Is it going to decline now?

After billions of years, will the entire universe shrink to the origin?

This discovery was so shocking that some scholars applied for supercomputers, and even began to calculate the position of the shrinkage of the universe...

And the results were even more shocking.

The origin of the contraction of the universe turned out to be on the earth.

After further accurate data, it was found in Tianhai City, China.

This time, the global astronomy community is stunned.

When this data was released to the outside world, the popularity went straight out of the circle and became a hot search on major social platforms around the world.

Some people even think that this cosmic contraction may be man-made.

Is Huaxia secretly developing black hole weapons?

But there are also people who think of magic technology.

Some people think that Ye Chen, the cross-generational genius, may be studying black holes?

But these speculations are not mainstream.

After all, so far, human beings have not figured out the nature of space, let alone developed any black hole weapons.

While Ye Chen watched the news, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Ye Chen has never studied astronomy.

So I didn't expect humans to rely on a Hubble coefficient and a radio telescope to discover even their own cutting space every day.

He even speculated that he was cutting [-] cubic meters of size every day.

It's amazing!

You must know that in another world, even the goddess of magic may not be able to find the expansion or contraction of space.

It has to be said that human technology is more powerful than gods in some respects.

Ye Chen casually flipped through the page and saw an article from the media.

The title is "Hua Tiancai Ye Chen's new research has affected the entire universe! 》

The standard UC title, the comments are all scolding the author's brain.

However, the corner of Ye Chen's mouth twitched a bit.

Because, this is really what you do!

I planned to make a storage ring myself, but I didn't expect such a big movement.


Although there was such a big commotion.

But, Ye Chen will dare next time!


"Are you really building a black hole?"

After waiting for a while, the old man spoke again.

He had a feeling that this major event was really caused by Ye Chen.

After all, Ye Chen has even created the energy of immortality. Now it seems that it is not impossible to study black holes on a whim.

"I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!"

Ye Chen came directly to deny Sanlian.

On the other side of the phone, the old man was silenced by Ye Chen's righteous voice.

He is more certain!

"Just don't blow up the earth!"

The old man is a little worried about this now.

Bie Huaxia hasn't risen yet, and Ye Chen first blew up the earth.

Ye Chen was also happy when he heard the words: "It really has nothing to do with me, their test data must be wrong!"

The old man had nothing to do with Ye Chen.

After a few more chats, I hung up the phone!

Ye Chen returned to the room with a wicked look and started cutting the space again.

Today, Ye Chen wants to cut [-] cubic meters.


When major astronomical institutions released the latest data again, countless astronomical scientists were shocked.

The speed of the universe's contraction has increased tenfold again?

Yesterday, a full [-] cubic meters shrunk?

Could it be that the contraction rate of the universe will continue to increase tenfold in the future?Will it get faster?

Doesn't that mean that in a few decades, the entire universe will be gone?

When someone thinks of this, their face turns white...

Some people even think that the universe is about to be destroyed, and humanity is finished!

As a result, the next day, the data of major institutions returned to normal, and the universe actually expanded again.

This left countless people scratching their heads.

But it's also a relief.

The universe is back to normal.

As a result, in the following days, the expansion data of the universe will change every day.

Sometimes shrinks.

Sometimes swell.

Countless astronomy circles looked at this unusual data and doubted life...

Universe, what happened?


And this was obviously Ye Chen's intention.

But today, Ye Chen has no time to tease astronomers around the world.

Lan Feifei called.

The chip of its own consciousness device has been successfully taped out.

And the consciousness equipment has also been manufactured, waiting for Ye Chen's acceptance...

Chapter 109

After getting the message.

Ye Chen stopped teasing with astronomers around the world.

The significance of consciousness equipment to Ye Chen is very important, and it is related to the popularization of the consciousness network.

Just like the Internet, it needs mobile phones and computers to grow so rapidly and spread all over the world.

And so does the Web of Consciousness.

Consciousness network equipment will become the replacement of all personal terminals such as mobile phones and computers.

The changes to the world are far more profound than imagined.


When Ye Chen came to the laboratory.

Cheng Mengyao saw Ye Chen, her gentle eyes were like water, and her pretty face was as if rouge had fainted in the water, which was amazingly beautiful.

She greeted Ye Chen with joy: "Mr. Ye, you are here!"

"The design of the chip was completed so quickly, and the tape-out was successful. You have contributed!"

Ye Chen nodded to Cheng Mengyao with satisfaction, and spoke in admiration.

Cheng Mengyao hurriedly shook his head: "The main reason is that the functional logic has been set up, and we have our own chip factory with perfect infrastructure, so that we can make the chip tape out so quickly!"

Cheng Mengyao did not take credit.

After finishing speaking, Cheng Mengyao picked up a small mithril chip and showed it to Ye Chen.

This is a chip specially built for consciousness equipment, and all functional logic has been condensed into it.

But this chip is forty-five nanometers.

Because of the powerful performance of the Mithril chip.

It has put foreign high-end lithography machine technology into an embarrassing situation.

In the end, they lifted the technical restrictions on Huaxia, which was regarded as a stop loss.

And Tianhai Microelectronics Company bought a lot of advanced technology.

Now a fully self-contained 45nm lithography machine has been launched.

And in order to thank Magic Technology for its help, we directly upgraded Magic Technology's lithography machine for free.

Therefore, the Mithril chips manufactured by Magic Technology have been upgraded to the 45-nanometer level.

Compared with the original 90nm, the performance has been doubled again.

After all, the amount of information to be processed by the consciousness device is huge, and the 45-nanometer Mithril chip can better ensure the user experience.

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