The audience was silent for a while.

Some people are relieved to hear that Ye Chen is now voluntarily resigning and letting go of the past.

They all knew that Ye Chen was just standing up, killing chickens to warn monkeys.

But they were still frightened by Ye Chen's slaying the chicken to warn the monkey.

The location of the grid powers a lot.

So in the presence, there is not no background bigger than Zhang Guodong.

But the problem is that Zhang Guodong's background was frightened by Ye Chen's phone call.

And Ye Chenming knew Zhang Guodong's background, but he still dared to send Zhang Guodong to prison without letting go.

What does this mean?

it goes without saying.

What's more, Ye Chen can even privatize a company like the power grid that is related to the livelihood of a country~.

How big is Ye Chen's background, it is really hard for them to understand-.


"Thank you Mr. Ye for your kindness. I don't want to be here, so I will leave. I will have the opportunity to invite Mr. Ye for tea in the future!"

The youngest man present, only in his thirties, stood up and smiled at Ye Chen.

After speaking, the young man left the conference room.

The young man has a great background and a bigger background than Zhang Guodong.

From the fact that he was qualified to attend this meeting when he was only thirty years old, one could see the extraordinaryness of the young man.

But at this moment, he obviously conceded defeat, gave up his interests and power in the power grid, and just bowed his head and left.

Even young men gave up.

The rest of the people naturally have no guts to stay.

Ye Chen's background is unfathomable, and his methods are even more ruthless and ruthless.

It is a rare opportunity to get a chance to get rid of the whole body now.

Knowing that he was relying on relationships to make a living, people who were incompetent all got up and said goodbye to Ye Chen.

Just five minutes.

There were more than [-] top power grid executives present, but [-] people left at once.

Mr. Chen was very emotional when he saw this scene.

The interests in the power grid are complicated, even if you are yourself.

Now that Ye Chen is here, it is really amazing to be able to cut the mess so quickly.

Everyone else present had the same idea.

Magic Technology, a private company, suddenly acquired the power grid.

Ye Chen even killed chickens as soon as he came, and his methods were amazing.

They felt that the power grid would undergo earth-shaking changes in Ye Chen's hands!


When Ye Chen saw that everyone who should leave had left, he smiled with satisfaction.

Not to mention the identity of the magician Ye Chen.

Just talking about the importance of immortal energy today can make Ye Chen fear no one.

In Ye Chen's view, the background behind many related households in the power grid is not worth mentioning.

However, the executive went directly one-third of the way, which was beyond Ye Chen's imagination.

The power grid is already considered to be very good among state-owned enterprises, all of which are like this.

The status quo of other state-owned enterprises can be imagined!

"Since everyone who should go is gone, then it's time to talk about business!"

Ye Chen looked at everyone and spoke calmly.

This time, the expressions of the people present were solemn and serious.

The new official took office three fires.

What is Ye Chen going to do?

"First, stop all investment in clean energy, such as wind power, solar energy!"

Ye Chen's first sentence changed the expressions of everyone present.

Clean energy is now the focus of development and has already invested heavily.

Ye Chen stopped when he said stop?

But Ye Chen's prestige just now made everyone present dare not speak.

However, Ye Chen's next words completely changed everyone's faces.

"Secondly, count the country's thermal power stations, hydropower stations... The thermal power stations are ranked according to their size, location, and pollution level. After three months, they will be shut down in sequence!"

"And after all the thermal power stations are shut down, the hydropower stations will be shut down one by one."

"Within half a year, all power stations in China will be shut down!"

When Ye Chen's voice fell.

Someone couldn't take it anymore.

Naturally there are people messing around with the grid.

But there are also real, aspiring executives.

A middle-aged man in his [-]s stood up and said angrily, "Mr. Ye, it's even fine to give up clean energy. The power generation of clean energy is negligible!"

"But do you know what are the consequences of shutting down hydropower and thermal power plants?"

"Nuclear power plants, while high in power generation, are unstable, polluting and extremely difficult to build."

"If you invest heavily in nuclear power plants in China, the probability of accidents is too high. Once an accident occurs, the loss will be at least trillions!"

"The lessons from the past are there, we can't go too hastily in the field of nuclear energy!"

Marven Ye's request was too much.

Even Ye Chen's background is unfathomable.

There are still people who dare to directly accuse Ye Chen.

Ye Chen recruited nuclear physicists around the world, and there was a lot of buzz about nuclear energy research.

Ye Chen said that he wanted to shut down the thermal power station and the hydropower station.

In their opinion, Ye Chen's purpose must be to vigorously promote nuclear energy.

However, although nuclear energy produces a large amount of electricity.

But the danger is higher.

The lessons of the artisan country and the hairy bear country are there.

Therefore, the power grid has always been cautious in the pace of building nuclear power plants.

Be steady!

If you really do as Ye Chen said, completely give up hydropower and thermal power.

Once there is an accident at a nuclear power plant, the loss will be incalculable.

With someone taking the lead, dozens of people immediately stood up and expressed solidarity with the executive.

Ye Chen acquired the power grid for whatever reason.

But the current instructions are too unreasonable!

Many of them are thinking of reporting Ye Chen!


Ye Chen looked at this scene and smiled slightly.

"Don't worry, talk after reading these materials!"

Ye Chen finished.

Lan Feifei got up immediately and sent the documents in the folder, one for each person, to the table in front of everyone present.

Look at Ye Chen's calm posture.

Those who opposed Ye Chen's order were all taken aback, picked up the information, and looked down.

And when they saw the content on the material, they couldn't help but widen their eyes.

The people who were sitting there stood up in surprise.

"Eternal energy?"

"One cubic meter of reactor can generate one trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity every year, ten times that of Sanxia?"

"And the stability and safety have been greatly improved, there is no risk of explosion, and there is no need for external temperature control?"

"Only need to add nuclear fuel once to continue the reaction for about a thousand years?"

Everyone present was speechless when they saw the product introduction.

This is simply incredible.

How could this be true?

Today's human technology is not perfect in the field of controlled nuclear fission, and we dare not build nuclear power plants on a large scale.

In the blink of an eye, they actually saw the eternal energy of nuclear fission and fusion cycle?

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