Just like Zhang Ming, if he invented Douyin in the 3G era, Douyin would definitely not be popular, let alone be popular all over the world.

It is estimated to close down immediately.

This is the importance of supporting facilities.

The rest of the people also nodded their heads when they heard the words.

5g is just barely stable for use.

But like everyone has suggested, the game that looks like the real world must have a huge amount of data.

The existing network can't carry it at all. If such a game is really developed, it must be a skeptical life of the card.

It is estimated that it will take half a minute to taste the taste of the medicine, which will affect the experience too much.

It is estimated that after the 6g, or even the 7g era, ordinary people can truly appreciate the superior performance of consciousness devices.


Ye Chen heard this and smiled slightly: "I'll consider this matter, as long as users can use it temporarily."

"The problem of internet speed can be easily solved!"

Everyone nodded when they heard the words.

Indeed, in this age of business, technology can quickly be upgraded as long as there is demand.

But looking at the current 5G, everyone is a little regretful.

Before, most people on the Internet still felt that 5g was meaningless, and there was no application that had to use 5g network.

As a result, in a blink of an eye, the 5g application has not yet come out, and the 5g network will be eliminated.

I don't know how Huayao will feel after knowing this!


Next, the discussion ends.

Cheng Mengyao will lead the Enlightenment team and cooperate with the laboratory to create an exclusive chip for consciousness equipment.

Ye Chen, on the other hand, went back to the office and enjoyed the beautiful scenery outside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

At this moment, the phone rang.

It was the call from General Manager Chen of the power grid: "General Manager Ye, the fourteen Eternal Life Power Stations have all been constructed and are located in the best locations in China!"

"And our high-voltage power network has also been adjusted to ensure that the electricity generated by the fourteen eternal energy power stations can be perfectly delivered to any place in the country!"

Ye Chen was quite satisfied when he heard the words: "Then let's start shutting down the thermal power station. Don't take too many steps, don't be in a hurry, and ensure stability!"

Mr. Chen, on the other side of the phone, immediately accepted the task: "Mr. Ye, don't worry, we will definitely do it with all our heart, and we will ensure that there will be no mistakes!"

"How is the construction progress of the eternal energy power station on Xingchen Island?"

Ye Chen paid more attention to Xingchen Island.

Now inside Magic Technology, anti-gravity cores have been installed on the entire island of Xingchen Island.

The eternal energy was developed for the take-off of Xingchen Island, so it is natural to build an eternal energy power station on Xingchen Island.

And it's two.

Guaranteed stability, in case there is an accident at an immortal energy power station.

As long as there is another one, it can guarantee the flight of Xingchen Island.

Otherwise, the power is suddenly cut off, and an island will fall directly.

At the height of thousands of meters, the fate of the people on the island need not be said.

The island is fine to fly over the sea.

If it happens to be on the land, the people who are still on the ground are estimated to be even worse, and they will be buried on the spot.

Therefore, Xingchen Island can be satisfied with a single immortal energy.

Still have to invest in two to ensure stability.

"Mr. Ye, the power station project on Xingchen Island has also started. Within two months, it will definitely be completed perfectly!"

On the other end of the phone, Mr. Chen made a package ticket.

But he didn't understand.

With the scale of Xingchen Island, it has a maximum population of three million.

An immortal energy can generate one trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity a year, which is more than enough to supply the whole island, and even nine-tenths of it is wasted.

It would be a waste to build two!

But he didn't question it.

A person like Mr. Ye must have his own considerations when making decisions.

As a subordinate, just do it.


In the days that followed, Ye Chen could be considered to relax for some days.

Not too many trips to the company.

Most of the time in the villa, practicing magic.

This made Ye Chen's magic in the space system more and more profound.

Teleportation, void evasion, space defense and other space spells have all been mastered.

Recently, it has begun to cut space.

The essence of space is no different from water in the eyes of magicians.

It's like taking a glass of water from the depths of the ocean.

The location where the water was taken does not become a vacuum, but is replenished to its original location by other water.

So is space.

And Ye Chen is cutting space in the villa.

As for the cut space, through magic, it can be put into any substance.

Such as the ring in the online novel.

A small ring can accommodate thousands of square meters of space.

As long as Ye Chen is willing and has the energy.

Even in a grain of sand, Ye Chen can stuff a planet-sized space into it.

Of course, it doesn't make sense.

If you really want to do this, Ye Chen is exhausted.

However, creating a large-capacity space ring of tens of thousands of cubic meters for myself is not bad.

With this kind of personal space to carry around, it can also accommodate more magic props.

And in the future, like some magic puppets, there are hundreds of meters high, even thousands of meters high.

This definitely requires a large capacity ring of space.

So, Ye Chen spent half an hour every day cutting the space in the villa and stuffing it into the ring.

Ye Chen can cut more than [-] cubic meters per day on average.

Ye Chen wasn't in a hurry anyway, so he cut leisurely.

The universe is so big and there are so many spaces, it doesn't matter where you cut yourself.

However, Ye Chen's actions caused huge fluctuations in the outside world.


At noon a month later, the sun is shining brightly.

Ye Chen sat leisurely on the roof of the villa basking in the sun.

Suddenly I received a call from the old man: "The recent big news, shouldn't you be responsible for it?"

Ye Chen was stunned when he heard the words.

"What's the big move?"

Your own product has not been released yet, where is the big news?

The old man was obviously speechless: "Look at the news!"

Ye Chen frowned and turned on his phone to check the news.

Surprisingly, I found that the headlines of the news these days were all about astronomy.

When he opened it, Ye Chen was happy!

It turned out that there was a problem with the universe expansion data recently released by major astronomical institutions around the world.

Humans have been observing the universe, and through advanced radio telescopes, it has been observed that the universe is constantly expanding.

But just in the last few days.

The expansion data of the universe released by Huaxia Tianyan was unexpected.

The data shows that in the last few days, the universe has not only stopped expanding, it has even begun to shrink.

Originally, people in the astronomical community thought that there was a problem with the data.

But soon, the data released by major astronomical institutions around the world indicated that the data from Huaxia Tianyan was correct.

Recently, the expansion of the universe has indeed stopped, and it has shrunk a bit.

According to their calculations, the universe shrinks by an average of more than [-] cubic meters per day.

This discovery has made countless professors and scholars boiling.

what is happening?

The universe is no longer expanding and has begun to shrink. Could it be that the universe also has a lifespan?

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