None of them expected that what seemed like a dull day turned out to be so magnificent.

After today, the interior of the grid has completely changed.

The future direction of the grid will also be completely different.

All this, just because of that man!


"Is there any news about magic technology recently?"

On the golf course, the commander spoke to the staff who were playing with him.

Although the commander also felt that in the field of nuclear energy, Ye Chen could not produce results too quickly.

But before Ye Chen came up with new technologies that changed the world one after another, the commander was still a little worried.

Hearing the words, the staff shook his head: "Recently, magic technology is very low-key. Except for the construction plan of Xingchen Island, there is no big news."

The great commander nodded with satisfaction.

No movement is fine!

After several months of waiting, the arrival of fifteen nuclear aircraft carriers.

He will let Ye Chen understand how terrible the absolute force value is.

At that time, Ye Chen will naturally pay the price for what he did before!

Thinking of this, the great commander is even happier...

With a ruthless shot, the golf ball crossed a beautiful arc, and then fell into the water... Wan.

Chapter 107

time flies.

In a flash, another three months passed.

In a certain military region with an absurdly high degree of secrecy.

Ye Chen stopped a tank and walked down the exit above, feeling happy.

Here is a huge hidden arsenal.

In front of Ye Chen, there are thousands of refitted active-duty tanks and heavy artillery vehicles, which are extremely spectacular.

And these are the most powerful land combat weapons that have been modified with anti-gravity components.

The old man stood beside Ye Chen, looked at the scene with satisfaction, and said with a smile: "Anti-gravity technology, applied in the military, is extraordinary."

"The mobility of the tank is dozens of times stronger, and there is no need to worry about road problems."

"And the transportation of heavy artillery has also become easier, and you can change the position of heavy artillery at any time to attack the enemy."

"And we still have ten such arsenals!"

"Once there is a crisis outside, hundreds of thousands of anti-gravity heavy equipment can definitely let the enemy know, what is a surprise!"

"You have increased our army's combat power by at least dozens of times!"

The old man opened his mouth with emotion.

Hearing this, Ye Chen nodded.

Anti-gravity technology applied to tanks.

Tanks can march at least three times faster and don't have to worry about terrain anymore.

Even in the mountains, the tank can walk on the ground.

On the ground battlefield, such a tank is simply an invincible killer.

Ye Chen just drove a few laps, and it felt better than driving the anti-gravity supercar just sent by Koenigsegg.


twenty days ago.

The old man invited Ye Chen to come over with the favor of half selling and half giving away from the power grid to guide the military modification and give suggestions.

After receiving the invitation, Ye Chen thought about it and came over.

The main thing is to look at the level of national military power.

Military technology is at least ten years more advanced than civilian technology. This is not empty talk.

Recently, Ye Chen has come into contact with a lot of secrets, which confirms this widely circulated theory.

Also learned a lot of advanced scientific knowledge.

This is a huge inspiration for Ye Chen to build his own protective power of magic technology in the future!


"Okay, the aircraft carrier modification is almost complete, I'm going back!"

Ye Chen waved his hand and prepared to leave.

The old man said with a smile: "This is going to go back? Tanks are cool, but they are far less exciting than fighter jets!"

"Why don't you stay for a while and participate in the modification design of the J[-] fighter?"

"By the way, learn how to control a fighter plane. When the J-[-] with anti-gravity technology is added, the first one will make you enjoy the sky!"

The old man's words made Ye Chen's mouth twitch.

This guy always wants to prostitute himself.

"I don't have time. When I came, I realized that the new product was about to succeed. After I go back this time, I will also prepare to hold a conference to release new products."

Ye Chen waved his hand and directly rejected the old man's delusional desire to prostitute himself.

Being rejected by Ye Chen, the old man was a little disappointed.

But then he said with a chuckle: "A new product is about to be released? Seeing it on the other side of the ocean, I must be completely unable to sit still!"

"However, our modified aircraft carrier is very powerful, which greatly enhances the strength of the navy."

"The Air Force has also grown exponentially."

"In addition to today's genuine world's first army combat power."

There is also confidence and contempt in the eyes of the old man: "Let's release the product with confidence. Today, we are no longer soft persimmons who are bullied by others."

Ye Chen also smiled when he heard this.

This is also the reason why Ye Chen specially came to participate in the modification of the aircraft carrier.

Only with a strong enough force can those ambitious people dare not act rashly!


in the afternoon.

Ye Chen sat in the back seat of the anti-gravity military vehicle that the military region sent him back to Tianhai City.

He leisurely looked at the city scene outside the car window.

After he founded Magic Technology, before he knew it, the world had undergone tremendous changes.

Today, the domestic people basically have a ring of consciousness.

The mobile phone has basically lost the touch screen function.

Among the five vehicles, an anti-gravity new energy vehicle is running on the road.

In many cities, lower cost and more energy-efficient anti-gravity new energy high-speed rails are already under construction.

There are also many cities without subways.

After seeing the low construction cost of the anti-gravity new energy subway, the subway project was launched directly, which made the citizens cheer.

Countless people are enjoying the convenient life brought by new magic technology products.

The changes in people's lives this year have been earth-shaking.

However, this is just the beginning!

Wait for the announcement of Eternal Energy.

Awareness device released.

After the research and development of the consciousness network energy network is popularized, the world will go to a completely different path.

Only then will everyone understand.

The emergence of magic technology has brought about a huge change to the world.


"Mr. Ye! You're finally back!"

A group of researchers in the consciousness laboratory came forward to greet Ye Chen in surprise when they saw Ye Chen.

But Cheng Mengyao, who was wearing a white scientific research uniform and short hair, saw Ye Chen and smiled, and walked over quickly: "Mr. Ye, you came just in time..."

"We didn't let you down. In the more than [-] days since you left, we have integrated all the technologies!"

"We have created a test product, and the first experiment was a perfect success!!"

When Ye Chen heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched.

This did not surprise Ye Chen.

After finishing the immortal energy experiment, Ye Chen devoted his energy to the scientific research of consciousness equipment for the next two months or so.

Ye Chen led the team to overcome all the problems of consciousness equipment within two months.

Next is integration and application.

His team did not seem to have let himself down.

"Good job. After this scientific research is over, each person will receive a bonus of [-] yuan. At the same time, you will be allowed to take your family to travel anywhere in the country for a month. Whether it is for food, accommodation, or play, you will be reimbursed in full!"

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