Listening to Ye Chen's words, looking at Ye Chen's clear eyes.

The experienced old man can feel Ye Chen's sincerity.

But he still frowned: "If you don't make huge profits, why would you buy the power grid?"

Ye Chen smiled: "Because after Eternal Energy is developed, I will shut down all thermal power plants, hydropower plants, wind power, and solar energy in the country... Only Eternal Nuclear Energy will be used to build a stable power network across the country."

"After taking control of the grid, it is also very important for my layout in other fields."

"But this process touches the interests of too many people. If I don't control the grid, it will be difficult to succeed!"

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the old man fell silent.

If eternal energy can replace thermal power and hydropower, it will be a good thing.

Thermal power is too polluting the environment.

Although hydropower is more environmentally friendly, it cannot build too much capacity due to the terrain, and the maximum capacity is about 300mw, and it is easily affected by drought.

In addition, the construction of hydropower stations will also lead to fragmentation of the river and affect the ecology.

In short, if we really rely on eternal energy, we can provide electricity for the whole country.

That is indeed a good thing.

After all, environmental issues are also the top priority, and it can save a lot of coal resources.

But to be honest, the old man is hesitant now.

It is a good thing to use eternal energy, but it is difficult to predict the consequences of handing over such an enterprise that is related to the country and people's livelihood into the hands of private enterprises.

Once there is an accident, it is a huge disaster.

For example, the results of medical privatization are not very good.

Humans are greedy after all.

Ye Chen is not greedy now, but has ambitions to change the world.

But who knows after that?

There were many emperors of ancient dynasties who worked hard to rule when they were young.

When you get old, you lose your strength and become ignorant.

People are going to change!

Looking at Ye Chen, the old man hesitated for a while, but still said, "I can't promise you for the time being! This matter needs to be discussed with someone!"

"The specifics will be discussed after the success of immortal nuclear energy!"

Ye Chen was not surprised by the old man's rejection.

Ye Chen wasn't in a hurry anyway.

Seeing the expression on the old man's face, he also knew that the old man was a little moved.

As long as the eternal energy is taken out, the effect is amazing.

It is not difficult for Ye Chen to master the power grid.

The power grid company is related to the stability of the future consciousness network and must be in the hands of Ye Chen.

This is about Ye Chen's road to becoming a god!


Now, controllable nuclear fusion has been completed.

And controllable nuclear fission, a technology that has been solved by various countries for a long time, is even easier to realize.

The next step is to combine the two technologies.

Let atoms continue to react in continuous nuclear fusion and nuclear fission to achieve the effect of eternal energy.

Originally, this should be the hardest place.

But under Ye Chen's theory of controlling atoms, the difficulty is greatly reduced.

And the members of the entire nuclear energy research team, even if not because of the constraints of the oath rune, their blood boiled.

Eternal energy, this is the miracle of mankind!

If the research and development is successful, the future of human beings will be completely changed.

Without being limited by energy, human technology will enter a stage of rapid development.

Entering the interstellar era is just around the corner.

Therefore, the research and development speed of the entire team is getting faster and faster!

Oppenheim's overtime is getting harder.

If the commander knew about this, he would definitely vomit blood.

You are an old fritter in Star Flag Country, but when you go to Huaxia, you become a struggling force?


In the blink of an eye.

Another month has passed.

The old man has had several meetings recently.

But they couldn't stand it.

After all, electricity is really the lifeblood of a country.

You must know that the main reason for today's large cities with millions of people is the convenience brought by electricity.

If there is a massive power outage in a city.

In a day, a large number of patients in the hospital will die.

And in three days, the whole city will be in chaos.

In five days, someone will die of thirst because of a power outage at the water plant.

In ten days, the death toll will increase significantly.

With electricity so important,

Everyone is hesitating whether to sell the power grid to Ye Chen!

In case Ye Chen has bad intentions, the damage that can be caused is too great.

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