Many people who were dissatisfied with Ye Chen also looked at Ye Chen to see if Ye Chen would step down.

After all, Ye Chen was too young to be their boss in one fell swoop, and no one was convinced.


And Ye Chen felt the eyes of a group of people and smiled.

Today is here to kill the chickens and warn the monkeys.

Otherwise the grid can't fully listen to itself, and that doesn't make any sense.

Ye Chen glanced at Zhang Guodong, took out his mobile phone at will, and made a call.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected.

Ye Chen said calmly to the phone: "Zhang Guodong, head of the South China region of the power grid, said that he would let his father shut down my magic technology!"

Ye Chen's words made the old man over there frown.

Now the status of magic technology is very important.

It's about national security and the economy.

Now there are people who say that magic technology should be shut down?

If someone really did this, it would simply force Magic Technology to leave China.

This loss to China will be outrageous.

And if magic technology joined the star flag country.

It can even be said that they have no hope of chasing and surpassing in the future.

"I will solve this matter within five minutes! Don't get angry!"

After the old man finished speaking, he immediately hung up the phone.

Ye Chen put down the phone with a light smile, looked at Zhang Guodong and said calmly: "Wait five minutes..."


Ye Chen's posture was too calm.

He was not angered by Zhang Guodong's provocation at all.

This surprised everyone present.

Not to mention anything else, Ye Chen's heart didn't say anything.

And Zhang Guodong, who was originally complacent, frowned when he saw Ye Chen's calm appearance.

Especially what Ye Chen said on the phone made Zhang Guodong want to go crazy.

When did you say that you want your father to shut down Magic Technology?

I just threatened to make Ye Chen dare not move him in the future.

Let Ye Chen not provoke himself, and play his own way in the future.

Why did my dad shut down Magic Technology?

For a while, seeing Ye Chen's posture, Zhang Guodong felt a little flustered.

But at this moment so many people are watching, Zhang Guodong is difficult to speak.

He regretted it a little.

Just now, many people wanted to jump out, and they shouldn't be this early bird.

I don't know who Ye Chen called.


a time.

No one spoke again.

Time passed so slowly.

The duller Ye Chen's posture, the more depressed everyone's hearts were.

In Zhang Guodong's heart, the more he felt uneasy.

Marven Ye, who did you call?

At three minutes and thirty seconds.

A phone ring suddenly rang in the silent conference room.

Zhang Guodong was startled, only to find out that it was his cell phone, and he forgot to turn off the ringtone during the meeting.

Picking it up, it turned out to be a call from my father.

In an instant, Zhang Guodong felt a sudden shock.

Zhang Guodong answered the phone hesitantly, and his father's violent voice came: "Are you going to die? Are you crazy?"

"Let you mess around in the power grid, but you ran to threaten Ye Chen and told me to shut down magic technology?"

"Do you think your father didn't die fast enough?"

"Now, immediately go to me and apologize to Ye Chen!"

"Let me tell you, if this matter is not handled well, not only will you be finished, but even your father and I will have no good fruit to eat!"

Zhang Guodong was stunned by his father's phone call.

Because his father, who has always been majestic, showed panic on the phone.

This has never been done before.

Ye Chen, what is his identity and who has he contacted to make his father look like this?

At this moment, Zhang Guodong was completely panicked.

The people around also vaguely heard the thunderous voice coming from the phone, and their eyes widened.

Zhang Guodong's father, but a province...

Such a person can't provoke Ye Chen?

Even said that he was going to be unlucky?

What kind of background does Ye Chen have?

For a moment, people who had originally relied on their deep backgrounds were rejoicing.

Fortunately, Zhang Guodong jumped out first.

They didn't die, otherwise, it would be them who would be unlucky now!

And Zhang Guodong himself was sweating profusely. He looked at Ye Chen with a flushed face, and bowed directly: "Mr. Ye, I was wrong..."

"I was really wrong, what I said just now was just angry words!"

"Please don't remember the villain's deeds, I will definitely do a good job in the future, and I will definitely follow Mr. Ye's lead!"

"Mr. Ye..."

Zhang Guodong was so panicked that he almost cried.

The proud background is not only useless, it may even be implicated by itself.

If his father really had an accident because of him, then the people who he had offended for so many years would definitely go to hell and trample him to death.

At that time, life is really better than death!

And Ye Chen didn't even look at Zhang Guodong, just looked at Mr. Chen on the side: "Let the security take him out! By the way, let the internal inspector check whether he has violated discipline and regulations in the power grid over the years!"

"If there is, call the police immediately and let him spit it out!"

Mr. Chen heard the words and immediately got up: "Okay, Mr. Ye!"

When Zhang Guodong heard the words, his legs instantly fell to the ground.

"Mr. Ye, don't!"

If someone said that, he wouldn't panic at all, because he had a background.

But Ye Chen said so.

He's completely screwed.

Over the years, he knows how much he has greed in his position.

Twenty years is the minimum sentence.

"Mr. Ye, please, please..."

Zhang Guodong burst into tears at this moment, crying bitterly.

Endless regret filled his heart.

However, Ye Chen didn't even look at him.

The security guard came in quickly and dragged Zhang Guodong out directly.

Accompanied by Zhang Guodong's wailing sound, he went away.

Many senior executives present were trembling and their faces turned pale.

At this moment, everyone knows.

The power grid has really changed!

And Ye Chen smiled, snapped his fingers, and glanced at everyone: "Incompetent, people who are messing around, can still leave decently now, what you have done before, I am too lazy to care!"

"But if you don't leave now, and you're still hanging around in the future, don't blame me for making you look disrespectful!"

"Also, remember to mute in future meetings! I don't want to say it a second time!"

As soon as Ye Chen finished speaking, many people immediately turned their phones to silent.

They all looked at Ye Chen in awe, and they were terrified! .

Chapter 106

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