It is also because of Lan Feifei that Ye Chen beat domestic car companies and rectified 4S stores across the country.

Many people present were the beneficiaries of the rectification of 4S stores. When buying a car, they felt that the attitude of 4S stores was obviously different from before.

Ye Chen now has a very high commercial status in the country.

It can be said that he is the most prestigious and influential CEO in China, and he has the identity of a scientist.

But why did the two come to the grid's internal executive meeting?

You must know that Magic Technology is just a private enterprise.

No matter how good the development is, the hand is not qualified to reach out to a state-owned enterprise like the power grid!

Is there any big cooperation?

Everyone couldn't help but think of the Xingchen Island project and guessed.

Most of it is the power supply project of Xingchen Island!

But just a star island?Shouldn't the power grid giant be so prepared?

Just in the middle of everyone's thoughts.

They were surprised to find out.

After seeing Ye Chen, his big boss actually stood up immediately, stretched out his hand, and shook hands with Ye Chen.

He even said directly: "Mr. Ye, you are welcome to come to the power grid to inspect and guide our work!"

The audience was once again surprised...


What kind of identity do you have as your own boss?

That's someone who can chat with many big leaders.

Facing Ye Chen, why is his posture so low?

And also used the adjective inspection and guidance work?

At this moment, they felt a puddle of slurring directly in their minds.

I can't understand it!


Ye Chen and President Chen shook hands and smiled slightly.

Then he sat down directly, while Lan Feifei sat next to Ye Chen and opened the folder he carried with him.

Ye Chen, sat in the main seat!

On the other hand, Mr. Chen was not at all dissatisfied.

This scene once again shocked the executives at the scene.

They are all old rivers and lakes, and Ye Chen, a private enterprise executive, sat at the main seat of the internal meeting of the power grid.

What does this represent?

Thinking of that possibility, everyone present couldn't hide the horror on their faces.

Power grid giant, is it going to be privatized?

How can this be?


For a while, the entire conference room was silent.

Ye Chen looked around at everyone and said with a light smile: "Everyone must have guessed... Huaxia Power Grid has indeed been privatized! Now it is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Magic Technology!"

"Everyone will be colleagues from now on!"

In an instant, among the executives of the field grid.

Except for President Chen, everyone else's eyes widened.

Some people even stood up in disbelief.

This is the power grid.

The fifth largest giant in the world's top [-]!

Such a giant, which is related to the people's livelihood, was quietly acquired by Ye Chen?

The shock was so great that they couldn't recover for a while.

What the hell happened?

Can the power grid sell itself and become a subsidiary of Magic Technology?

Doesn't it mean that magic technology will control the country's electricity supply in the future?

And Ye Chen tapped the table lightly with his index finger, signaling everyone to calm down.

Then he looked at the crowd and said with a light smile: "You don't have to think about it. After the power grid, it is really no longer a state-owned enterprise! And you will also become employees of a private enterprise!"

"So if you don't want to stay, you can bring it up now and leave immediately!"

Ye Chen's voice fell, and the audience fell silent.

But everyone has their own ideas.

Being an executive of a state-owned enterprise is naturally more nourishing than being an executive of a private company.

Moreover, state-owned enterprises are stable, and many people can rely on relationships to make a living.

But the grid has become a private enterprise, affecting the interests of too many people.

Many people's faces are very ugly.

Seeing that no one was talking, Ye Chen continued to speak with a light smile: "Magic technology relies on strength to do things."

"Competent people, the salary will be higher than before!"

"And those who don't have the ability to mess around will be expelled!"

"So everyone should weigh it up for yourself, and you will be fired when you save, and the scene will be more ugly!"

Ye Chen is undoubtedly a dismount.

But this is what Ye Chen came for.

Although the power grid is powerful, there are many problems that state-owned enterprises should have.

This time, Ye Chen solved the problem.

Otherwise, the power grid will be in chaos, which will affect Ye Chen's plan.


Ye Chen's words were simple and direct.

Many people who came in through relationships have even more ugly faces.

Someone showed disdain.

Dissatisfaction flashed in someone's eyes.

But they didn't speak directly, after all, today's events are too strange.

It is strange that the power grid has suddenly become a private enterprise.

But there was a fat man who stood up with a sneer.

He is in charge of the South China Division and has a high status.

He stood up and took a sip of tea.

He spoke to Ye Chen gloomily: "Mr. Ye, your magic technology is really powerful. But private companies and state-owned companies are different. They are too unscrupulous. Be careful to provoke a certain Buddha if you are not careful."

"If it really provokes people, Mr. Ye is careful not only that he can't hold the power grid, but what happens to magic technology!"

The man stood up directly.

It made many people who were dissatisfied with Ye Chen smile.

They also all looked at Ye Chen with a sneer, wanting to see how Ye Chen would not come to the stage.

State-owned enterprises are no more complicated than private enterprises.

Especially in a giant like the power grid, there are many people at the level of Buddha.

And this fat man has a very strong background in the power grid.

Even President Chen had to be polite to fat men before.


A threat is heard.

Ye Chen was happy.

"who are you?"

Ye Chen spoke flatly.

"Zhang Guodong!"

The fat man was not false at all, and said his name.

On the other side, Mr. Chen of the power grid whispered: "President Ye, his father is from a province..."

In fact, many people at the scene did not know Zhang Guodong's background.

Just know that the background is very high.

Hearing Mr. Chen speak at this moment, his eyes widened and he looked at Zhang Guodong with some envy.

No wonder Zhang Guodong is a jerk who can become the power grid manager in South China.

The background is so high!

Chen Guodong looked at Ye Chen with a sneer, he wanted to let Ye Chen know that the power grid was not an ordinary enterprise.

Their interests are not something Ye Chen can move if he wants to.

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