Lan Feifei, who changed into her swimsuit, went to the sky garden.

The moment he saw Lan Feifei, Ye Chen's eyes lit up...

This swimsuit style is indeed trendy!

And his secretary's figure is quite predictable...

Garden, swimming pool, metropolis, plus a beautiful blue Feifei standing there.

This scene is a top-notch painting.

However, only Ye Chen can see such a beauty!


"Commander, in half a year, our new five aircraft carriers will be able to launch and officially serve!"

The staff reported the progress, and the commander nodded in satisfaction.

The task of this construction plan is very urgent, and a lot of manpower and material resources have been invested.

After all, magic technology has now plundered the semiconductor and automotive industries.

It can be said that the star and flag country that has lost its two major industries is already in constant and visible decline.

The longer you drag on, the more problems will arise.

On the contrary, China has now mastered two major industries, and this year's GDP will inevitably skyrocket.

The gap between the two will become smaller and smaller.

What's more, the previous trillion-dollar new energy investment bill also suffered heavy losses.

This has caused Star and Flag debt to climb again.

(Get) It is considered to be in the midst of internal and external troubles.

So, you must hurry up.

Use force to take back the benefits that Huaxia took away from them.

"How did the countries respond?"

The great commander asked casually.

The staff immediately replied: "They said that they hope we can share our nuclear aircraft carrier technology. They say that Huaxia is very powerful now and is unwilling to be an enemy of it!"

The great commander was delighted when he heard the words: "All the old foxes want to pluck their wool! Let them stop dreaming."

"Anyway, with their behavior, seeing how the interests might not be involved, we just inform them."

"When we act in the future, how could they miss it? I'm afraid they will rush to the front, for fear that the benefits will be less!"

The staff also laughed.

Indeed, in the face of interests, who will retreat.

The commander lit a cigar, leaned leisurely on the boss chair, closed his eyes, and said with a light smile: "It's been four months now, maybe Ye Chen's nuclear energy research and development is just on track."

"Wait another half a year and a year, by then, the magic technology will already belong to us!"

"Isn't Ye Chen the greatest genius scientist in the world?"

"At that time, I will keep it in the laboratory and develop new technologies for our star flag country for the rest of my life!"

Thinking of this, the great commander is very cool.

On Ye Chen, he lost face several times.

Later, it screwed up the trillion-dollar investment bill and suffered heavy losses.

When the time comes, he will definitely let Ye Chen understand the price of provoking him.

Of course, it is impossible to kill.

Ye Chen is in the hands of the enemy, so naturally he wants to kill.

But when the future is under his control, he will naturally squeeze out all of Ye Chen's value.


And in China.

The anti-gravity factory of Xingchen Technology has begun to produce large-scale anti-gravity components.

And the Nuclear Energy Laboratory has also begun to adapt new types of immortal energy for aircraft carrier research and development...

The acquisition of the power grid is also in full swing.

Everything went extremely well.Inside.

Chapter 105

Executives from various departments of the power grid across the country rushed to the headquarters in Tianhai City today.

The company suddenly held an executive meeting.

All executives are required to come to Tianhai for a meeting.

And none of them are missing. Even if you have a big business in your hand, or if you are abroad, you must put down all your affairs and come back to the meeting immediately.

Extra strict.

This surprised many executives.

As a national power giant, the power grid has been stable for so many years.

This has never been asked of executives at all levels.

At today's meeting, it can't be that the power grid plans to go public, right?

Everyone came to the head office in twos and threes to get together and want to know what happened.

And before entering the meeting room.

Each of them even had to sign a non-disclosure agreement.

This surprised everyone even more.

Grid, what are you going to do?

What is the big move, even the executives like them must sign a non-disclosure agreement when they participate in the meeting.

People are even more strange!


And when they signed a non-disclosure agreement and entered the conference room.

But he was surprised to find that Mr. Chen, the big boss of his own power grid, was already sitting there.

But the sitting position turned out to be the first position on the left of the main seat of the conference table.

This widened his eyes even more astonishingly.

Mr. Chen is the big boss of the power grid, a person who speaks for itself.

In today's meeting, Mr. Chen can't even sit in the main seat?

There were huge waves in the hearts of everyone, and they looked at each other, but they couldn't guess what would happen today.

But they know.

There's bound to be something big going on today.

A senior executive came to Mr. Chen's side and said cautiously: "President Chen, what exactly are we going to discuss in today's meeting?"

President Chen shook his head: "Major event! You will know soon!"

President Chen's answer made it even more difficult for everyone to calm down, and they felt a little uneasy.

Is the grid to be restructured?

Or has it changed, and a new big boss has been airborne?

Who is the person who will come to the main seat in a while?

Everyone is a little worried, worried that if the power grid really changes, their future will also be affected.

And after Mr. Chen said that, he didn't say a word.

Looking at President Chen's expression, everyone can guess that President Chen himself is not very calm!


"Who will it be?"

Everyone frequently looked outside the conference room.

Guess whether a big leader is coming.

When the time came to [-]:[-], just one minute before the meeting officially started.

The door to the conference room was pushed open.

Two young figures, a man and a woman, stepped into the conference room.

Everyone immediately looked at it.

One man and one woman are all handsome and handsome, with outstanding looks and temperament.

It is in stark contrast to the average forty or fifty-year-old executives on the scene.

Moreover, the appearance of that man is particularly familiar.

Someone recognized him at a glance!

The boss of Magic Technology: Ye Chen!

And another beautiful woman in a black OL outfit was recognized by many people.

It was Ye Chen's secretary Lan Feifei.

Lan Feifei was the protagonist in the 4S store incident that was popular all over the network before.

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