This is simply a dream.

They all looked at Ye Chen, wondering if it was a joke.

At this moment, Mr. Chen stood up and said seriously to the crowd: "No doubt, it's true! This is why Mr. Ye was able to acquire such an important company as Power Grid!"

"Eternal energy, this kind of energy in human fantasy, has really come true in the hands of President Ye!"

"It's been verified by an authority!"

When President Chen spoke, there was a brief silence in the audience.

All cheered.

As the power industry, they naturally understand the importance of eternal energy to the power grid.

No wonder Ye Chen suddenly and silently entered the main grid and incorporated the grid as a subsidiary.

The eight reactors of immortal energy can meet the electricity demand of China today.

No wonder Ye Chen asked to stop investment in clean energy and shut down hydropower and thermal power stations!


"Mr. Ye, I'm sorry!"

The person who just retorted was the first to bow his head.

The rest of the supporters also sincerely apologized without hesitation.

I won't say anything about thermal power plants. They know how much pollution they are, but there is nothing they can do. After all, thermal power plants are the most stable source of electricity.

The hydropower station affects the river and ecology. Many migratory fishes are blocked by the construction of the hydropower station and eventually become extinct.

but now.

Eternal energy can perfectly replace hydropower stations and thermal power stations.

China will really usher in lucid waters and lush mountains.

And these are all brought by Ye Chen.

Ye Chen is simply the god of the energy world.


"Okay, sit down!"

Marven Ye didn't mean to blame them and hold them accountable.

He waved his hand at will, motioning everyone to sit down.

Being able to refute yourself under your own power just shows that these people are truly aspiring talents.

Ye Chen's bearing is not so narrow.

Ye Chen looked around the crowd and said lightly: "Your task is very heavy. Within three months, you will select sites across the country and build fourteen eternal energy power stations."

"And the high-voltage transmission network is well matched to ensure that the power generated by the eternal energy can be stably transmitted to all parts of the country!"

"After that, we will gradually close the major power stations across the country to ensure the stability of the power supply during the replacement period!"

"During this period, there can be no accidents, no large-scale power outage in any city, understand?"

Everyone present nodded earnestly.

Mr. Chen said hesitantly: "Mr. Ye, are there more than fourteen eternal energy power stations?"

"Our country's electricity consumption last year was only [-] trillion kilowatt-hours. Even if it increases by [-]% this year, at most nine will be enough. Will there be a waste of resources if there is too much construction?"

Ye Chen heard the words and shook his head: "First of all, after the immortal energy is put into use, I will adjust the national electricity price, and the electricity price will drop greatly!"

"Once the unit price is reduced, many people who were originally reluctant to open high-power electrical appliances, such as air conditioners, electric heating, etc., will be willing to!"

"There are [-] million people in the country with a monthly income of less than [-] yuan. Our goal is to allow them to boldly use high-power heating and cooling equipment to greatly improve their living standards."

"So, after the eternal energy is put into use, the national electricity consumption will rise sharply. This year's electricity consumption is likely to soar by [-]% directly, reaching [-] trillion kilowatt-hours."

When Ye Chen said this, everyone's eyes lit up.

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

Ye Chen actually planned to reduce electricity bills?

This exceeded their expectations.

Originally, they were worried about one thing, and that was if Ye Chen had mastered the power grid, would he be desperate for his own interests.

And now.

They were completely relieved.

And many people looked at Ye Chen with more admiration.

You must know that most capital will not reduce the selling price even if the cost of its own goods becomes lower.

Such is the case with Buick's three-cylinder cars.

The three-cylinder reduced cost and performance for the exact same price as the four-cylinder.

This is the greed of capital.

And what about Ye Chen?

Master the big killer such as eternal energy.

Even if there is no price increase, you can make a lot of money at the original price.

But choosing to lower the price is tantamount to voluntarily giving up a lot of their own interests.

This action is really admirable.

After all, there are a lot of good words in this world.

But there are very few people who are really willing to take their own money.


And Ye Chen didn't finish his words: "Secondly, after the power grid was acquired by me, the market is no longer limited to the domestic market!"

"In the future, I will make the power grid a global power giant!"

"I want the power system of any country in the world to be replaced by the grid!"

"So, don't think that fourteen immortal energy power stations are too many!"

"On the contrary, it is not enough! In the future, we will need to build more eternal energy power stations!"

When Ye Chen finished speaking.

The whole audience was stunned.

They did not expect that Ye Chen's ambitions would be so great.

Want to make the grid expand globally?

This wild vision made many people present with enthusiasm.

. . 0

Although this goal is difficult.

But there is eternal energy, it is not impossible to achieve.

If this goal is achieved, wouldn't the power lifeline of any country in the world be in its own hands?

Thinking of this, the eyes of all the executives shone with light.

They really think at the moment.

The acquisition of the power grid by Ye Chen was not a bad thing, but a good thing.

And their future development may no longer stop at the electric power leader in a certain region of China.

Following Ye Chen, they may be able to become the person in charge of a certain country's electricity.

Thinking of this, everyone is even more excited!


Ye Chen looked at everyone's expressions and smiled.

Drawing a pie to mobilize people's hearts is a simple method.

However, when others draw pie, they will only be disdained by their subordinates.

And Ye Chen painted a big cake, everyone was convinced.

No matter how cheap the electricity produced by immortal energy is, countries cannot easily let the grid control their lifeblood.

It is not difficult for the power grid to develop into some small countries in the future.

But want to master the power of great powers?

That must be under the premise that magic technology has powerful force.

However, immortality energy has now been created.

Have sufficient energy.

The day of gaining powerful force is no longer far away.

Ye Chen looked at President Chen and said seriously: "You continue to be the person in charge of the power grid, and report all matters directly to me!"

"Promote people to fill the vacant leadership as soon as possible!"

"Secondly, you are responsible for all plans. If there is a problem in the middle, you are fully responsible! The entire plan must be kept secret and not leaked."

Mr. Chen heard the words and immediately got up to accept the task: "Mr. Ye, I promise that there will be no problems!"

Ye Chen nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at everyone: "If that's the case, then let's end the meeting! If you have a relationship with you, you can open it when you need it, and don't keep it. If anyone has an opinion, come to me directly!"

Everyone nodded seriously.

Ye Chen got up leisurely and told everyone not to give it away.

Then he left the conference room with Lan Feifei free and easy.

Everyone looked at Ye Chen's back with mixed feelings.

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