The old man did not hesitate to hear the words: "Listen to the bad first and then listen to the good!"

Ye Chen Yile: "The bad news is that we have not developed immortal nuclear energy!"

Hearing this, everyone present widened their eyes.


There has been severe disappointment in the eyes of many people.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment when the hope is dashed.

But the old man communicated a lot with Ye Chen, and he felt that it was definitely not so simple.

So he asked earnestly, "What about the good news?"

Ye Chen's mouth twitched: "The good news is that although immortal energy is not really immortal, as long as you add nuclear fuel once to make the reactor work. The entire reactor can continue to work for a thousand years..."

Ye Chen had expected this for a long time.

There will be no real eternal energy in the world.

Even the sun will go out in hundreds of millions of years.

Not to mention human-made energy.

The eyes of those present lit up again after hearing the good news from Ye Chen.

Add fuel once and you can work for a thousand years?

This is no different from eternal energy.

You must know that Star Flag's nuclear aircraft carrier technology can work for twenty-five years with one refueling, which has already made all countries envious.

And now, the eternal energy of magic technology has raised this time limit to a thousand years?

For short-lived humans.

There is no difference between a thousand years and eternal life.

A thousand years later, who knows if there are still people on earth, and whether human beings have already started interstellar migration.

"What about energy data?"

The old man's turbid eyes shone brightly, suppressing his inner excitement.

The corners of Ye Chen's mouth twitched, watching the old man speak softly: "According to the forecast, a one-cubic-meter-sized mithril reactor can generate [-] trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity every year!"

When the number speaks out.

Everyone in the audience took a deep breath.

A one-cubic-meter reactor can generate one trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity a year?

You must know that the power generation of the Sanxia Project, which shocked the world, is only [-] billion kilowatt-hours a year.

A one cubic meter of eternal energy can generate ten times the power of Sanxia every year?

The shock that this brought to the crowd was simply too great.

"Our total electricity consumption in China last year was [-] trillion kilowatt-hours! Does this mean that a maximum of eight one-cubic meters of immortal energy can meet the needs of the whole country, or even more than enough?"

A professional spoke up, making the shock of the audience even higher.

Nuclear energy is efficient in generating electricity, and they have long known that.

But they did not expect that the energy generated by the eternal energy that combines nuclear fission and nuclear fusion would be so terrifying!

Simply incredible.

They looked at Ye Chen as if they were watching a living myth.

Some people can even assert that from ancient times to the present, Ye Chen is definitely the greatest scientist... no one!


Looking at the old man who could no longer be calm after hearing the data, he just stood up from the chair.

Ye Chen handed over the data sheet in his hand and said with a smile, "Then, have you made a decision?"

"Will you sell me the grid?".

Chapter 104

Are you going to sell the grid to Magic Tech?

During this month, they have had several discussions on this matter, very intense.

Someone disagrees.

But there are others who feel that magic technology can be trusted.

In the end, no conclusion was reached, but several plans were made.

When the immortal energy developed by Ye Chen is truly realized, we will consider the specific situation.


The performance of immortal energy has greatly exceeded their expectations.

An immortal energy that can last for a thousand years is really a great revolution in the energy field!

Handing the power grid into Ye Chen's hands is probably also an opportunity.


The old man looked at Ye Chen and said seriously, "It's not that I can't sell it to you, but there are restrictions!"

Ye Chen nodded when he heard the words, intending to listen to the other party first.

It is normal to have restrictions.

If a country has no restrictions on capital.

It was a real disaster for the people.

If capital can really do whatever it wants, then the future of this country is doomed!

Seeing that Ye Chen did not resist, the old man continued to speak: "The first point, after the power grid is acquired by you, there must be no large-scale power outages, especially large-scale power outages in large cities..."

"Once it happens, we will buy back the grid immediately!"

The first line did not surprise Ye Chen.

Nodding, motioning the old man to continue.

The old man paused: "Second point, you have the power to adjust the electricity price, but the electricity price must be set according to the basic income of the Chinese people, and the electricity price must not be too high and affect the lives of the residents. At the same time, the electricity price must not affect the industry of our country. Production!"

Marven Ye smiled, did not express an opinion, just continued to listen!

"The third point is to ensure that the whole country is electrified, even in remote mountainous areas, even in places with only one family, it must be electrified and maintained at any time!"

"Fourth point, you can't lay off workers on a large scale! The power grid is now huge, and there are many hydropower stations and thermal power stations. You can promote eternal energy, but you can't lay off workers on a large scale. You must provide them with jobs!"

"The fifth point, we will set up a professional power supervision department to supervise the power grid to ensure national power security."

"Sixth point, after you acquire the power grid, you must not sell your shares to the outside world. If you want to sell it, you can only sell it to us. In particular, foreign investment in the power grid is prohibited!"

The old man spoke slowly.

It can be said that all Ye Chen actions that may endanger Huaxia have been restricted.

Once Ye Chen violates, the other party can withdraw the power grid at any time.


In this regard, Ye Chen naturally smiled lightly.


Ye Chen agreed bluntly, and then said: "I can guarantee a few additional points: First, after the current power grid is in my hands, I can guarantee that the price of domestic residential electricity, commercial electricity, and industrial electricity will be greatly increased. Down, prices will never go above where they are now.”

"Of course, there is a premise. This is under the condition of not releasing water and inflation!"

"Two: I guarantee that there will be no problems with the national power supply, and even the occasional intermittent power outages, factory power cuts and other behaviors will be completely a thing of the past and will never happen again!"

"Three: The power grid is in my hands, there will be no large-scale layoffs, but there will be reorganization and screening. You are also aware of the internal situation of state-owned enterprises like the power grid, there is no need to keep the people who are messing around, let them find relationships and go elsewhere. state-owned enterprise!”

Ye Chen's words were simple and direct.

The promises made were even better than what they asked for.

This made everyone present widen their eyes.

Although he is still worried about capital, he is worried that there will be problems in the future because the power grid is handed over to Ye Chen.

But they still decided at this moment.


In the future, if Ye Chen is really plotting something wrong, they will naturally find out.

At that time, it will naturally take back control of the power grid without hesitation!


People didn't talk much.

The grid is too huge.

This is the fifth-largest company in the Global [-].

Whether it is an acquisition or a reorganization, a huge amount of work is required.

Naturally, it is impossible to discuss the entire transaction in one day, only the general tone can be determined.

Next, Ye Chen and the old man talked individually about the anti-gravity nuclear aircraft carrier.

"Magic Technology will send professionals to provide technical support for the development of anti-gravity immortal energy aircraft carriers!"

This is Ye Chen's previous promise, and naturally he will not go back on it.

The strengthening of Huaxia's military power is also of great benefit to Ye Chen.

After all, companies are linked to their own national strength.

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