The stronger the country, the more support its own company can gain globally.

This is mutually beneficial.


"Let's not be in a hurry to develop a new aircraft carrier, we will first transform and upgrade the two active aircraft carriers, the Daliao and Dadong, 々ˇ!"

The old man is very anxious.

The performance of the renovated and upgraded aircraft carrier is naturally not as good as the re-designed one, and it cannot show all the advantages of the new technology.

But there is no way out.

"Eternal energy is both an opportunity and a challenge!"

"The Star Flag Country will not be indifferent to watching us have eternal energy. Therefore, we must improve the existing combat power at the fastest speed and make them feel jealous!"

"After that, we will slowly develop a new type of aircraft carrier!"

The old man saw the world situation very clearly.

The enemy is not a fool. Once he learns the news of eternal energy, he is likely to jump over the wall.

And if technology is not transformed into combat power, it will be meaningless.

Even make wedding dresses for the enemy.

So first improve the combat power, and then consider a more powerful new aircraft carrier.

Ye Chen nodded when he heard the words, it was true.

Although Ye Chen has already made a plan to launch a mechanical immortality plan, so that the elites of the major powers will be afraid of the rat for immortality.

But the premise is that China must be strong enough.

Otherwise, it is too weak and cannot bring too much trouble to the enemy.

It is very likely that the opponent will force a war!

"Yes... I will draw a group of elites from the anti-gravity technology and immortal energy technology team!"

Ye Chen agreed quickly.

The old man smiled, he was not worried about Ye Chen's position now.

In the face of right and wrong, Ye Chen didn't have any nonsense, which made the old man very at ease.

"The news of eternal energy, don't expose it for the time being!"

"Wait until the refit of the aircraft carrier is successful!"

"And the acquisition and reorganization of the power grid should also control the wind. After all, any civilian is very vigilant when the hand of capital touches the field of people's livelihood!"

"Even if your magic technology has a good reputation, it's still worrying."

"It's likely to spark a massive backlash, so it's best to keep it low profile."

"However, immortality energy can't be hidden for too long. At that time, the worst is to experience a confrontation!"

"Ye Chen, your appearance has brought us too many surprises, but it has also forced us to bring many of our plans ahead of schedule!"

In the end, the old man was very emotional.

Ye Chen's magic technology can be said to have advanced many things by at least decades.

Next, some of them are busy!

The old man left leisurely.

And Ye Chen's mouth twitched!

The acquisition of the power grid is now almost certain!

This also represents Ye Chen's plan to become a god, a step further.

Today's power grid, although already a behemoth.

But in Ye Chen's hands, the current power grid is not enough.

Because Ye Chen's goal is to master global power and energy and expand the network of consciousness to the world.

By then, the grid will be completely a global giant!

And Ye Chen is the global energy hegemon!


"Mr. Ye, the final quotation from the power grid is US$[-] billion!"

"But they promised to transfer the shares and control to us first."

"We pay [-] billion US dollars a year without interest, for a total of [-] years!"

In the office, Lan Feifei stood in front of Ye Chen, and the elegant aroma lingered in the office, reporting specific negotiation matters to Ye Chen.

Because Ye Chen was engrossed in researching immortality energy, Lan Feifei hadn't seen Ye Chen for a long time.

Seeing Ye Chen at this moment, the joy is beyond words.

As Ye Chen's secretary, he will report the company's affairs to Ye Chen by phone every day.

And this negotiation for the acquisition of the power grid was also handed over by Ye Chen to Lan Feifei to lead the team to carry out secretly.

It's an experience.

Six hundred billion dollars?

Thirty years of interest-free payments?

Hearing this condition, Ye Chen smiled.

This is to invest in wood peach, and repay it with Qiong Yao?

This condition is simply too superior to be outrageous.

Paying $[-] billion a year to get the power grid?

The annual profit of the power grid is more than [-] billion US dollars.

This is no different from giving away.

Any company that can get this kind of treatment will definitely agree to it without hesitation.

It seems that in this transaction, a large part of the other party is repaying his goodwill and at the same time thanking himself for his contribution.

This made Ye Chen very comfortable.

If it is a country, it is natural to take it from its citizens.

Then Ye Chen had to think about the future development route of magic technology.

But now the two sides respect and cooperate with each other and release goodwill to each other.

This is very nice.

Ye Chen is willing to maintain this relationship and continue to develop.

"Okay... remember not to reveal the wind to the outside world!"

"After the acquisition is completed, presumably the laboratory's reactor can also be produced normally... At that time, the immortal energy will be directly integrated into the power grid."

"At the same time, the existing power plants will be gradually closed, and the more polluting thermal power plants will be closed first!"

"By the way, the wind power plan that is under construction in the country has been stopped!"

Ye Chen gave instructions.

Lan Feifei recorded these immediately.

Then Lan Feifei wanted to report other things about the company.

However, Ye Chen shook his head and led the team to study for so many days. Even Ye Chen was a magician, and he was a little tired!

"We'll talk about other things tomorrow."

"The sky garden swimming pool on the roof should have been built, right? Has the water been released? I'll take you up for a swim, then have a meal together and relax!"

Ye Chen's words made Lan Feifei happy.

If other bosses say that they will take female employees to swim during working hours, that is workplace harassment.

But Mr. Ye has to take himself to swim?

That is to know how to enjoy life, combine work and rest, and have fun in life.

Besides, she had been looking forward to this day after the construction of the sky garden swimming pool in the Magic Building swimming pool.

"it is good……"

Lan Feifei didn't have any twists.

But Ye Chen suddenly shook his head: "Forget it, the office didn't prepare swimming trunks, and you definitely didn't bring them either. Next time..."

Lan Feifei hurriedly said, "Mr. Ye, I prepared it for you, and I brought it too!"

Speaking of this, Lan Feifei blushed suddenly.

Having said that, doesn't it show that he has been looking forward to swimming with President Ye on the roof?

And when Ye Chen heard the words, he gave Lan Feifei a cheerful look: "... Okay, my little secretary is really caring and meticulous!"

Lan Feifei's beautiful face, as red as an apple, rushed to the lounge to get the swimming trunks, a little embarrassed: "The tag has been cut, and I have washed my hands, so there is no need to worry about hygiene!"

After that, Lan Feifei hurried out.

Run to the lounge to change into your well-prepared swimsuit!

The sky swimming pool garden on the rooftop is beautiful and magical. Lying on the glass wall in the water, you can even see all the living beings below, and the traffic is flowing.

This feeling really makes people feel open-minded and comfortable.

What's more, the entire sky garden is very beautiful, in this steel city, it is like a fairyland on earth.

At the same time, this also made Ye Chen look forward to the future Sky City that will be built in half a year.

When the city in the sky takes off, standing in the city overlooking the world, how magnificent it should be.


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